The BAD BOY Who Fell for ME

3 To hell with Nathan! I'd make her mine


Queshia woke up excitedly, looking at her phone filled with pictures she got on his social media thinking: Damn, he's the only guy on my gallery...well it's not like I really am a full blown lesbian, it's just that, I only get attracted to ladies, I dress like a guy ever since I was little, but I never dated a girl. Back when I was in primary and secondary schools, they said that I had a reputation wherein guys were afraid of me. I didn't even know until lately - last year on my birthday, my friends asked boldly "So how's school? Are the guys still afraid of you?" like...I had no idea...until I realized that...yeah...I remembered some of my friends times me that there were guys that said they like me but were too scared to court me. Oh well, maybe I could try to be more time....when I feel like I'm ready...hmm...oh! I'm here...

Just as she entered the room, she stopped and was hurt - a tiny, very tiny little bit of pinch in her heart as she insists, due to the scene infront of her at that very moment.

"Hey Ibsen! Give me back my notebook!" A girl said, while so close to Maverick trying to reach her notebook.

"What the f*ck Abby! Go away! This is mine, yours is with Charlie!" Maverick replied annoyed thinking: 'this b*tch is becoming so clingy after becoming my f*ck buddy. This has to end soon'

In Queshia's eyes, they were like a couple teasing each other, so she went and continued to sit on her designated chair, which was infront of Maverick. Little did she realize: 'I've seen that girl...oh that's right! she was one of the students inside Kei's room last time where she just learned that, that subject of hers was with the block section of Maverick...meaning he's a classmate of Maverick...they look so close, so why didn't he ask her instead? Why'd he ask me about the assignment? Could it be that he likes me?' thinking of these things while having a glimpse of hope in her eyes and didn't realize that her name was to be called for attendance.

"Bueno" the professor called

"Present ma'am!" Queshia replied as she was looking for her pen. And as she turned to look at her bag at the back of her chair, she accidentally looked at Maverick at the same time that his name was called! Making it look like that she was waiting for the prosper to call out his name fort her to look at him. She was thinking of this wide eyed while staring at Maverick's eyes. And she thought further that with his narcissist attitude, he must be thinking exactly what she thought he would, and it's freaking embarrassing. She then immediately looked at the board in front.

Queshia spent the whole period scolding herself and never tried to look back anymore. Dismissal came, and thinking that her house is just nearby and doesn't have any appointment, she waited outside of their room to draw and wait for her friends to come that had there's afternoon class. She was drawing...his picture that she took from his social media account. She thought that she was the only one left outside - because clearly, who would want to stay at school after just 1 subject on a weekend - apparently, her. So, she was beyond shocked when Maverick approached her.

"Aaahhhh!!!" she screamed while she closed her notebook together with the small piece of paper where she was drawing.

"Hey, woah, it's just me, Maverick, remember me? I was one of your groupmates last week, Queshia right?" he explained even though he knew she knows him. He clearly saw the picture she was drawing.

"Ahm...yeah...ah...hi...why are you still here?" she asked nervously thinking if he saw what she was drawing.

"I just didn't feel like going home's still kinda of crowded at the school gate by this time" he replied while looking at his watch.

"ok" she have nothing else to say...all she cares right now is if he's hearing her loud heartbeat and if he saw what she was doing.

"And you? What are you still doing here?"

"Just waiting for my friends to come, they have the afternoon class here...and it's still too hot to walk yeah...that's it..."

"So you live nearby?"

"Sort's a 20-minute walk from"

"2 hours away..."

They chatted for a while before he decided to go home and she then followed too, she was to happy to remember that she was going to wait for her friends.

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