The Bald Monk in the City

Vol 2 Chapter 751: The **** of voodoo and art-Zeqin's astonishment

Zeqin, the **** of voodoo and art, is looking viciously at the road ahead and the **** of guidance.

As two neutral deities with weak powers, it should be difficult for them to have any contradiction.

After all, their priesthood has no relationship at all, and there is no conflict between mortal forces.

But sometimes, the arrival of hatred does not require any considerable reason.

Especially now, all the gods are already in a state of fury.

"You have missed the voodoo fireball three times in a row. Maybe you should choose to add a precise concept to your priesthood..."

"Perhaps, if I introduce you to the Sagittarius Star, she will tell you how this tuft can smash your mud more accurately!"

The saint mode of the **** of road and guidance is a half-man and half-horse form, and his priesthood is not so full of aggressiveness.

Therefore, in the process of confronting Zeqin, the **** of voodoo and art, he seemed very passive.

After all, this tuft looks like a gloomy muddy guy with very tricky voodoo magic.

Although it is only a lower-level priesthood, it also means that its authority in this area has not been divided.

It can inherit the power of this priesthood in full and use it to the fullest.

However, fortunately, the God of Craftsman forged a divine weapon for him.

This allowed him to barely maintain his undefeated status in the battle with Zeqin, the **** of voodoo and art.

But this maintenance comes at the cost of his constant injuries.

Now the gods of road and guidance can only pray, and it is better to have a friendly **** in the nearby battlefield to end the battle quickly.

Otherwise, he felt afraid that he was choosing a less decent way to die...

Now the entire battlefield has been completely messed up, and the two most powerful gods of darkness and kindness have already hit the star realm all the way.

Now I can only pray that their battle will not end so soon. After all, the probability of five to five and a half, the consequences are indeed devastating enough.

In this stalemate situation, both sides believe that they have hope of victory.

"These two brats!"

The thought of the two gods full of war and fanaticism makes the **** of road and guidance a headache.

But even so, verbal confrontation is not a weak choice.

As the **** of road and guidance who has been engaged in related speech work for many years, he can show a repressive victory in this field against the **** of voodoo and art-Zetan.

But this obviously only angered Zeqin, the **** of voodoo and art, and it began to release devastating voodoo spells at all costs.

"three times?"

"Even if it's three more times, you won't be able to hold it for long, and my voodoo can feel your weaker breath!"

Zeqiner, the **** of voodoo and art, no longer speaks. It knows that it is not good at this operation.

But it is still not convinced, it thinks that maybe this is because it has too few mouths.

After going back this time, it was going to cut another mouth on its body.

"Two can always defeat one, right?"

Zeqin, the **** of voodoo and art, thought silently in his heart.

"Perhaps... three?"

And at this moment, suddenly a black light flew from the earth of the material world toward this side!


Zeqin, the **** of voodoo and art, watched vigilantly at the **** of roads and guidance, while converging part of his power, in case he was the opponent's backup.

"Damn it, judging from the gloss, it doesn't look like a guy who can enter the upper plane..."

The face of the God of Road and Guidance changed drastically, which made his slightly cocked tail instantly become wilting because of the triumph of the **** of voodoo and art-Zeqiner.

If he was still in his own kingdom of God, he would be able to directly see through the human nature.

Even using some divine power, even his past experiences and current thoughts can capture certain information.

But now, he can only rely on this primitive way to make guesses.

Because with the chaos of the gods, the magic particles of the entire plane now show a certain manic trend.

This has severely suppressed the ability of prophecy and the need for related forces for detection.

And the various powers of the gods on the battlefield have caused this suppression to enter a more terrifying stage.

Now, with the exception of the deity in charge of the prophetic priesthood, the other deities have lost this convenient detection ability.

After a quick thought, the **** of road and guidance took out the gold coin that Goddess of Luck gave him.

After throwing it once, looking at the gold coins on the side of the palm showing the pattern, the God of Road and Guidance was relieved.

In a sense, he is not a **** fighting.

Although he himself did not have these forging and magical talents, his allies provided him with considerable assistance.

Of course, this is also related to his being a very good bard between becoming a god...

Then, under the gaze of the two gods, as the black light approached, they saw the black mist full of oppressive power.

"Strange power..."

"I seem to smell the smell of things..."

After the **** of voodoo and art-Zeqiner sniffed his nose, a cold light flashed in its eyes.

"Strange, I don't seem to have seen this guy before."

"Could it be a newly created family member of a certain deity?"

"Or the hidden illegitimate son of which deity..."

"Oh, could it be..."

The God of Road and Guidance seems to have a guess, as a deity who has a thorough understanding of the relationship between the gods.

He is one of the few who can claim and understand the secret existence of the gods.

However, the body of the last deity who claimed to possess this ability had been wandering in the star realm for several epochs.

The God of Road and Guidance will naturally not find himself in trouble, he is a prudent deity.

As the two gods made different guesses, the black mist gradually approached.

Then stopped at a delicate distance, and a huge six-armed bald head appeared in front of the two gods.

"Who lost the fireball?"

Yi Qiu looked at these two guys who should be gods, and said directly.

Of course he didn't expect to get a response, but after asking, in the subtle atmosphere change between the two gods, he directly got the answer he wanted.

Yi Qiu is not good at solving problems with intelligence, but his perception is sharp enough.

More importantly, he doesn't pay much attention to it...

The next moment, Yi Qiu's body suddenly disappeared from the place!

Because of the simulation of time and space trials, Zetan Erna, the **** of voodoo and art, inherited a rather limited body, and did not catch Yi Qiu's movements in the first time!

It just felt that after a trance, it felt like it was hit **** the head!

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