"Immediately attach the amzo…… No, Cadillan (the head of the amzo) himself."


Duke Dubled's gaze touched Duke Valois before his arms were bent and his waist faded.

The Duke of Valois brought Mireille, a provincial worker, to the Islands after he had already found out.

In the air, the eyes of the two men sharply hit each other.

* * *

That night.

I kept the gifts and letters from the tea party invitees well and sat on the couch.

When the three maids saw me scratching my legs with a single face, they laughed.

"You must have enjoyed the refreshment today."

"Yeah, it was fun."

They were all lazy and kind people. I decided to go and play with my peers when the day was over.

'I've never been to play with a peer friend!'

As soon as I got back, I marked the day off on my calendar, and I was just waiting to go out to play.

'And the Duchess of Valois' party was a mess. '

If she's the one I know, not only is she rolling her belly, but she's rolling the table! Sweep away and say, "I've been hit like this, what is he doing! 'I was going to pour out a grudge on my husband.

He smiles grossly into the air, and the outside of the room becomes shabby.

After the maids opened the door and looked at the situation a little.

"You must have come home."

"Then I want to say hello."

"Yes, baby."

I quickly opened the door and headed to the first floor.

Normally, however, there is no father who is greeted by the midwife and is told by the butler about the mansion.

I grabbed one of the employers who was scattering horns and asked.

"Where's Dad?"

"You didn't get a greeting, and you went straight to the library."

"What's going on?"

"I don't know. You have a bad look, but....."

I tilted my head and headed to my father's library.

What happened at the meeting? '

The Emperor clings tirelessly to the work of long distance travellers and may have done something to provoke him to anger.

I was trying to catch my father's library doorknob, and a voice came out.

"It's likely Mireille received the Duke of Valois's lordship? I was also told that she, who was a prostitute in the province, had come up to the Isle of Duchy of Valois in her favour. But soon after she came to the Islands, the Duke lost interest in her."

It was the voice of his aunt. What was heard since was the word of John.

"Yes, he was disturbed to see Duke Valois again, and he was stranded by his wife, and he was horribly beaten and expelled from the Islands."

You get kicked out with a horrible look?

"No way! Is that her? '

The arrogant prostitute who came to the mansion in her second life.

'No, that's ridiculous. I saw her myself. It looks completely different from Mireille!'

No look, no voice, no place resembled Mireille.

Although she was a beautiful woman with a rich body, she had red-brown hair and dark green eyes.

'If she's sure, it's not just gold that makes her young.'

It is the creation of a completely different body, like tearing the soul apart and pasting it into someone else's body.

'But does that make sense?'

You can change your appearance.

Seria also hides her identity through such magic.

However, the magic that modifies the appearance is only available for a limited time per day, but it also costs an astronomical amount.

There can be no such thing as an empowerment in Valois who has spent money on developing mid-range movers, and most importantly,

'You couldn't have captured Dubled's Maestro and Veronica.'

They are the best wizards in an empire where magic has risen.

The visitation continued to leak. This time it was my dad.

"It is true that the man of erythema found out through the ghost has been in contact with Duke Valois."

At that time, my communication stone blinked.

I looked around and pulled out the comms stone. It was Seria's code.

[I caught the tail of the 'guest' who bought the baby's abduction. It's a guy with erythema on his back of hand. I would like to postpone the content of the accent and dialogue to make it look like I am a native of the Isle of Man, a nobleman.]

I spilled the real small.

It seems that the evil battle with Duke Valois will not end with a movement.

There are now no gentle and foolish Leblans who, even if they are right, have not even asked why they were wronged.

If I receive it, I will return it as I have received it, and I will have to listen to it by tearing my mouth.

I replied to Seria, who looked down at the Communication Stone with a dry face.

[Withdraw my money in full and prepare the soldiers who grew up in the defence and the craftsmen who were released throughout the Islands. Get the Duke of Valois.]

And I caught Etwal.

The time has come to use the first title acquired through Pymon.

* * *

Dawn that day.

I went to the Hope Merchant Guild within the Islands Shop District. The Chairman, who received my call, was also with me.

"Are you here, shorty?"

Seria welcomed us.

