The Basic Law of Routines in the Infinite World

Chapter 324: Transaction complete

Chapter 324 Transaction Completion

The greater the so-called ability, the greater the responsibility...

Bah, I wrote the wrong book.

The higher the so-called reward, the greater the difficulty.

Let’s take a look at the reward for the final killing of Ampere Qingming. If converted into survival points, each agent can reap nearly 200,000 income, everyone!

In the past, a boss had tens of thousands of points and a few people were divided. As a result, this ampere was so clear that everyone directly shared it with everyone.

It is equivalent to this guy's survival points worth millions!

Of course, considering the difficulty of leapfrogging and loophole subsidies, the actual value of Ampere Ching Ming may be inflated.

After all...getting rich depends on maintenance.

Xiu Yan believes that if it were not for the maintenance of the so-called abnormal data, Ampere Qingming would definitely not have such a high value.

But even so, you can't ignore his own value.

This is the same truth as the fact that even if you send you a hundred stones, you still can't change the six dollars a stone.

And the only conscience in accepting this mission is the last one, there is no punishment for mission failure.

Yes, all those who fail the mission are dead, okay!

"What's going on!" Xiu Yan stared at the task in front of him dumbfounded.

"The remedy of the Garden of Eden." The girl replied: "The original mission of the surrogate in this world is to prevent Abe Seimei from being called, or after the growth period Abe Seimei is called, there will be a survival task. As long as he survives for an hour, it counts. The mission is triumphant."

"What about now?" Xiu Yan pointed to the watch: "Kill the complete body!"

"And expulsion."

"There is an egg difference!"

"There are still thirty days to survive."

"The goods came out to destroy mankind, okay!"

The girl gave Xiuyan a faint look: "What are you trying to say?"

"I want to say that since it's a so-called bug, can't you fix it? The substitute returns, and you will solve the rest by yourself!"

"No problem under normal circumstances." The girl replied: "But this involves the interests of the substitutes. The sunset team has joined the Kyoto Yokai camp. The income and ranking of the Kyoto Yokai is their income and ranking. The Garden of Eden has no right to interfere with the passing of the substitutes. Benefits from legal channels."

"Is your brain sick?" Xiu Yan covered his face: "This is called a malicious use of a system bug, okay! It's still in the game and the title is not discussed!"

The girl only responded with a faint remark: "This is the rule of the Garden of Eden. Eden has no right to interfere in any matter involving a substitute. The Sunset Team is just exploiting loopholes, not creating loopholes."

Xiuyan's liver exploded when he heard it, "What about the humanistic care at this time???? If it wasn't for the Garden of Eden to throw us into the mission world for death reincarnation, I would like to thank you all! Damn, do you mean it? Will I be able to take advantage of bugs in the future?"

The girl glanced at him: "No right to interfere doesn't mean you won't be disgusted."

Xiuyan's eyes narrowed slightly: "What do you mean."

"The mission of the Sunset Team is to kill all the substitutes within 30 days. If the mission fails, the punishment will be wiped out.


Xiuyan poked his head forward: "That's it?"

"that's it."

"Yes it is."

Xiuyan was silent.

With the emergence of this task, the surrogate was completely unable to run. After thinking for a long time, Xiuyan still compromised: "What can you give me?"

"Double rewards and some help within authority."

"I don't need a double reward." Xiuyan said: "It is impossible to kill this Abe Haruaki. If you stop it, there is not enough time now. The only way is to expel. I will sell my life for you. The expelled reward is even double. It’s only 50,000 points more."

"what do you want?"

"Individual reward." Xiu Yan looked at the little girl in front of him: "Single reward in the way of team sharing, maximum reward."

"no problem."

The girl's voice fell, and a new task appeared on Xiu Yan's watch.

[Special mission: expelling Abe Seimei]

[Special task rewards: 50,000 survival points, 5,000 fear points, two blue b-level replenishment boxes, five-star evaluation by all members]

[Special tasks share the same group of people by default, and do not conflict with the main task rewards]

After seeing this task, Xiu Yan frowned: "This is a kill reward, right."

"Yes." The girl replied: "This is the highest reward mode."

"This is not enough." Xiu Yan shook his head.

"I have no right to give more rewards."

"Then change it." Xiuyan said immediately, "You said Haruko and Esders are both abnormal data, right? How do they handle it?"

