"Did the three of you enter the Marquis of Nordeli in search of Tesla's records?"

The Chairman looked at me with a panicked face. I replied roughly by painting on paper with a serious expression.


"No matter how much more powerful that side is, it's a noble family. There's no way the Emperor can see it. Knowing Tesla's records have been taken, I'm sure they're the children of evil destiny who brought you down. If Duke Marche knew, he would say Moore."

"It was Marquis Nordeli who raided my father."

Then the Chairman opened his eyes wide. After completing the painting on paper, I looked up at him.

"Didn't you want to organize the Grand Noble Raid as Marquis Schuheil?"

I made Marquis Shuhail the culprit of the Great Noble Raid the other day. That's why I didn't press charges against Linda.

I shrug my shoulders and let go of Crepas.

"The only thing that identified Marquis Shuhail was to strike Duke Marche. His back ship is the Duke of Marche. I'm trying to make time until my dad gets back from battle."

"What if……?"

"It was Nodeli who attacked my father the first time. In the first place, as soon as my dad got back, I just got what I needed from Nodeli, and I tried to make him the culprit."

"But Duke Marche will doubt our purpose."


I took a piece of paper and showed it to the Chairman.

"This is what we need."


At last I heard a knock. I said, "Come in." Trigon came in.

"Did you call?"

"Yes, I have something to tell you."

"What is it?"

"This picture. Can you engrave it on my body? I just want it to come to mind when I need it, but is it possible?"

"It's not that hard. But what the hell is that...?"

The Chairman and Trigon were doubtful expressions. I answered with my mouth raised.

"Sentence from a child destined for the Lord Neriad."

That damn pattern that appeared on Mina's heel and proved she was a child of real destiny.

There are three conditions for a "child of destiny."

1. To be born on February 29.

2. There shall be divine power.

3. Express the Crest of God.

I met conditions 1 and 2 to become a child of destiny, but I couldn't be real because I didn't meet condition 3.

But what if God's crest is expressed in my body?

'Marsh and the Temple, who don't know who the real destined child is, will be forced to think of me as real.'

There were very few people who knew God's crest until Mina came.

Only the Pope and the Emperor of all time.

'The Pope understands how the Emperor knew, and this sentence was also in the Founding Emperor.'

He was the one that Neriad God sent down before Mina.

When I grinned badly, the Chairman's eyes narrowed. It was clear that he was tapping the main ball into his head. At the mouth of the chairman who finished Shem, a smile similar to mine came to mind.

"You don't just need Tesla's records, you don't just need evil children. If you are a child of Neriad God, you will need it even more."

"That's right."


"Even if I think about it."

Then we looked at Trigon.

"Now, draw it. Perfectly!"

As I put out my foot, Trigon bends his knee with a sigh.

It was not difficult to inscribe a sentence on a footstool. In just a few minutes, I was able to produce the first sentence of my life that I had so hoped for.

I blew my divine power over the black pattern created by Trigon. The pattern shines and the flowers decorated on the vase on the table are revived.

The sentence of Mina I saw in my first life was not any different.

"Oh, I'm going to die....."

He maintains purple, but it felt like his whole body was losing its power by exerting divine power.

'I can't take Manara away from anywhere.'

I frowned at the chairman and Trigon, who still stood so fat.

"What are you doing?"



"Go now and tell them that I have expressed the pattern of God!"

The two of you who were blindfolded by my words said, "Ah." I ran out of the greenhouse.

* * *

The empire was overturned.

Marquis Nordelli, who attacked the Duke of Dublin with Dublin's spectacular back, was blunt as a member of the Grand Noble Raid.

Marquis Schuheil, who had been in Oxa for a long time, was released, but Hosaga heard that he had made a pact with Nodeli for the great nobility.

Marquis Shuhail complained of injustice, but no one believed.

There was a subtle atmosphere between Marquis Nodeli and Marquis Schuheil before the Great Noble Raid.

Of course, it was also the power of Dubled's splendid hind duke.

John easily captured the deacon of the Nordeli family, who was fed up with Marquis of Nordeli, using Dubled's convenience, and Henri, the naturalist of the polls, led the atmosphere.

But the bigger commotion…….

"You said to the Dublin infant that you expressed the Crest of God? He collapsed for a full month due to the shock of expressing the sentence."

"Oh, my God. The Dublin spirit was real after all."

"Isn't the temple too much? You boiled so deep in the Dublin family because you hid something related to God's Crest."

"In fact, I wonder why people who don't know the exact truth think Dublin's infatuation is fake. Not enough divine power, is it? From the temple, it was said that she might be a fake."

"A child is a foetus. In fact, the Temple only compels the faithful to make contributions, but nothing goes right."

"But it's weird, isn't it? Why do you keep telling a child of destiny that God's crest will be revealed? If you saw the fake story coming out of the temple, you wouldn't know anything about God's Crest."

"You didn't create it thinking it might not be a child of fate, did you? They couldn't be sure, so they floated so easily."

"You used a child. It's horrible."

Even though the child of destiny expresses the Crest of God, there is a man who follows the sanctity of Neriad. Humble tales are predominant.

It was revealed that the people of the temple wanted to take power using the child of destiny.

Both the sadness and sanctity of the third generation were directed at LeBlaine. Even the faithful who wanted to meet the child without going through the temple were born.

