Skylar woke up and found it was dark outside. She got up and went downstairs. She found her mom on the phone. Her mom noticed her, and she smiled. After a few more words she hung up.

"How was your day sweetheart?"

"It was good" she told her everything that happened except for the gory parts of her day. Then she remembered she still had to ask her to go to the party. "Mom, can I go a party on Friday?"

Her mom looked taken aback. "Well this is a first. Who is going?"

"My other schoolmates and Lola of course. I don't plan on staying for too long though."

"Okay but don't be too late and shout if you need a lift or if you get stuck."

"Thanks mom."

She went to the fridge to rummage for some food and something to drink. She asked her mom if she also wanted a sandwich and a drink. "Yes please, darling." She made two sandwiches and took out glasses from the cabinet where she filled them with some juice.

After eating and talking to her mom for a while. They decided to call it a night. She wasn't tired as she had slept in the afternoon. She lay awake on her bed when she felt her phone vibrate. She took it and checked. She saw that she had five messages. Two of them were from her friends and the other three were from an unknown number. She opened the message and it read.

"Hey, it's Jessie."

"This is my house address: 02 Atterbury road."

"You still coming right?

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