"Esdes is a normal income, which needs to be investigated. Haruko Kobayakawa is an illegal income, and the surrogate will assist in the erasure or the detection of the upgrade of the s area to remove the data."

Xiuyan's eyes tightened: "The surrogate assisted in the obliteration? Did you provide the metal bullets in the last world?"

"Yes." The girl didn't have the slightest ambiguity.

Xiu Yan shuddered and almost cut the goods without pulling out the knife.

But he knew that conflict between himself and the girl in front of him had no effect, and there was almost no second possibility except that he was stunned, and he knew exactly how Haruko came.

However, this does not mean that Xiuyan is not acting. He just listened to him immediately and said: "Then I need to give Haruko a legal identity."

"This doesn't conform to the rules." The girl refused directly.

"Then tell me first, what happened to Haruko? Her favorability is good enough."

"Illegal channels to enter the Garden of Eden. The full value of the favorability meets the requirements for bringing out, but you have not used the bring out props, and have not received the bring out task. This is illegal.

Hearing this, Xiu Yan let out a sigh of relief.

He was really afraid that the girl in front of him would classify Haruko directly into the so-called bug. But now it seems that things are not that serious.

"Then post the mission or I can make up one and bring out the props?"

"This doesn't meet the rules."

"At this time, don't talk to me about the rules!" Xiuyan pointed out fiercely, "Look at what is being mixed up outside! What about your rules when Abe Haruaki is about to come out? This is designed by breaking the rules. What is it for? Is it a loophole for people? Compared to the guy outside who is about to destroy the world, I've been sitting at the station and forgot to make up the ticket, okay!"

"Anger is of no use." The girl turned a deaf ear to Xiuyan's words: "If you don't conform to the rules, you don't conform to the rules."


"Okay..." Xiu Yan was stunned by this indifferent girl.

After thinking for a while, Xiuyan said again: "Well, let's change the way. How can I help the organization to do things? Can some things be accommodating? There are also many Hollywood movie missions in the Garden of Eden, right? Help the government to do things to wipe out criminal records. You should know this, right?"

This time the girl did not speak.

When Xiuyan saw a play, he hurriedly continued and said: "It's not as good as ours. I can do without my reward, or replace my reward with Haruko's legal status. She has entered the Garden of Eden now, isn't she? The only difference is Haruko. It’s just being targeted by you, and the crime is just illegal income. Since the Garden of Eden promotes equivalent exchange, I will use this time to help you solve the troubles created by the agents in exchange for a legal identity that has been incorporated into the system. It should be No problem, right?"


Before the girl had finished speaking, Xiu Yan immediately interrupted: "I know this is not in accordance with the rules, but since you want a substitute to help you solve the problem, you must have an attitude of asking for help? Of course, if you can't call it Promise, this is a favor, I won't help."

"Is this a threat?"

"No." Xiu Yan shook his head: "This is a deal, you can refuse."

The girl thought for a while, and finally said: "After Abe Haruaki successfully summoned, you will never be able to get out of the battle until the expulsion is complete."

"No problem." Xiu Yan agreed directly.

"Well, this time the mission is completed, Haruko Kobayakawa will get a legal status." The girl said, her body gradually faded.

"Wait!" Xiu Yan hurriedly shouted.

"What else is there?"

"I just had a big battle here." Xiuyan was in such a good mood at this time that the smile on his face looked like something: "Whether it is special enhancements or consumables, I have used too much, this state Didn’t you go to fight the boss to find death? I remember there was a saying..... before the war...well, do you understand?"

"Everything in the Garden of Eden will be given out in the form of rewards." The girl responded: "My help is there."

"That's it!" Xiuyan understood the girl's meaning in an instant, and saw him stretch out a finger: "There is one last request."

"Substitute Xiuyan, please don't get too far."

"This time it has nothing to do with the reward." Xiuyan stared at the girl: "I just hope, even in the fight, if I want to find you, I hope you can appear immediately."

"no problem."

With that, the girl's figure disappeared completely.

Everything in front of Xiuyan returned to normal.

But a tricky smile appeared on Xiuyan's face.

"Just think about the loop." Xiu Yan smacked his lips: "You deserve to be exploited by all kinds of loopholes."



In a white space.

This is the place most familiar to the agents-the mission world settlement office.