* * *

I laughed at the letters from the Emperor and the zealous Nerias.

'Okay, okay. Things are going well.'

Neriad's influence is diminished, and instead my status is increased.

I couldn't even count the nobles who wanted to meet me.

'Of course, even in temples that fell on fire on their footstools.'

From the diocese, which had always excluded Juglan, he sent me to the Cardinal himself to find me. The Pope wants to see me.

"My lady, Cardinal Loam is still here today. When will I say no?"

When Leah asked me, I put a cookie in her mouth and said,

"Yeah, I'm sick of overeating."

"Are you sick?!"

Then the maids and the workers of the mansion jumped and became confused.


"Let the lady get sick!"

"I need a doctor right now!"

….. Why do our employees get weirder over time?

I opened my eyes and said, "If the Cardinal asks why..... say so." I said.

Then the noticeably reassuring employers said, "Wise lady!" I left Rulurala's room.

Then I jumped out of bed.

"The Duke of Marche would have pooped properly, right?"

"I told Nodeli Chamberlain that the trainers had robbed Nodeli of Tesla's records in the temple. The Temple didn't even know that Tesla's records were in Nodeli's hands until now, so I doubt Marche's intentions."

"All right, then let's go."

"To Marche?"

"Yes, you should raise the pills properly."

Of course I get what I get.

I found me, Duke Marche, without even knowing the temple.

Henri and Ishak were worried about what they might do to me in Marche, but my father told me to go.

Ever since I shared my past, my father has unconditionally trusted me.

When I told him I was here, Duke Marche entered the mansion immediately.

'Fur. If anything happens to me, it's modern.'


Blue has a sharp tongue, but now I know it means I will. He was a demon who expressed his heart as grumbling.

"Hello, Duke."

"..... what did the Immortal find me for?"

"I have a question."

I clenched my hands deliberately with a naive expression.

"To me?"

"I don't know why, but you've been dreaming ever since this happened."


Oh, it was like an old work mentor.

The duc's eyes narrowed, so I quickly changed my words.

"So, to be precise, he looks like the Duke."

I knew it with Tesla's records. I know that one of the people who took the adventure with him was Duke Marche's ancestor.

'I wrote down the name of the prestigious household.'

I thought you were crazy.

Yes, I would have had a lot of footprints. I don't know which of the children of Evil God and the child of Neriad God will win.

Marche's invitationist household also hung my name openly after the Evil God Child won.

'Though, Marche's invitation was given to Ivan and the late Emperor of the Founding Emperor at the end of the war.'

So I knew.

It may be that Duke Marche was proud of Marquis Nodeli to get rid of Tesla's record as the Dentist of the Marche family.

'It's known as the National Liberation Movement, but if you actually helped Ivan, there's no such shame.'

The emperor is right to want to diminish the power of Emperor Yvonne. He is pleased, and will try to take half of the territory he was sworn to be.

'But you're a bad grandfather.'

Duke Marche did not reveal any deception in his face.

It was still an outrageous look, even though the Ozzongs have been robbing Tesla's records.

'Yeah, it's no use.'

I swallowed a smile and stretched my eyebrows.

"What does a man like Duke Marche keep asking for Tesla's records?"

"Someone who looks like me...."

"I asked you to get rid of Tesla's records for generations to come."


"It's in Nodeli's hands. So we brought the records."

I pulled Tesla's record out of the bag.

The Duke's eyes grew when he saw it.

"Do you want to make a deal with me?"


"Are you trying to mock me?"

That's right!

I thought so, but I took off my punch and made a sad face.

"I was going to give it to you, but if you don't like it....."

When I slipped my hand on the book, Duke Marche hurriedly grabbed my wrist.

'I know it's urgent, Grandpa.'

"Why are you giving this to me?"

"I just……. I just thought it would be good if this helped Duke Marche...."


"My aunt did. My father was busy because he didn't get along well with Duke Marche."

My grandfather keeps fighting with my father because of the Valois. You know what?

"… so?"

"So I want to get acquainted. When you get to know the Duke, he won't be too busy. Again, the Duke seems lonely...."

"What do you mean?"

"My dad did. The more powerful you are, the lonelier you are."


"I don't know, but a lonely person needs a friend. I'll be your friend!"

I smiled brightly and Duke Marche, who was staring at me like that, smiled faintly.

"Better than his son....."

"Will you be a friend?"

"Will you show me the Crest of God?"

I put out my slutty foot. His eyes tremble thinly as he carefully touches my shoes.

'The sentence is real, isn't it, Grandpa?'

I thought my head was shattered when I thought of this pattern in detail.

"It's an honor to be friends with a child of destiny. I've been looking forward to the day we meet before you were born."


"Thank you for the record. I want to repay you for giving me what I needed. Do you have any wishes?"

I squeezed my fingers and pretended to be embarrassed.

"It's all right, so I'm just gonna say it."

"Hey..... Linda's not a bad maid."

"The maid who accused Marquis Shuhail."

"I thought you did something bad, but you didn't. My dad said maybe Linda wanted to help me. So he lied that he did something bad...."

When I spoke softly, Duke Marche knocked on my shoulder.

"Don't worry. I'll take care of it."

I come! I raise my arms, screaming.

'Thank you!'

And I'm sorry.

It's actually a fake record.

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