"How old are you? Mom and Dad can relax and let you play alone?"

"TangTang will soon be three years old." TangTang answered as she took a small step back, passing by Chi Yichen, she squatted beside the wheel and carefully stuffed the rocks under it.

However, for some reason, the old lady laughed and felt her eyes water up. She looked at the child with a pained expression and said, "This sensible child, he really pained grandmother …"

His heart felt as if it had been scratched by the small hand that was like a feather. It felt soft and itchy.

The old lady looked at the big and small in front of her, laughing so hard that one could not even see her teeth.

She, as a grandson, had never liked children. He was afraid of being noisy and had no patience.

At this moment, he was actually able to get along well with the little guy who he had never met before. It was truly a wondrous sight.

TangTang locked the wheelchair onto a flat spot, TangTang happily stood up, the soft back of her hand carelessly rubbed against her forehead, with a thoughtless look, she looked more and more like that person.

However, she was too thin, so thin that she could no longer be seen …

"TangTang, we're going back." The voice of a nearby nurse rang out.

"This is bad!" TangTang cried out in alarm, she hurriedly covered her face with the mask.

After all, she was still young and her movements were young and tender, making it impossible for her to do anything.

Chi Yichen found it funny and reached out to help her stroke it. The mask instantly returned back to his face, only that there were many small finger marks on the originally pure white surface.

"Uncle can't complain to the nurse."

Chi Yichen laughed, "Alright!"

The old lady was shocked that her eldest grandson would be so patient with a child.

Her big darling had always hated little kids, but today she had broken the rules of his life for over thirty years.

The old lady almost burst into tears. "Hey grandson, you finally look like a father now. Have you thought it through? Do you want a child now?"

The old lady was overjoyed, and nodded at TangTang's little nose that was covered by a mask, "Little scoundrel."

The nurse came over and saw the small mark on the mask.

Her eyebrows creased slightly, and she softly lectured, "The nurse said that TangTang's resistance is too low, and that she can't take off her mask."

TangTang's weird little head drooped down, obediently admitting her mistake, "TangTang won't do that again."

The nurse's gaze fell on Chi Yichen and his face unconsciously flushed red. He explained in a low voice, "TangTang is leukemia, if you're not careful, you'll get infected."

She was fated to not get a reply from Chi Yichen, so she could only leave with TangTang awkwardly.

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