Chapter 177 The Bottom Line

The night attack eventually sent people over.

However, how to keep these guys alive next is a problem.

To get a survival point, these three guys must survive, but the night attackers must kill these three.

They don't have time to wait for Xiuyan to drag it to the end of the mission, and they will not let Xiuyan save the three.

To put it bluntly, these few people do not die, or die slowly...

Unless...It wasn't Xiu Yi who made them die slowly.

During this time, Chuyu had three more surrogates, all the same girls.

In fact, just listen to the name of Chuyu's team to know what this team is like.

All three of them look good, they don't know the current situation very well, so they all stand honestly behind Chuyu.

"If it's a task." Chuyu walked to Xiuyan's side and whispered: "The reward points are evenly divided, and we will not make trouble."

As soon as Xueyin wanted to refute, she was stopped by Xiu Yan: "No problem. What is your mission?"

"Assist the night raid to complete the task." Chu Yu replied.

"That's it." Xiu Yan thought about it slightly, and then said: "In that case, if your task can also be completed, how about we don't have to divide it with you?"

Chu Yu frowned: "This kind of thing is impossible, right?"

"How do you know if you don't try, you won't lose anything anyway."

Chu Yu thought about it, so he nodded and said, "Okay."

The girls behind Chu Yu didn't know Xiu Yan, they blinked and looked surprised that their captain was so polite to a little guy in zone n.

"Humph!" Xueyin grunted coldly while standing beside Xiu Yan.

"By the way..." Chu Yu looked at Xueyin a little strangely, and then asked Xiuyan: "Does your team have misogyny?"

"Puff." Xiu Yan almost spit out a mouthful of water.

Xueyin raised her head and said indifferently: "I'm like this. I'm so sorry for preventing your eyes."

The words filled with thorns made Chuyu stunned, and then a dazed expression appeared on his face: "Oh~ you two..."

With that, she lowered her head slightly and apologized: "I'm sorry, I didn't pay attention."

Xiu Yan's face was dark: "Please don't make up for it, thank you!"

After that, Xiuyan ignored the two women, instead he held a person in one hand and threw them along with Alia into the group of civilians behind.

"I promised you, these three people are now yours." Xiu Yan said lightly.

In an instant, crazy colors flashed in the eyes of more than a dozen people!

" are a member of the Revolutionary Army!" Alia's father shouted with wide-eyed eyes.

"Tazmi...Tazmi..." Alia pleaded, "Tazmi save me."

Tazmi turned his head away, a trace of unbearable flashes in his eyes.

In the original book, he could kill Alia without blinking because Sayu and Ilias were both dead, but now, the two of them are not dead, and the injuries on their bodies are almost healed, although through dictation Tazmi I know what is going on, but sometimes the impact of language is different from that of vision.

"No, no." Seeing the green light flashing in the eyes of the group of people who are usually abused by herself, Alia's mother curled up.

Finally, a person couldn't help it anymore, his body rushed up, and he bit his mouth on Alia's mother's shoulder, and when he raised his head, he brought out a piece of flesh and blood.

Screams sounded.

The rough avengers replaced their own anger with their fists and feet. Suddenly, a guy accidentally tore off large pieces of clothes.

Happy together.

At this moment, the circle of revenge people froze.

Their noses were panting heavily, and their pupils were red.

Seeing this scene, Shayou trembled. She moved a few steps towards Tazmi, obviously not ready to participate in the revenge that was in front of her.

Finally, a guy couldn't help it anymore, with a wicked smile on his face, he rushed to Alia.

"Hey!" His body just threw out, a chain directly wrapped around his neck.

The guy turned his head in horror, and saw Xiu Yan's sullen face and coldly said: "Put away your dirty actions, there are children here, if she sees them, I don't mind to dispose of you."

This group of vengeful guys suddenly paled and didn't dare to move again. However, a sharp guy rolled his eyes, and he pulled Alia's father up and ran towards the warehouse.

Xiuyan did not stop.

The rest of the people seemed to understand in an instant, and hurriedly pulled two people into the warehouse.

Then, the sound of tearing clothes continued.

"Liu Hong, Meng Hao." Xiu Yan shouted: "Know what the mission is. Go in and watch. Don't be surprised."

"Boss..." Meng Hao was bitter.

"I'll go by myself." Liu Hong's expression was flat: "Not everyone can accept that scene."

With that, the brawny man has already walked into the warehouse.

Xiu Yan turned his head and looked at the people in the night attack: "If you don't worry about it, you can send someone in."

"You!" Mayn's eyes widened suddenly: "Don't you think this is too much!"

"Are you pitying them?" Xiuyan rolled the corner of his eyes: "Compared with what these Avengers did, isn't this family doing more excessively? And? I didn't do anything, just treat this group of sinful people. Give it to the guy who is qualified to try them."

Ma Yin was speechless...

A miserable scream and physical collision sounded from the warehouse.

Elias stared at all this blankly, and muttered: " could this happen."

Obviously this guy was the one who clamored for revenge, but at this time he couldn't move his body.

"This is the man." Xiu Yan said silently: "Crazy people, contradictory people, people who are in harmony with good and evil beings. Organizations always say that they want to build a new empire, but they don't know that the empire has long been rotten to the roots. Got. Anyone will be crazy if they get the right."

This sentence shocked everyone in the night attack.

"They will be tortured to death." Xiuyan said silently: "Extremely miserable death, just as they tortured those guys." Xiuyan put Haruko in his arms, stretched out his hand to cover her ears, and glanced at her at the same time. A glance at the people who attacked at night: "If you like, you can continue to listen."

Ye Raid's group gritted their teeth and did not speak.

The tragic voice in the warehouse continued to be heard, and the tragic voice appeared in front of everyone like a picture.

"I'm leaving!" Ma Yin was the first to turn away: "The task is complete!"

"I...I'm going to see Main." Hill followed Main's pace closely.

Chi Tong was silent, turned his head and left.

Leonai took a deep look at Xiuyan, then turned and left.

Lubbock sighed, Brand shook his head slightly, and the two left here.

Chuyu walked to Xiuyan's side, her eyes were complicated, and she said: "My mission is completed, but you want to survive for a few thousand points, as for?"

Xiuyan's face is also not very good: "If I am in the r zone, I might make other choices. But...not now."

"People... always have a bottom line." Chuyu sighed.

"I have." Xiuyan replied.

"Then your bottom line is low enough." Chuyu walked past Xiuyan.

ps: Actually, I'm afraid to write such a plot, but for the benefit of the substitute and reasonable and reasonable, some not very good plots do have to be written. In other words, I didn't think of a better way.

ps: Then, shamelessly ask for another wave of monthly ticket blades. If you can accept it... (Uneasy)

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