The Ball at Your Feet

: 493 The End of the Game


At this time, he was sentenced to a penalty kick, and Zhao Yaning felt weak: if he held on for a while, the game was over and the Chinese team won, but at this time, the German team got the penalty.

The German takes a penalty kick. What's the difference between this kind of thing and giving the opponent a score...

There was cheers everywhere in the surrounding stands. The German fans also think this is a must for the German team. The missed penalty is too unimaginable for the German team.

Nothing else can be guaranteed for this team, but the penalty kick is indeed extremely scary. No one can remember exactly when the German team missed a penalty kick last time. In a big game, they never seem to miss a penalty kick.

The technique of penalty kick, after all, is the simplest technique. What it tests is hard practice and mental quality. Of course, there may be sufficient preparation. The German team has always been a national team that values ​​practice more than talent. Coupled with their excellent psychological quality, penalty kicks are indeed a very simple matter for them.

And soon, the ball was placed on the penalty spot, but it was not Barak, but Podolski that stood on the penalty spot.

The rising star of the German team performed well in the game. One of his headers successfully scored the goal for the team, and although the long shot was a bit outrageous, the threat was still not small. As far as Rising Star is concerned, his performance is very good.

He is a key training target for the national team and is regarded as a candidate for the future hope of the German national team. Although in terms of penalty kick ability, Ballack is indeed more stable than him, but this kind of game gives him a chance to score twice, which is still very meaningful for him-young people are just increasing their worth. At the time, the score was twice in the competition, which is definitely beneficial to the net worth.

And this penalty kick, he also came to take the penalty. Ballack is standing outside the penalty area, doing a supplementary shot.

After two steps back, Podolski ran up and kicked the ball to the right with a sudden shot. Liu Yufei made a wrong judgment and threw it out to the left, but this ball, unexpectedly, slid past the goal and didn't score!

"The German team missed a penalty!"

At this time, even Zhao Yaning himself was wondering whether God blessed him. He killed Mexico in the group stage. If it was the result of the Brazilian helping him, then, in this game, the German even took a penalty kick. Being able to miss a shot really makes Zhao Yaning feel incredible-when was the last time the German missed a penalty? He can't remember.

"The German team lost a penalty." At this time, the German commentator also looked serious. "When we were on the road of technicalization, we had too much forgotten about tradition. Now, the team has actually appeared. The situation of missed penalties! This is simply unforgivable! Our football tradition is being lost and forgotten! Last season, the person who missed the most penalties in the Bundesliga was Klose. He scored six penalties and only scored. Two! How can players of the German national team play like this! Fortunately, this is just a Confederations Cup. Such problems were exposed early and we can still make reinforcements. By the time of the World Cup next year, We must not lose to a penalty kick."

Barak cursed a **** loudly—Zhao Yaning didn’t understand it, but his expression should be swear words—and when Zhao Yaning looked at Haman, Haman just shrugged at him, “You don’t have to say that learn."

Zhao Yaning didn't say anything: It seems that Barak's leadership ability is not as good as the legend. At least, the clubs that Zhao Yaning has experienced, whether it is Jiuli or Gerrard, will not scold his teammates for making mistakes. On the contrary, they will comfort a few words. And Zhao Yaning himself is also the captain of the national team, but he also won't have this kind of cursing behavior-although compared with the players of the German team, the players of the Chinese team are definitely more worthy of being scolded.

The missed penalty kick made the Chinese team players uplifted. In the same way, the German offensive began to weaken all at once. If it was just a wave shot, they would be able to bear it, but missed a penalty. Such a thing is really incredible for the Germans. They can't react for a while. What about their team? Will it be like this? But Zhao Yaning understands a little bit: He has heard similar complaints when playing in France.

The current situation in Germany is similar to that in France: immigrants are influx, and football talents are promoted among immigrants. Immigrants have injected better skills and better physical fitness into German football, and funds have brought a better environment for German football, but at the same time these things poured in, they also took away some of the German football.

In fact, this is not the first time Germany has a penalty kick: in the 1990 World Cup, after the German team won a penalty in the final, Matthaus refused to take a free throw. Although he claimed to be impunity because his shoes were broken, many people speculated that it was because of his lack of mental quality. Until now, some people think that Bremer is the biggest hero of the 1990 West German team championship.

Germans are a serious people, and this style has penetrated into their bones. It's the same even in football. For example, for the same player in their early twenties, a French player is likely to be the father of several children. Italian players may be busy dating supermodels. Spanish players will appear in various interviews and TV shows. , And England players-regardless of age, always throw time in the bar.

However, a large part of German football players choose to go to night school, study at university, and supplement their knowledge.

Of course, other countries also have such players-such as Harvey Alonso, who stayed in Liverpool this summer, and he is applying for the University of Liverpool-and not everyone in Germany has this interest, but in terms of proportions If they are, they are definitely higher than other countries. For example, Lehmann, who is now on the court, has a bachelor's degree in economics like his head coach Wenger, while Bierhoff, who is the team leader on the sidelines, has an MBA.

