Greedy men gathered throughout the Empire gathered in front of the middlemen and shouted.

"This is your youngest daughter!"

"Bullshit! Look. You have such dazzling silver hair and blue eyes! My child is Dubled's daughter!"

"No, it's me. I was born in Dublin at the age of 10. My parents, who were abandoned, have reaped me now."

North, who was calming people in the middle, was rarely a cold face.

When I opened my sleeve, and shook open, he looked at me with a blemish.

"It's not a very nice sight for you to see……."

Speaking in a worried voice, I smiled brightly.

"It's okay."


North had something to worry about. Dubled's midwife was a greedy silversmith.

A woman who looked like she had been photographed by anyone came and claimed that her daughter was a baby bird, and that the fifteen children who looked full of life were abandoned by the Dublin decree.

'Ka, there are so many greedy people who are looking for someone else's place.'

I was really fine.

Rather, 'Yes, well done! You cute greedy bastards! Scream more, scream more!' I felt like cheering.

Because the face of Augustino, who came here with the rumors, was singing more and more.

"Look, you eyes! Aren't you very much like your little master?"

"A woman in a maid's suit became bloody and came to see her parents and entrusted me. This is a coin that the maid left with me. It was published by Dubled, right?"

"His birthday is like his youngest daughter's. I brought a child who was crying alone on the Dublin Mountain to an orphanage. Calypso, Eric! Please tell me what happened that day."

Unlike Augustino, they pushed in evidence.

You think Emulin is going to get kicked out? '

You're afraid that the 21 priests of the underworld have brought a fake child, don't you?

If we protest formally at the Central Temple in Dublin, the cardinal's seat will fly away. Don't you think?

I smiled deeply and approached Augustino, who did not know what to do. Of course, he opened his eyes in a very suspicious way.

"Priest, Priest."

"…… Yes, baby."

"The baby birds keep coming. It's weird."


"A baby bird is an emulin, isn't it? You brought Augustino, one of the 21 priests of the Central Temple?"

He grinds his teeth and stares at countless baby birds and says,


"But what if it's not?"

"…… Yes?"

"If, really, you're not an Emulin in a year, your family will get hurt. If my father who is so wounded protests in the temple..... and raises his sword because he can't protest...?"

"... What, a sword?"

"Why do people say Dublin Duke is a butterfly that doesn't cover the front and back? Of course, I think it's a misunderstanding……. Just in case. Just in case. But you know what? The battle on the Lones Peninsula also came from mocking Dubled, the battle in which 3,000 soldiers were burned to death."

When a person is embarrassed, it is difficult to recall the limits.

In Augustino's head, the Dublin Duke with a sword in one hand is holding a torch in the other hand, and there must be an imagination of entering the temple.

Following the yellow fistula, Augustino forced his mouth open.

"O, reap your worries. How can a servant of God put a lie in his mouth? Emulin is certain."

'That's right, now.'

When I flashed the communication stone in my pocket, Zakari shouted at me with a signal.

"Yes, miss, reap your worries!"

Zakari, who became famous for his stunning virtual war, shouted and gathered the gaze of greedy people who brought fake baby birds.

I clapped.

"The Shrine has a peculiar power by the grace of God, right? You can see the future, you can penetrate the truth. Right?"

"Yes? Yes, well…… yes."

"The priest received the divine revelation and brought Emulin! Am I right?!"

People started to cry.

The lustful greedy gaze upon Augustino with a disdainful gaze.

Because my youngest daughter came back from Dublin. The Shrine has brought it. There's no evidence, but the Shrine has brought it, so it's probably right! 'Cause I got a rumor.

For those greedy people, an emulin who became a baby bird is a public enemy just because the godfather brought it without proof.

And the liar Augustino was terribly embarrassed by the look of disbelief. The guilty are stabbed.

I have one last number.

'Then in the end…….'

"I swear before the god Neriad! Emulin must be Dubled's youngest!"

You're going to have an irrational number! '

I called into delight.

Yeah, yeah, yeah. I keep raising things like this. To the extent that the temple can't handle it.

* * *

Augustino's face, returning to the temple, was weary.

Unlike the morning, the temple was dazzling. The priests came to him in crowds as he walked.

They were priests who supported themselves in their cardinal position.

"Is the child you took really Dubled's daughter?"

"You mentioned the name of God and were convinced. Why did you say such haste? If you're not, you know what happens."

"I donated that amount for finding my youngest daughter, but if it turns out that it wasn't....."

Augustino glances at the newcomers.


"Don't you know? Duke Dubled donated 50 million francs and promoted you to the priesthood of Thanksgiving. A token of gratitude."

Augustino panicked and grumbled.

"50 million francs?"

I couldn't believe I donated such a large amount as a token of my gratitude.

No one knows that Dubled and the Temple are colder than the northern winds of the winter.

They believed that the temple was tied to the Duchess' death. It was true.

No matter how easy he was to find his daughter, it was not easy to unravel.

"The Emperor was greatly pleased and told the diocese that he would appoint the priest as the priest for Thanksgiving. Of course, if you become a priest, the position of Cardinal is the same as that of the priest, but we can't erase our worries...."

"Intertwined with the Imperial Palace? '

Now it's really hard to turn around.

If Emulin heard it wasn't a baby bird, it wasn't just about one person.

