Anyway, I have the advantage, so I have nothing to fear!

Xiao Qiong was in a good mood and sat in her brother's seat, swinging her legs. She was in a very happy mood. It seemed that her life at school was not as dangerous as she thought. At least, the girls around her brother were not a big threat.

She still had a better chance.

Oh~ If she didn't want to investigate the girls around her, she wouldn't want to go out. She felt that playing games, eating snacks and reading novels written by her brother at home was more interesting.

"Xia Xia! Xia Xia! Xia Xia!"

Dai Wei's soft and cute anxious voice came.

The lovely Dai Wei ran to Xia Qiu in a panic, holding a piece of takoyaki and raised the takoyaki in her hand high!

"Xia Xia! I made it! Super delicious takoyaki, come and try it."

Dai Wei's eyes were shining, and she looked at Xia Qiu with starry eyes, as if she really wanted Xia Qiu to taste the takoyaki she made.

"I succeeded in making this in one go. Although He He helped, it was still made by me! Hehehe, I want to let Xia Xia try the takoyaki I made. Hehehe, it’s my first time."

"You guy……"

If it weren't for the words"I helped you, my parents", Xia Qiu would never want to eat the food made by Dai Wei, fearing that it was some indescribable dish. Since you and your parents let Dai Wei come, it means that at least this takoyaki is fine.

"Hi, but I have to help make crepes now, so I don’t have time yet. Why don’t you put it aside? I’ll go try it later."

Xia Qiu raised his hand and pointed to the flour and jam in his hand.

"Is that so? But it won't taste good if it gets cold? Why don't I feed Xia Xia?"

Dai Wei said as he ate a takoyaki.


Then he held it in front of Xia Qiu, motioning Xia Qiu to eat it.

This guy...really can't read the atmosphere? Speaking of such an intimate gesture, I'm afraid only a careless person like Dai Wei can do it.

Xia Qiu already felt two needle-like gazes staring at him, eh? Why two?

It's normal for a little golden retriever to be jealous, who is the other one?

But since Dai Wei is like this, how can Xia Qiu, as an old father, not enjoy it?

He ate the takoyaki fed by Dai Wei, the taste was just okay, fortunately this guy really didn't put anything weird in it, and he was still reliable with adults.

"How is it? How is it? Is Xia Xia delicious?"

Seeing Xia Xia eat it, Dai Yi waited expectantly for Xia Qiu's evaluation

"It's ok, not bad, Dai Wei did a good job"

"Good! Xia Xia, remember to finish all of this!! I'll go back and get busy first."

Dai Wei is just like this, but he is very decisive when he takes action. In short, he does whatever he wants.

But it's this kind of Dai Wei that makes him cute.

"Yo yo yo, Xia Xia, remember to finish eating it all. Tsk~ Someone must be very happy now, with such a cute girl feeding you."

Ying Lili crossed her arms in dissatisfaction, as if she was jealous of the two people's behavior just now.

It was really abominable, she had never fed Xia Qiu before, but she was so intimate with other girls! Really... really shameless!

"She is a member of my club. That girl is quite careless. Could it be that our cute little golden retriever is jealous?"

"I didn’t!!!!"

Ying Lili retorted dissatisfiedly! But the blush on her face had already betrayed her.

But... okay, just a little bit, but how could the proud little golden retriever really say that she was jealous? And she really cared to death! Why did that girl just now get so close to Xia Qiu! And even call her a special name! What about mine? I don’t have any!

Suddenly, an inexplicable sense of crisis surged in her heart, and Ying Lili could not ignore this sense of crisis.

And in Xia Qiu’s seat, Xiao Qiong was panting nervously, and telling herself to stay calm! Stay calm!

It’s just that the first feeding is gone, and there are many first times with Oni-chan, and this one is not missing, so stay calm! Stay calm!

But that girl just now... At the beginning, Xiao Qiong raised the other party’s danger index by several points, dear... The nicknames and actions made Xiao Qiong's hair stand on end! Her brother's cheating radar almost went off!

However, if you observe carefully, you will find that the relationship between the two is more like... father and daughter? Xiao Qiong always feels like a father playing with his child.

It shouldn't be a problem, so for the time being, let's put this girl's alert index a little higher than that of the blonde.

Damn it, my heart, which had just settled down, is in turmoil again! My brother is more popular in school than I thought.

Maybe because Xiao Qiong was guessing, she ignored the interaction between Yinglili and Xia Qiu, otherwise she would be jealous again.

Next, Xia Qiu is going to take Xiao Qiong to the light music club with him. As for the stall setting up in the class, it can be left to others. After all, we can't let Xia Qiu do it alone, right?

"Everyone in the light music club is very nice. I believe Xiao Qiong must like them very much."


A group of girls!!!

Xiao Qiong was completely in the dark and almost fainted in her brother's arms. There are actually some!??!!!!!!

Now she has to pay attention to her brother's social life at school!

Next! Xiao Qiong must keep her eyes open! Eliminate all dangers and difficulties! Try to keep a closer eye on Onii-chan! She will never be snatched away by others!

"Hey, the president is back!"

"Xia Xia is here!"

"Qiuqiu is back!"

"Good afternoon, President."

Various voices rang out, and as expected, they were all girls. Looking at the various girls in the light music club, Xiao Qiong understood that this was her brother's club member. It was really... a bunch of beautiful girls!

How come her brother was surrounded by beautiful girls!


Looking at the girls of different shapes and colors in the light music club, the one with a wide forehead was a bit careless, calling Onii-chan"President"... It seemed that there should be no big problem. I couldn't see her love for Onii-chan in her eyes for the time being. If I was not mistaken, or it was just caring for her friends? Anyway, Xiao Qiong didn't think she liked Onii-chan.

The girl who was a bit silly and cute, I had seen it myself, and she had a good relationship with Onii-chan, but it was limited to friends, so there was no need to worry.

The girl with long black hair, a little restrained... There shouldn't be any big problem, so ignore it.

As for the girl who looked like a young lady... She called Onii-chan"Qiuqiu", and her eyes were full of tenderness, especially when she looked at Oni-chan! The tenderness in her eyes was about to drip out of water!

Rival! Definitely a rival! A love rival has appeared!

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