The Bald Monk in the City

Chapter 266: Improvement of tattoo ability and tattoo design

  Carving and Tattoo Master Commission Center

There are some differences from the Multiverse Trading Center that Yi Qiu has visited before. Although this place looks like a relatively basic small tavern.

However, many of the places where wine tables were supposed to be placed have been transformed into workbenches with some carvings and tattoo tools.

When Yi Qiu was sent here by Zongwang, no relevant person in charge took him, and no one charged him with the operating expenses of the trading center.

Because all the people gathered around a certain workbench, admiring a tattoo master showing his talents on a sturdy female orc.

According to Yi Qiu's superficial knowledge of tattoo classification, this tattoo master should be a magic tattoo master.

Because the materials he used consisted of various magical creature blood, and the tools he used were not psionic tattoo needles.

Generally speaking, compared to magic tattoos and other types of tattoos, the material requirements for psionic tattoos are relatively small.

More is the degree of psychic control of the psionic tattoo artist himself, and the use of psychic tattoo needles.

Of course, the necessary basic materials are indispensable, but psionic tattoos do not require complicated auxiliary materials like magic tattoos.

Among the various tattoo sects, the rare genre that uses ritual tattoos consumes the most resources.

However, this special tattoo done through rituals can be used by multiple units at once.

Normally, tattoo artists of this faction are trained by large forces with sufficient resources.

When Yi Qiu approached the crowd of onlookers, the guy in a cyan cloth robe in front turned his head and glanced at him.

Judging by his height and face, he should be a dwarf.

His face is full of gully, if nothing else, it is estimated that he has entered the twilight of life.

After seeing Yi Qiu's gaze, he nodded at Yi Qiu blankly.

The elderly dwarf turned around and gently patted the knee of the guy in red next to him, and then pointed at Yi Qiu with his finger.

Suddenly the guy in the red clothes turned his head and looked at Yi Qiu. He was similar to an ordinary human, but his skin was all bright red.

When Yi Qiu stared into his skin, Yi Qiu could feel a hot flame rushing toward him.

"Newcomer? The transaction fee is 100 comprehensive network disaster coins. Before leaving, go to the golden sign at the door to pay."

"I am the person in charge of Burning Body-Master of Magic and Glyphing-Karad. Welcome to the Entrusted Center of Master of Glyph and Tattoo.

"Now this month’s master's explanation is going on. The whistleblower-magic tattoo master-Peter Silando is showing his skills. Other business needs to be performed after the master’s show is completed. If you are interested, you can watch it first. Look."

After he said, he turned his head and continued to admire the magic tattoo master using a sharp and sharp large magic tattoo needle to tattoo the female orc.

His voice seemed to have a certain kind of hot temperature, which made people feel excited instantly. Yi Qiu doubted that this was the special effect brought to him by the magic tattoo on his body that was suspected to be a master tattoo.

It is worth mentioning that the master-level tattoo converted into a tattoo ability is at least 100 points or more.

After thinking about it, Yi Qiu stepped forward and stood in a gap, observing the skill display of the magic tattoo master.

At this time, most of this tattoo has been completed. Unlike psychic tattoos, magic tattoos have a more realistic style.

Through the hideous fangs and wings, Yi Qiu could easily see that he was carrying a dragon-like magic tattoo.

Usually, magic tattoos involving dragons are relatively powerful magic tattoos, because the real dragon species, even the white dragon of the shame of the real dragon, has attributes and abilities that ordinary creatures cannot match.

Dragons don't mind that people tattoo their images on their bodies, and sometimes they even make certain dragons have a more kind attitude towards you.

Of course, sometimes, the goodwill of a dragon is not so easy to accept.

But more often, the dragon will alienate these people, will not attack, but will not be too close.

Of course, if the dragon you have tattoos is the enemy of the dragon you meet, the scene is probably not very beautiful, 10 maturity is just a very optimistic expectation...



"By observing the display of the magic tattoo master's skills, your tattooing ability has increased to 43 points."

To Yi Qiu's surprise, when he stood by and quietly observed the magic tattoo artist finishing the dragon tattoo.

When everyone laughed and applauded and the female orcs enthusiastically embraced the magic tattoo master, a green reminder message refreshed on Yi Qiu's retina.

This made Yi Qiu a little surprised. Although Yi Qiu did have some new ideas during the observation process, he could not intuitively understand whether these ideas would promote his tattooing ability.

But judging from the display of the comprehensive network, it is obviously there.

"I'm sorry to keep you waiting for a while. Speaking of which you are also a tattooist?"

At this moment, the person in charge of the entrustment center for carving and tattoo masters: Karade walked to Yi Qiu's side and said to Yi Qiu while stretching out his hand.

He didn't mention the sculptor or anything else, but definitely said the tattooist.

Obviously he has a certain special discriminating ability, but Yi Qiu is more inclined to use his professional knowledge to make judgments, because Yi Qiu did not feel the relevant detection fluctuations.

"Yes, with the help of a passionate chef, I embarked on the path of pursuing psychic tattoos."

Yi Qiu stretched out his hand and shook Karade, then nodded and said.

"So, do you want to seek relevant tattoo knowledge, or do you need other services?"

Karade asked.

After Yi Qiu put the ring of peace in front of Karad, and then talked about his needs.

Karad's expression became serious, the original ceremonial smile disappeared, as if he had entered a special professional mode.

"According to my professional knowledge, I think your idea is I can help you design it, or you can choose other masters."

"From the function you describe, this tattoo at least needs to meet the functions of remote energy transmission, designated energy extraction and self-recovery."

"From the standard cost of my design, at least 4,000 comprehensive network disaster coins are needed."

"You can use the integrated network to determine that the price is in line with the relevant specifications of the integrated network."

"Of course, if you don't need to consider the cost, the self-recovery function can be removed. In this way, the cost can be reduced to about 2000 comprehensive network disaster coins."

After roughly calculating, Karade said to Yi Qiu.

"No need, just design according to the most standard function."

Yi Qiu touched his bald head and said.

His current comprehensive network disaster currency is still surplus, although the cost is relatively large.

However, this tattoo can continuously generate value for him, and in the end it will far exceed the 4000 comprehensive network disaster coins that Yi Qiu has paid.

"But I need the tattoo you designed to be able to use it."

After thinking about it, Yi Qiu added another.

"My current psionic tattoo level is 3, but it can already be upgraded to 4, just according to the 4 standard."

"...Yes, sign a contract."

After frowning and thinking for a while, Kara nodded.

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