The status of the Neriad Church will collapse and the whole country will be overturned.

Augustino's hands tremble finely.

* * *

Augustino secretly summons Emulin to the dark alley.

"What are you talking about at the mansion? Did he suspect you? Did he say he would test the magic of the children he came to?"

"I am well……."

"What a jerk!"

He gets old. Emulin winks back, but he pulls the child with a furious face.

"Do you think it's worth living next to the Imperial Palace in a sumptuous mansion? If you give me this much, I'll chew it myself!"

Augustino's eyes were filled with desire and anger.

Emulin said with a dead face.

"Well, there's nothing I can do. I told you, my mother is not a maid. I'm not a Dublin infant."


"Ha, but you can't lie. Priest is bad! He's bad!"

Emulin shakes her head in awe.

"You stupid bitch. Fate's kid didn't mix a drop of blood anyway. So if you're the only one who might be my protégé, Dubled will fall into my hands with you!"


"Do you want to go back to the cave? If you go back, you'll live worse than you used to. I'll make it!"

"Gospel, I will come to the Pope."

"If you accuse me? The Imperial Palace, the Pope's Palace, and the Central Temple are guilty of this. The Emperor paid Duke Dubled to make me a priest. Do you think a child's nonsense will destroy his or her honor in the Imperial Palace and Temple? I'm gonna try to stop your mouth, even with your tongue roots."

"The temple is a place for the people...."

"If we are to defend Neriad's religion, what is the matter with the lives of the people?"

It was then.

A frightened sheep pudding in tears pulls something out of its pockets, touches it, and frowns.

"Are you ready?"


Augustino glances at the boy who has returned from the corner of the alley.


Leblane, who takes off Robe's hood, takes something from Emulin and looks back at Augustino.

Augustino turned his back on it.

"You, you have set a trap for me!"

As LeBlaine shrugs, Augustino stares at the two children with bloody eyes.

"Emulin, you stupid bitch! Do you know whose hand you're holding?! If you had helped me, I would have become a Dublin Red Younger...!"

"When did I ever say I wanted to be a Dublin Mermaid? I just wanted to find my father!"

"Is Duke Dubled so close to his father?"

Emulin spills the truth as if he's stuck. LeBlaine raises her hand to the shoulder of such an Emulin.

"Mister, what do you think he doesn't know that he lived as a beggar?"


"Much smarter than idiots like you. If you swallow too much, your throat or your camouflage will tear one out of your life."

It was Emulin who taught it to LeBlaine.

Emulin folds his arms as he turns his nose fart.

"Even if you were a little clever, what would you do if you came out this stupid?"

It was the first day that LeBlaine approached Emulin.

He said he knew his father and brought up a story he had never told anyone.

[Mother called your father "Hen," right?]


[I told you. I know your father.]

Of course, LeBlaine could have heard that story from Emulin in his previous life.

Emulin pondered for a moment between Dubled and his father. A few days in Dublin seemed to dream.

Luxurious dining, warm clothes, friendly employers, and a beautiful family.

It was a dream world with everything you wanted. So I hesitated to hold hands with LeBlaine.

So LeBlaine showed me. I saw the scene where the Shrine took an oath with the name of God. Because I knew a smart Emulin would never get on a ship that was likely to sink.

'I learned all my manners from Emulin.'

And as expected, Emulin holds his hand.

Augustino glances at the arrogant little villains.

That would be a recording tool.

It was a horse-drawn tool that wasn't hard for a child because it was sold at the Horse Tower.

'We can't kill them all here. At least Emulin needs to be tailed.'

Otherwise, my neck was in danger.

"All right, deal with me before you hand it over to Duke Dubled. I'll be a cardinal. I'll pay you whatever you want, whether it's wealth or money....."



LeBlaine pointed to the void.

He frowned at his glance and turned his gaze to the place he pointed at.... Tree?

"What kind of tree……. Now, wait a minute, that one!"

There was a little something hanging on the tree.

LeBlaine smiled brightly.

"Mina said that was CCTV. '

And where the video is transmitted…….

* * *

[The Imperial Palace, the Pope's Office, and the Central Shrine are involved in this. The Emperor paid Duke Dubled to make me a priest.]

People gathered in the square to watch the horseshoe set up for events such as the Virtual War.

[Do you think children will eat their honor in the Imperial and Temple for nonsense? I'm gonna try to stop your mouth, even with your tongue roots.]

The people who heard Augustino's words that followed kept their mouths shut.

"Oh my God..!"

"That's ridiculous. How could anyone who preaches the grace of God do such a terrible thing!"

"My child is poor."

"Where is it? Shouldn't we go?"

"Dubled! Let's tell Dubled!"

At that time, there was a commotion in the Imperial Palace and Temple.

The Emperor, who saw the situation through the horoscope, raised his voice.

"Stop the shipment right now!"

"That's where the shipment ended……."

The court wizards said with a fist-yellow face.

'What kind of harmony is this?'

A few moments ago, there were images of horses scattered throughout the Empire that were not sent by the Imperial Court.

'What kind of wizard knows the code of a horoscope...!'

It was a powerful horsepower that didn't break even if it tried to.

The emperor shook his back and shouted.

"Tell the Pope to come in. Grab that crazy priest right now!!"

Joint venture between Veronica and Trigon. It was the first hack of the Empire.

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