It can be said that this style of doing things is also the source of their execution. Football skills have nothing to do with cultural knowledge, but professionalism, execution ability, training attitude, these things are closely linked to human culture.

But now, with the influx of immigrants and cultural fusion, things in the German culture are also being lost. At the same time, the tide of commercialization has also washed away the arrogance and madness of the tough guy that Germany was once proud of-such players do not attract sponsors. The former West German team, and the current German team, have a different inner soul. Although this German team has inherited many things from the West German team, the most important thing, the toughness and firmness, has not been inherited. It is precisely because of this that West Germany is one of the strongest teams in the world, they have won almost everything, and the German team has only a 96 European Cup champion can be used as a commemoration in more than ten years.

The game lasted for about seventy-five minutes before the German team gradually settled down and once again took control of the situation on the court. The physical strength of the Chinese players was almost exhausted, they began to fail to keep up with the rhythm, and they were unable to make corresponding defensive moves, which made the German attack more prestigious.

But their attacks have never had any effect. Ballack took another long shot, but the shot went wide, and Podolski tried a kick, but it was also higher.

Impatient is the enemy of victory. Zhao Yaning began to retreat to participate in the defense. He knew that after persisting for a while, the victory was for the Chinese team.

And just after eighty minutes, the German team's attack became more powerful. When a corner kick came out, Zhao Yaning immediately realized that there was a problem.

Podolski is running in the penalty area, Ballack is leading the Chinese defender to run, and Harman's backcourt is affecting the judgment of the Chinese team players. At this time, Schweinsteiger is at the front of the penalty area. , Was emptied.

Opportunity for the German team.

Schweinsteiger has already received the ball, and he is in the penalty area in front of him. He also believes that if he enters the penalty area, he will be able to create a score. In overtime, the game will be different.

But when he just ran a step, he was shoveled fiercely from behind, causing him to fall directly to the edge of the penalty area.

"Zhao Yaning's timely foul interrupted an attack that the German team was determined to win, but it seems that Zhao Yaning himself was in trouble."

Seeing the referee walking over, Zhao Yaning rarely greeted him and begged, but the referee still put his hand in his pocket.

Zhao Yaning could think of the result. In addition to the red card, how can there be a second result when shoveling people behind?

At this time, the camera showed Zhao Yaning's face, and Zhao Yaning's face was also expressionless. It's stoppage time. At this time, no matter what, I can't watch the opponent level the score. Entering overtime, the Chinese team with insufficient physical strength has only one dead end, and if it is entered into a penalty shoot-out...

God won't always show up. It is possible for the German team to miss a goal. If it misses a penalty shootout, it is a dream.

Therefore, when Zhao Yaning fouled, he did not hesitate-of course, at that moment, when he had to tackle the tackle, he also had a burst of colic in his heart, but he still fouled-this is a football player. Must do.

"Zhao Yaning tactically fouled and was sent off... Zhao Yaning's tactical fouls are of vital importance, but it also cost him an extremely painful price. Now, the Chinese team is still leading 2-1. By the end of ten minutes, the Chinese team will be able to enter the finals as long as they can defend this wave of offensive."

Ballack took a free kick and kicked it high. And Liu Yufei, who got the ball here, immediately received a yellow card because he refused to serve the ball for a long time. However, ten minutes is still easy to drag over, and after he sent the ball, soon after several fights in the midfield, the referee also blew the whistle of the end of the ~The Chinese team has entered the finals! The Chinese team has entered the final! This is the first time in the history of the Chinese team that it has entered the final of the World Series! The Chinese team has entered the final! In the final, he will fight the winners of Argentina and Brazil! "

The Chinese narrator was still yelling, but at this time, Zhao Yaning, who was standing on the sidelines, sighed helplessly.

For him, this Confederations Cup is over.

"You played well." At this time, the players on both sides were also exchanging jerseys. The Chinese players on the field are chasing the Germans to change their jerseys, and on the sidelines, it is Ballack who is walking towards Zhao Yaning. What he said in English, although his English is still very lame, but Zhao Yaning understands this sentence.

"Thank you." Zhao Yaning replied in German. The only German he can speak is a few words taught to him by Harman, and if he speaks more, he can't know anything. The two people couldn't speak the language and didn't know how to communicate. They just shook hands with each other and said goodbye to each other.

"The Chinese team won the game, but Zhao Yaning missed the final. Such a scene is so familiar to Barack. In 2002, his foul sent Germany to the final, but he himself missed it. In the World Cup finals, in this game, Zhao Yaning sent the Chinese team to the finals, but he could only watch his comrades fighting hard..."

The Chinese commentator is still talking affectionately, but Zhao Yaning also raised his head at this time: This group of teammates, is it really okay to play in the Club World Cup final? ——

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