Ye Anan felt that her brain was completely still, she asked anxiously, "Didn't you say that we could introduce some kind of medicine to stabilize the disease?"

"That's what I'm going to tell you next. The medicine has come back, and we tried to give the child a try, but the child did not develop an allergic reaction, which is a very good phenomenon. Medicine can be used, and the effects can also be seen. When a child has gastroenteritis, there is no complication. It can be said that a large part of the credit is due to this drug. "

The doctor handed the list over. "Here's the bill, you have to pay if you want to use this medicine. The original deposit was deducted as early as last month. There is still an outstanding balance here. Take a look. "

She sent the results to the old lady and thanked her for her help.

The old lady sat on the sickbed, without even wearing her reading glasses, her small eyes half-closed as she read the text, sighing in disappointment.

"Is it really not?"

Chi Yichen, who was sitting in the ward looking at the old lady's latest medical report, raised his head when he heard his, "What's not?"

The old lady put the phone away happily, "I saw a play where there was a child without a father, but it was very similar to the male lead. The mother said that the child was not the male lead's child, but I always felt that it should be the child of the Lord. But how could there be such a coincidence under the heavens?

As Chi Yichen listened, he lowered his head again and continued to read the report in his hands.

The old lady glanced at her grandson in dissatisfaction. "I was asking you a question?"

Chi Yichen finally put down the thing in his hand and looked towards the old lady, "You want to know the result? Just make DNA. So, you should watch less TV in the future. "The things inside are too childish."

Chi Yichen's words enlightened the old lady. That's right, why didn't she think of that!

"Let me watch less TV, please find something for me to do. For example, to have a great-grandson to help me relieve my boredom? "

Chi Yichen stood up, "I have something that I need to find a doctor for, so I'll be leaving first."

Chi Yichen turned around and left. The old lady pointed at his back and scolded, "What kind of temper does this brat have? "Tell me clearly, which turtle egg taught you …"

Ye Anan put the payment form into her pocket with a frown. Just as she was about to return to TangTang's sickroom, a phone call came in.

She was already at the door of the ward. Through the glass, she could clearly see the sleeping appearance of the children in the ward.

"An Nan, something big happened, let's check it out for Party A, and the first draft has been exposed. Right now, the internet is filled with our sketches." Jing Lie said on the other side of the phone in a flurry of emotions.

"Impossible!" Ye Anan immediately frowned, "I drew all of the blueprints myself, and only the few of us know about it, as well as the person in charge of Party A, have seen them. Other than them, no one else knows."

"I will investigate this matter. You can go online now and search. I'll immediately gather everyone and go back to the company for a meeting. "

After Jing Lie hung up, he immediately used his phone to check the internet.

Indeed, it was as Jing Lie had said. The sketches of the appearances of all the houses were like webs full of useless pictures.

Other than Ye Anan's signature that wasn't written on the paper, there were some marks on the paper that she hadn't wiped clean yet.

The blueprints for these types of cities couldn't be used as a special supply at all.

Ye Anan was so angry that she could barely breathe.

She forced herself to calm down for a moment, and immediately gave Tang Jiu a call, saying that she had important matters to attend to at the company. If she had time, she would come to the hospital to accompany TangTang.

Tang Jiu agreed as Ye Anan reminded him once again, "Don't ever bring anything for her to eat."

After hanging up, Ye Anan entered the ward and kissed the child's forehead. She called the nurse and rushed back to the office.

Lie Yang Group.

Jing Lie waved his hand and dispersed the meeting, leaving Ye Anan and Gu Xiyue behind.

Ye Anan stared at the blueprints on the projection wall, then opened her mouth to break the silence of the three, "All these blueprints were personally drawn by me, it must have been a mistake on the part of the three of us."

Gu Xiyue was very lively, and coupled with the fact that she had graduated from a famous school and was in a big company like Jingshi, he was naturally very proud and arrogant.

"Boss Ye, are you making it clear that I leaked the blueprints?"

"Is that you?" Ye Anan asked her directly.

Gu Xiyue sneered.

Originally, she came to help her cousin with the project, but in the end she was arranged to be Ye Anan's assistant.

She was unhappy, and it was one thing to ask her to be an assistant to a woman who had no design experience and had been in prison.

However, she had been working diligently, wholeheartedly devoted herself to this project. If something were to happen, the first person this woman would suspect would be herself!

This was simply an extraordinary shame and humiliation!

Thinking of this, Gu Xiyue no longer held back.

"Why would Director Ye suspect me? I am Jingdong's cousin, why should I do something that would harm the company? On the other hand, Director Ye is worthy of my suspicions. After all, Director Ye has a past record! "


Jing Lie slammed the folder on the table, "Is it time to argue about who leaked the blueprints? Now is the time to think of a way to save them! "

The meeting room suddenly became so quiet that a pin drop could be heard.

Jing Lie exhaled, and suppressed his emotions, "Xi Yue, as your assistant, if something happens, your responsibility will definitely not escape. If you don't talk about the matter, what nonsense are you spouting? "

Jing Lie's words were harsh to Gu Xiyue.

She immediately lowered her head, her eyes red and no longer daring to speak.

Jing Lie ignored her. He turned around and said to Ye Anan in a low voice, "An Nan, I believe Xi Yue would not do such a thing."

Ye Anan said with a calm face. Although what she said before was true, she did not believe that Gu Xiyue had done it.

After all, she didn't need to.

Not Gu Xiyue. Although they had seen it before, they did not have a script for it, so it was impossible.

The picture that appeared on the internet was obviously her script scanning device. This kind of thing was only available on her computer!

"We have to find a solution, and also investigate the reason behind the leak." Ye Anan said coldly.

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