I groaned, groaning and lay on the couch with a whimsical face.

"All long-distance travellers are good, but once they move, they are very drunk....."

Seria stretches her eyebrows and gives me cold water. The Chairman also knocked on my back.

"Please wait as Veronica is being upgraded to make it easy to move into the body of a child."

I groaned and breathed cold water.

Then he sighed and looked at the two of them.

"Did you confirm the story you told me as a communication stone?"

It was said that the 'guest' was most likely related to Duke Valois.

I heard the sound of Siria's idle bird.


"All right, let's share what we've investigated."

It was the Chairman who took out the documents first.

"It was three years ago that Duke Valois met Mireille. It was brought to the Islands in early last year. His real name is Amber Flanders."

He then took out a portrait of Mireille's original appearance and a portrait of a child who had come to the castle.

Then Seria's face hardened.


Ceria's hands trembled less with a portrait of Mireille as a child.


"Brother, brother of the Hope One!"

"….. Did 'Guest' make Mireille?"

I must have bought the children of Hope to find a child similar to a baby bird.

"If you do that, the other children……."

When I muttered, the Chairman said in a dry voice.

"It would have taken countless experiments to move the soul perfectly."

"I'm going to tear it...!!"

Seria screams. I could see her fury in the red eyes with a jacquard thread.

I stare at Seria, who has drawn Nicole's portrait with a penetrating expression.

The Chairman grabbed her shoulders as she felt dizzy.

"Calm down. To tear the limbs of the Beasts, we must swallow even the tears of blood now."

His lips were hypnotized and the sardines said as if Seria were gasping.

"…… I have confirmed the asset status of Duke Valois. The warehouse was empty, and I think I borrowed a lot of money, from the Duke of Marseille, to the banks, to the annuities. It won't last three months at the moment."

"But if you hand over all the production and distribution rights of the medium-range movers to the temple and ask for a tangent, you will be able to rehabilitate."

"…… If Duke Valois is right behind the 'guest' who bought his brothers, he can never let them be rehabilitated."

Seeing the look on Seria's face, I nod.

"You can't miss this opportunity. To swallow the whole Valois."

"Do you have a way of thinking about it?"

On the Chairman's question, I shrugged.


"…… Yes?"

"The Duke of Valois is a conservative family in a historic country. That's how strong the connection with the other nobles is. I don't have any money right now, but I have a vast territory, so it will be resolved soon. That doesn't mean we can't have a war. The emperor won't give you permission to join the Conservative family in the country."


"Eventually, the only trick is to find out how they made Mireille, and if it was the thorough nature of the Duke of Valois, they would have finished the process so that Mireille wouldn't be caught in the tail shortly after it failed."

"You know very well."

So what are you gonna do? I grinned and grabbed Etwal with a smile.

"If the three of you can't figure out how to hit your head, you need to borrow some other wisdom."


I gave Etwal a little sacred power.

Then Etwal appeared in the room with the same light.

"Let me introduce you. It's my first family!"

They opened their mouths, looking at the black-haired man who appeared with the light.

A black haired man with a debt of Nablus smiled.

"Wo Dragon greets the owner."

Even the emperor was a centuries-old soldier who made a few steps in vain.

"Now, lend us wisdom. How can we rob our enemies so they won't budge?"

At the end of the century, with a clear smile, the soldier lifts his eyebrows.

* * *

The soldiers of the century, who heard the situation from us, folded their debts to make the sound of murmuring, groaning and indignation.

"Is it so hard to tear your soul apart and attach it to another body?"

"Yes. There is no magic in this world. How did he do it?"

"I don't know how, but I can tell by the identity of the caster."

"…… how?"

"If it can't be done by human hands, it's the power of a non-human."

The power of a non-human person…….

I hardened my forehead.

"Yes, that's it. Why didn't I think of that when I used their powers?"


I blinked as if Seria meant something.



"You summoned the devil!"

It is now clear why so many children of hope were needed.

It's not just for experimentation. I borrowed the power of the devil by mediating the souls of the children.

I looked at the army of the century with a blemish.

"Then the only way to tear Valois apart...!"

"I heard there's an apostolic trial here."

I thought, wrapped around my cheeks.

'I picked the right one!'

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