Chapter 174 is really dizzy

Xiuyan, this is a life-for-life style of play.

According to the urinary nature of the Garden of Eden, he does not believe that the Garden of Eden really has the weapon of "one hit kills". If it does, the group of people in Zone R will not come to trouble him.

One hit kills is an artifact! There are so many control skills in the Garden of Eden, and it really kills with one blow. The surrogate has already gone straight to the night raid lair to grab the artifact, and also completed the task of a fart.

Therefore, the so-called one-hit kill is at best a terrifying debuff buff for yourself.

However, the characters in the plot have fatal weaknesses!

At the moment when both losers were hurt, I only heard two jingle bells.

The silk thread of Xiuyan's dagger was torn, and countless silk threads were wrapped around the chain blade, which prevented the chain blade from moving forward, and beside Xiuyan, a spear was inserted on the ground, blocking the attack of the red pupil.

"Crimson Eye, it's enough. The boss said to test it, but didn't say to kill him." Brand dressed in a demon possession, blocking him between Xiuyan and Red Eye.

"Yeah." Chitong didn't say much, she took a step back and put away the village rain.

Brand turned around and said apologetically to Xiuyan, "Mr. Xiuyan, I am offended."

"Offensive?" Xiu Yan flipped his wrist and the chain blade disappeared. Lubbock, who was in control of the chain blade, was stunned.

"I was offended by almost killing me?" Xiu Yan's eyes were displeased. Since the other party had admitted, Xiu Yan wouldn't be him if he didn't seize this opportunity.

"Sorry, this is what the boss means." Brand explained patiently: "Leonai brought back your information, but to be honest, neither we nor the boss have heard of this team."

"I said that the special team's authority is much higher than Night Attack." Xiu Yan said arrogantly.

"That's why we didn't kill you." Leonay turned over on the roof: "You saved me, and you saved Hill just now, but that doesn't mean we have to believe you. In fact, you know too much. Too much, it’s good enough that we didn’t kill you."

Xiuyan narrowed his eyes slightly: "Are you going to cross the organization?"

"Night attacks are frontline barriers." Brand said: "We have the right to strangle anyone and groups that threaten us."

"The people in the organization are no exception." Mayin looked at Xiuyan proudly: "If it hadn't been for the boss to contact you, I would have killed you with a single shot."

"So? I still have to thank you?" Xiu Yan's face was warm.

"No, we didn't mean it." Brand said quickly: "Actually, after what happened just now, I think we still have a chance to cooperate."

If this group of people are all Brand's temperament. Xiuyan sighed in his heart, but said, "No, I don't think we need to cooperate."

"Oh, you have a big temper." Mayin walked to Hill, squinting at Xiu Yan.

"Since the behavior of the night attack is like this, there is no need for cooperation." Xiu Yan said lightly: "The task of the special team is to eradicate the threat to the imperial capital and ensure its own safety. I'm sorry everyone. The night attack is after our kind help. I still have such thoughts, and it is difficult to cooperate."

Xiuyan is still in the state of unlocking his talents. When these words were spoken, the eyes of several people visibly shook.

Seeing the appearance of a few people, Xiu Yan already said clearly: "Any other group has contact with you, right?"

Several people looked at each other and kept silent.

"Tsk tusk, I said why don't you worry about the target escaping." As soon as Xiuyan's voice fell, the house suddenly shook a few times, and several figures rushed out of the house.

Seeing that vigorous figure and changeable skills, it is a proper substitute.

Xiuyan thought slightly, that is to say, in fact, Ye Raid already knew about the substitute, or had contact with the substitute, but the substitute they encountered was directly appointed by the Garden of Eden, similar to the imperial area here. In the form of an officer, Nagelstein, who is the frontline boss of the night raid, does not believe in Xiuyan, who claims to be an "organization" person, but it does not mean that she does not want to use it, or that the opposite agent is not like losing other agents' helpers. .

While Xiuyan was thinking, a newsletter from the team channel suddenly rang in his ear: "Xiuyan, you'd better come back soon! The warehouse has been attacked!"

Xueyin's voice.

At this time, it happened that Brand had already spoken again: "I think we can have a good talk."

"No problem." Xiu Yan promised in one fell swoop, "However, I have to deal with the things at hand first."

"We can wait for you." Brand replied.

Xiu Yan shook his head slightly: "I think both of us must show some sincerity."

Ma Yin frowned when she heard it: "Hey, don't go too far!"

"I didn't force you to be an enemy or a friend. Depending on your choice, I have shown enough sincerity, and even paid a lot of money to save you. The sincerity has shown enough. How to develop next, all Look at the night attack."

With that said, Xiu Yan didn't say much, and with a flick of the chain's blade, the person ran towards the warehouse.

Xiuyan left, and the people on the side of the night attack were lost in thought.

"Actually... He saved us twice, so I should be able to believe it." Leonai broke the deadlock.

"But he pretended to be the organizer." Mayin grinned: "I can't believe this."

"How do you know he is impersonating?" Brand responded.

"Didn't the other group of people say it." Mayin rolled his eyes.

"But the boss said he couldn't believe it." Hill had a finger against his chin, and said confusedly: "Even if they can't believe it, right?"

Lubbock put away the silk thread: "boos means to let them weigh the balance, right?"

Several people can't make up their minds when you look at me or say a word.

Their eyes finally fell on Chi Tong's body.

Chitong looked around, and took a step forward: "Solve the task first."

With that, people have already jumped off the roof.

On the other side, Xiuyan rushed to the warehouse.

"What's going on?" When Xiuyan left, he didn't forget to ask on the team channel: "Why are the surrogates going to the warehouse without problems? Are there any plot characters in there."

"The little girl Aliya ran into the warehouse!" Xueyin replied, "Then this guy rushed in."

"There are no other substitutes?"

"It's all integrated outside!" Xueyin said helplessly: "There is only one person here, but Alia is worth a thousand points at most, it shouldn't be."

"very dangerous?"

"This... is almost the same." Xueyin replied: "With my help, Liu Hong was still beaten down."

"Where is Meng Hao?"

"We have saved more than a dozen people." Xueyin's voice was helpless: "Alia ran in at this time, here is about to rebel, okay!"

Xiuyan's heart moved upon hearing this: "Where is Tazmi?"

Xueyin's answer made Xiu Yan half angry.

"Fight with Meng Hao."

ps: In the previous chapter, because of the Tegu and some information, many things got messed up after checking, checking and cutting Crimson, and in the end, the red pupil was written as Crimson...

ps: But...I'm all called Crimson, what a typo! Is it not wrong if there are too many? Not counting! I don't admit it!

ps: By the way, ask for a monthly pass for a blade. The next chapter..... I’ll write quickly. I happened to read a post about acg, so let’s talk about it in the next chapter ps...

ps: I found that I have given up using text to attract people...

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