The Basic Law of Routines in the Infinite World

Chapter 179: Into the night attack

Chapter 179 Entering the Night Attack

Even if these people leave, they are still observing everything here.

If Xiuyi had just saved a man and left, the situation might be quite different.

After hearing Xiuyan's reply, Chuyu did not answer the conversation, but took the initiative to change the subject: "Your team may be going to attack at night."

"I can go." Xiu Yan said: "But my team members have to stay in the imperial capital, they have other things."

"Boss means you come together." Leo Nai had already lifted the Beastmaster, and everything just now made her feel unspeakably awkward.

"Our people still have to collect all kinds of information in the imperial capital, and there is no time to accompany you." Xiu Yan kept a step back: "They must stay in the imperial capital."

"Xiu Yan." Chu Yu said with an unhappy face: "Since it's cooperation, let's show some sincerity."

"This is not a mission, right?" Xiuyan looked at Chuyu and said in a low voice: "I don't want to be forced to divide the camp. This is the only advantage of the people in Zone n in this mission. The basis of cooperation is not to undermine our respective interests. , Right? Captain Chuyu."

"Do you still know that you are from Zone n?" Chu Yu sneered, "You don't have a temper at all."

Xiu Yan said quietly, "Otherwise, why do you think the substitutes you face are only so little this time?"

Chu Yu's eyes narrowed, and when he was about to speak, he was interrupted by Xiuyan: "Is it up to me to deal with the plot characters? You have nothing to lose."

Chu Yu pondered for a moment and turned around.

Xiuyan looked at the person who voted for a night attack: "How are you thinking about it?"

Brand took a step forward: "We need time."

"If you are afraid of revealing the location of the base or if you can't make up your mind." Xiuyan said indifferently: "You can go back and discuss it first. I am waiting for you in the Imperial Capital."

"No need." Chitong responded faintly: "Take him back."

"I have one more condition." Xiu Yan held out a finger to Tazmi and the others: "They are together."

"You don't need to say that." Ma Yin said disdainfully: "People who see our looks naturally have to deal with it."

"Then wait a moment." Xiu Yan turned around: "My team and I have something to explain."

Xiu Yan walked towards Xueyin and the others.

At this moment Xueyin was holding his arms and watching him sneer.

"Oh, are you ready to go out of our sight and go fooling around?" Xueyin said yin and yang strangely.

"Don't make trouble." Xiu Yan flicked Xueyin's forehead: "Don't forget your mission in the imperial capital, that's the most important thing."

"Don't treat me as a kid!" Xueyin said with dissatisfaction, covering his forehead, "You are seeking personal gain."

"You are so strange today." Xiu Yan squinted at Xueyin: "Why do you always feel sour?"

"Not today." Haruko said next to Xiuhiko: "It was after the big sister appeared that the young lady became like this."

"Haruko, what are you talking nonsense!" Xueyin's face flushed with a brush.

"You two." Liu Hong chattered to the side: "I wanted to say it from the beginning. It always feels like you two are gay."

"Don't make trouble!" First, watching his team deviate from the topic, Xiu Yan forced the topic back to the right track: "Speaking of business, things in the imperial capital can't be stopped. I can't stay in the night attack, at most Only one or two days there, the affairs of the imperial capital can't be left behind."

"We know." Xueyin and Liu Hong responded.

"Then it's the current thing." Xiuyan looked at the mansion of Alia's house: "There should be a lot of valuable things in this house, don't miss it."

"You guy..." Liu Hong shook his head helplessly: "People who attack at night may also take it."

"It's okay." Xiuyan didn't care: "The spoils are nothing." Xiuyan pointed to the watch: "We have an advantage over them."

Liu Hong and Xueyin nodded to express their understanding.

"And Meng Hao." Xiu Yan said: "Meng Hao, you want...Meng Hao! Meng Hao, what are you doing?"

When Xiu Yan called Meng Hao, he found that this guy was staring at the direction of the night attack.

Xiu Yan called him a few times before he realized: "Yes, I'm here." And he was still hesitant to speak.

Xiu Yan followed Meng Hao's gaze and found Sha You who was standing on the side of the night attack.

Shaking his head slightly, Xiu Yan sighed, "What can you say."

"Boss." Meng Hao cried and said, "Do you think I look like a pineapple now?"


"Why are you thinking about this?"

"Otherwise?" Meng Hao looked frustrated: "Tazmi is here, he and Sha You are serious childhood sweethearts, and they want to go to the night raid base together, I..."

"Don't worry." Xiuyan didn't say a word, but Haruko comforted him: "How can the Qingmei system compare to the Heavenly descendant system, don't worry, brother."

With that said, Haruko gave Xueyin a slightly worried look.

Xiuyan picked up Haruko and asked fiercely, "Who taught you this!"

Haruko shrank his head: "When collecting data, it's all like this."

"Bring Haruko with me." Xueyin suddenly said, with a somewhat unquestionable voice: "Otherwise, there is no discussion."

Xiuyan looked down at Haruko and found that the little girl was sticking out her tongue at him.

Xiu Yan shook his head helplessly: "I see, you can go to your business."

Haruko turned her head in Xiuyan's arms and gave Xueyin a relieved look.

Two people who usually quarrel at home unexpectedly reached a consensus.

After Xiuyan followed the night attack and his party to leave, he found that Brand and Lubbock hadn't kept up. He wanted to ‘raise’ funds for the organization.

There were already prepared vehicles outside, and after a long walk, everyone finally arrived at the base of the night attack in the animation.

These outsiders, Xiuyan, were arranged to wait outside for a while before being put in.

Entering the living room of the house, Na Jie Xitan with silver hair, a blindfold, and a mechanical arm is sitting on the main seat.

This is the commander of the night raid, the former imperial general.

Although she is female, it is really difficult to judge her gender if she is not dressed in the two groups on her chest at this time.

"I already know what happened." Before Xiuyan could speak, Najiexitan had already spoken: "However, it is too late today, and everyone has been fighting for a day. Brand and Lubbock have not yet returned. What can I say tomorrow?"

Although it is an interrogative sentence, the tone of the sentence carries the usual commands.

"I have no opinion." Xiu Yan spread his hands. He knew that since Najie Xitan saw Xiuyan here, she naturally had to find a way to contact the organization to obtain Xiuyan's identity.

But Xiuyan didn't care. As a qualified liar, he could always find a reason for himself.

"Thank you for your open-mindedness." Najiexitan waved her hand: "Leonai, take them to rest."

ps: It's snowing, it's snowing...Damn, it's hard to see a heavy snow this year, so it stopped in less than an hour! What happened this winter? I haven't seen a few snow scenes.

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