At this time, in the entire space, a small figure is unusually conspicuous.

In front of Garza flashed various elemental runes, which filled the entire space, just like computer codes.

But this kind of rune is not something in any animation or movie, even in the Garden of Eden, there is no such strengthening plan.

Garsa's fingers were dashed around her, and along with her fingers, the runes began to arrange in an orderly manner.

Suddenly, the various elemental runes around suddenly turned red! The next moment, the runes were disordered, and the sequence of runes that just seemed regular was instantly disrupted.

"Damn it!" Garsa shook her arm angrily: "It failed again!"

At this moment, a ripple suddenly shook Garza's side, and then a Gothic Lolita with an umbrella walked out of the ripple.

"Garsa." The Gothic Lolita asked as soon as he appeared: "What happened?"

Garza turned her head, her face was full of surprises: "Teacher! Why are you here!"

"The bureau received your report." The goth loli touched Garsa's hair fondly: "So the director asked me to see the situation."

"I don't know what's going on." Garza reluctantly pointed to the surrounding rune: "The mission world is abnormal, but the mission world is locked, and I can't get in if I can."

"The world is abnormal?" An inexplicable stream of light flashed in the eyes of the Gothic Lolita: "Strange, could it be the reason for the Garden of Eden?"

"Then who knows to go?" Galsa said helplessly: "No one is qualified to enter the Garden of Eden. If something goes wrong there, none of us can help. Even if my brother comes, we can only stare."

"Which mission world is the problem?"

"The long-haired grandson of Grandpa Alien, that is, the world of the grandson of the slick ghost, in the r zone."

"The world in zone r..." Gothic Lolita thought for a while, and suddenly, her face changed: "No, I remember that this world has Huangquan Mansion and right? There are also plot characters in Chao District. !"

Garsa said with a weeping face: "Yes."

"Trouble!" This Gothic Lolita waved with one hand, and a light door appeared: "Quickly, let's go back to the meeting."

As she said, she couldn't help but pulled Garza's light door and walked away.

"Ah! Another meeting!" Garza was dragged by this goth loli, her hands dangling in the sky: "Teacher! I don't want a meeting! I don't want it! I can still fight against authority for 300 rounds ! Let me go! Teacher, let me go!"



Looking at the monster corpses all over the floor, the Eight Sins waved their hands: "Okay, it's almost done."

After hearing the news, he threw away the little monster in his hand: "Alright?"

"Well, it's almost there." Eight Sins nodded: "The main mission has come out, and our mission is completed, Xiaola, how about the Doomsday Refuge?"

"It's still active, and it works well." Laiduo replied.

"Put the evacuation rover and we will withdraw."

"Captain." Aoman said from the side: "If the mission substitute fails this time, the rover will be abandoned."

"It's okay." Eight Sins said lightly: "At least, it can bring back something."

"It takes 50,000 points for an exploration vehicle to broadcast a dual world." Laiduo looked at the Eight Sins with a sad face: "Captain, we are going to die."

"Which so much nonsense!" Eight sins glared at him: "It's a rare opportunity to launch a rover."

"Oh~~~ money." Although laziness looked reluctant. But who made this an order? ? I saw an aperture flashing beside him, and the next moment, a Lego toy car emerged from that aperture.

As soon as the Lego car appeared, it turned into a streamer and rushed towards the center of Kyoto.

"Farewell." Lazy Duo waved his hand painfully, "My fifty thousand points."

"Okay, okay, don't feel bad about this." A scroll appeared in the hands of Eight Sins, and he said: "All are ready to get out of the scroll. We can't go anymore later."

"Yes", a circle of people agrees, and then each of them has the same scroll in their hands.

"Apply for early return."

[The eight original sins of the surrogate team returned early]

[The completion of main tasks exceeds 50%, early return is allowed, the current return is halved, whether to confirm it]

[Confirmation is complete, send after three seconds]

Then, a beam of light fell from the sky and enveloped the entire body of the Eight Original Sins.

The figures of the Eight Original Sins and others flashed past, and when they appeared again, it was already a white space.

[Return to the waiting space, please wait for the quest world to end for those who return early]

As soon as the Garden of Eden reminder sounded, the voice of the Eight Sins appeared: "Hurry up, switch the picture!"

ps: Well, this chapter is two-in-one and four thousand words...

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