The BAD BOY Who Fell for ME

6 I think I already love you...

Queshia happily slept that night, with excitement for the next day. She dressed up nicely, wearing the most girly outfit she could - still not that girly I might say - an elbow length dark pink and black checkered blouse pairs with skinny black jeans and black mid high heeled boots.

As she arrived at school, she met with her friends, they were so shocked they almost didn't recognize her and didn't know whether to laugh or cry, all with the same thought running through their heads: 'There's a chick infront of us...but still have a manly is that possible? How is it that she still have angst around's like a guy swapped bodies with a lady, like the movie Freaky Friday. But the biggest question is yet to be asked'

"What happened to Queshia?"

"Who are you and what did you do to Queshia?"

"You became gay!"

"You still need to learn how to act like a lady though..."

"'re still too brusque"

They all said at the same time.

"Whatever. I'm trying OK? We'll get there...soon enough I hope. So, we're still game for later right?" Queshia said.

"Yeah, sure, so what's the sitch? Why...'that'?" Chard asked pointing at her whole getup

"Later, I'll tell you guys after the seminar." She replied cheekily

They were now all seated at the front of the theater, well mainly because she's with her grade-conscious friends. If not, she would be at the back, but that's that, let's leave it. And speaking of leave, she left a space beside her...for Maverick of course. She texted him where she was seated.

"The f*ck? At the very front? Tss...I should've been the one to pick, thought atleast she'd want to seat at the back, here goes nothing..." He spoke to himself, before bidding goodbyes to his friends.

As he seated beside Queshia, he handed his jacket to her. She wore it and thanked him, they couldn't talk much, 'cause duh...they're at the very front of the Maverick, being tall and all...had to stoop lower in order not to catch attention, and not to block the view. None of her friends noticed Maverick, or them, because they were so focused on the speaker. He then whispered to Queshia.

"I think I already love you..."

"Wh..what?" Queshia stammered and didn't know if she heard it right...she was beyond shocked.

"I said I love you..." he whispered again. CLEARLY this time. But that just rendered her speechless, but he didn't mind and just waited for the seminar to end.

The seminar ended and she feels that her legs were like jellies, but good thing Maverick was there to help her stand as they were walking out. Hey friends caught up to the speaker and so they still haven't noticed Queshia with Maverick.

"Hey, careful now, your legs must be tired because you've been running through my mind all night." Maverick said with a wink that made Queshia laugh.

"What? Too cheesy?" Maverick asked shyly.

"Kinda, but you also kinda make my palms sweaty, knees weak, arms spaghetti as you may have witnessed just now..." Queshia replied laughing.

"Oh so we in some cheesy pickup lines ain't we now? Do you know what I did last night? I looked up at the stars, and matched each one with a reason why I love you." Maverick said seductively.

"Hmm...not bad, does that always work for you? Is that what you tell all your girls?" Queshia asked casually without an ounce of jealousy - it's not her thing...well atleast not before she met Maverick.

"So, is that a way of telling me...your MY girl?" he replied effortlessly

"Well that's fast...I guess you're really accustomed to this kind of...'thing'. Does 'this' really work for you?"

Before Maverick got to answer, her friends already saw them.

"There you are, what took you so that's why..." Zian asked as he saw Maverick

"Oh Zian...this is Maverick, Maverick, Zian." Queshia introduced them to each other.

"So, where are the others?" Queshia asked.

"They'll be here in a minute..." Zian replied as he was texting with his boyfriend, Ken - the same Ken they were friends with. Only Queshia knew though...

"Oh there you what were you going to" Ken asked while he suddenly looked up at the tall man beside Queshia...with a pang of jealousy...he thought he now has a chance with her now that she's not so...'manly' anymore.

"Hey guys! This is Maverick, Maverick this is Ken (pointing at the Chinese-looking guy), Chard (pointing at the white guy), and Carrie (pointing at the girl beside Chard), my friends" Queshia introduced.

"You are Queshia's?" Ken asked Maverick

"Suitor...I'm courting her" Maverick replied with an aura saying 'back off dude'

"So he's the reason..." Ken said with a pinch of disappointment.

"What reason?" Maverick asked

"Reason why she's...changing." Ken replied

"And we do hope nothing will change about our friendship because of you..." Chard said after.

"Of course. Nothing will change..." 'for now...if she chooses you guys over me' Maverick replied, not saying out loud the latter...

"Well, that's it then...see you later Queshia!" They said walking away from the two.

"So who's the guy from last week? The one who wants to walk you home? I'd like to have a chat with him, now that's official that I'm courting you."

"Just a classmate...ahm ok...I'll tell him to meet us up here."

"Don't tell him that I'm here as well..."


She then texted a classmate that knows Elixer to come near the theater. And within 5 minutes, he came running to her.

"Hey! Never thought you'd ever call me to meet you! Wassup?" Elixer asked assumingly

"Uhm yeah...about that..." and before she could finish, Maverick suddenly came out showing himself.

"I was the one who asked her for you to come. I wanna have a little chat with you." Maverick said in a dangerous manner that terrified Elixer making him stammer and shake. Then turned to Queshia, "Queshia, can you go in the canteen for a little while? this won't take long...5 minutes will do." he said sweetly.

"Uhm ok...I'll see you in awhile then..."

"I..uh...ahm...hi...w...w..why with me?"

"I want you to stay away from her. As far away as possible. You won't like it when I'm's not gonna be good for you understand?" Maverick said as he towered over Elixer, making him look more powerful.

"I..I...I understand! C..c...crys...crystal clear!"

"Good. You may go." Maverick said dismissing him. He now went to look for Queshia. And when he saw her, she asked the inevitable.

"That was what happened? What did you talk to him about? You scared him..." she said recalling Elixer's face before she left.

"Why? You care for him?" he asked, not pleased.

"No! It's not that...It's just hilarious...his arrogant demeanor suddenly vanished with the sight of you! I think he could've peed himself when you 'chat' with him a little longer!" she replied laughing.

"Oh...I just told him to stay away from you. I know his kind." he said with a relief.

They then chatted until the break is over. Maverick went to his last class that day and Queshia went to her class only took find out that the professor won't be coming, so they decided to go to the mall earlier than planned. They were at a karaoke booth, all were happy, some of their classmates also went with them, and then suddenly, Ken sang. He's a good singer actually, and he sang the song "Out of my League" while stealing glances at Queshia, but right after the song finished, he ran outside secretly, but Queshia noticed and ran after him.

"Hey! Ken!" she pulled him and stopped him from running

"What's the problem? Did you have a fight with Zian?" she asked

"No. The song was for you...I like you ok? A lot!" Ken cried out

"What? You know I'd never date my friends right? It's kind of my know that...and your seeing Zian..."

"I know! That's the problem! I wished that we were never friends so I'd have a chance! But having you as a friend was one of the best thing that happened to me...and I was so crazy I even used Zian...I thought maybe...that you'd get jealous, even just as little as a speck of dust...but that was before I got to know him...and I really feel guilty about it..." Ken cried harder making Queshia tear up a little...hurt that she's the reason why her friend is crying in front of her. It's different when a guy cries...even if he's...bisexual...

"I'm sorry...I...I don't know what to say...but I do hope what you feel for Zian is real this time..."

"It is...I'm sorry...don't tell Zian..." he pleaded

"It's not my story to tell...but at some point he has to know...take care of him ok? Stop crying...people are starting...I'm gonna go home...enjoy your day with them ayt?" Queshia reminded him that they're at a public place.

"Ok...thanks..." he smiled as he went back

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