The Basic Law of Routines in the Infinite World

Chapter 377: How to die and how to live

Chapter 377 How to Die and Live

"Come on!" In the correction field, Xiu Yan looked at Bazula, who was covered in blood in front of him, with a provocative expression on his face.

Xiu Yan raised his head and didn't know which bottle of potion he had filled to maintain his special strengthening form. Accordingly, Bazula also consumed a lot.

But unlike Xiuyan who only used potions, Bazula also used a few scrolls, which was obviously forced into this by Xiuyan.

"You..." Bazula looked straight at Xiu Yan, his eyes full of ghost expressions: "How many consumables do you have?"

Xiu Yan flipped his wrist, and a bottle of medicine appeared in his hand.

Bazula's eyes lit up suddenly: "Is the last bottle right!"

"What do you want?" Xiuyan looked at him as if he was an idiot: "I mean just this kind of medicine, I have something here that can hold you to death!"


"It's impossible!" Bazula's voice was full of disbelief: "Did you take all the survival points to buy potions!"

"You care what I buy." Xiu Yan looked at Bazula coldly: "It's you, compared to me, you guys are more'impossible', right? Obviously you have this kind of skill like opening up. But you have been in the r zone in obscurity...Bazula, you should have been exposed to some other things, right?"

"I follow God's will, and naturally get God's favor!" When it comes to this kind of thing, this guy is like a fanatic.

"Divine Will?" Xiuyan's face was full of disdainful smiles: "What do you call Divine Will? If it's just a'God', I think it might exist, because there are already too many impossible things in the Garden of Eden. But obviously Bazu Pull... This "God" does not seem to be the same as the "God" in your mouth."

"Fart!" Speaking of his beliefs, Bazou suddenly roared: "A sinner would dare to slander my lord! Damn it!" As he said, Bazou bullied himself again.

But Xiuyan at this time was no longer like the initial embarrassment, but was able to fight with ease.

Bazula wants to exchange injuries for injuries, Xiu Yan can always stop in time to prevent himself from being affected by this lunatic.

With only a few moves to fight, Bazula was knocked out, and his body slammed into the wire fence behind, making a rattling sound.

"You... are constantly getting stronger?"

"It won't be enough to become stronger." Xiu Yan shook the Thunder Blade in his hand and said meaningfully: "It's just adapted to your style of play. At the beginning, it was just that I didn't fight against a lunatic like you. We've been fighting for so long, so I've lost five thousand health points, right? If I haven't got used to this, wouldn't it be too shameful."

Bazula's face was full of contempt: "If you didn't have those medicines, you would have died long ago!"

"Oh?" Xiu Yan said with a playful smile: "It seems that no one recognizes yourself. If it weren't for these medicines, you black skin would have died long ago! You should be fortunate, fortunate that I don't love me. Spending money indiscriminately."

As he said, Xiu Yan also looked up and down Bazula: " can't hold it anymore, right? Your attack frequency has been slower and slower, waiting for your injury to recover. Or does each attack consume too much?"

"Huh?" The light on Bazula's body lit up: "Aren't you the same? Now there is still time to chat with me here, and the desire to attack is getting lower and lower."

Hearing this answer, Xiuyan's face was already filled with a confident smile: "You are wrong again, and now I am even more sure that you guy is not a substitute for obtaining this kind of power in a normal way. I haven't seen it yet. Is it? I just want to see how long you can last, or what other hole cards you can force."

Bazula's face changed slightly, but she didn't believe it at all: "Will you tell this kind of thing?"

"What's the matter?" Xiu Yan spread his hands and said indifferently: "This is the difference in strength, even if this **** correction field makes you and me no attribute difference, even if you force me to turn on special enhancements. But .... You can’t make up for the gap in skill items. When I become familiar with your fighting style, you have only a small advantage left. And I tell you so much because I want to choose this option. Throw it to you, you can use your hole cards to escape, or you can choose to smash with me. I now tell you everything, how to choose, how to entangle is your own business. I like to see people anxious It looks like an ant."

"..." Bazura was lost in thought.

Suddenly, there was a smirk on his face: "No, are you lying to me? In fact, you are also the end of the fight, saying this is just to scare me away."

However, something unexpected happened to Bazula.

I saw Xiuyan looking at him with a scared expression: "Damn, how do you know? Did you see through this?"

Bazula's face jumped with muscles as he watched Xiuyan's flamboyant acting skills: "Do you treat me as an idiot! Pretend to pretend to be a bit like a jerk!"

"So." Seeing that he was seen through, Xiu Yan simply put away his exaggerated acting skills, and said nonchalantly: "Now you have the right to choose."

Bazula thought for a while, then he took a step back and looked at Xiuyan deeply, then put down a cruel sentence: "Is Xiuyan right? I remember you! Next time, you won’t Good luck again!"

Xiu Yan scratched his head: "I thought I had become an unknown existence in Zone r. It turns out that there are still people who don't know me."

But Bazula couldn't hear his words.

"It was the teammate who summoned the commander, and the teammate he used was called to leave." Cortana's figure appeared on Xiuyan's watch. The artificial intelligence frowned at this moment: "I don't understand the commander, you have all the advantages. Under the circumstances, why do you want to tell him this? So that he wakes up and chooses to stop temporarily?"

"Because it's unnecessary." Xiuyan snorted as he watched the fading scene around him: "And our opponent is not stupid. When Teigu and I were familiar with his style of play, he actually lost. , But there is still a lot of difference between losing and defeating, defeating and killing him. I think it is impossible to kill him, at least this time. The existence of the correction field cannot give me the opportunity to kill him in seconds, that is Said that he can run away at any time. In that case, why should I spend energy to force him to escape?"

"But you invisibly missed an opportunity to kill him."

Xiu Yan shook his head slightly: "The battle just now is like a chaos in a game. Sometimes, how to die is more important than how to live. In many cases, you can achieve greater results by making choices that are contrary to your pursuit. "

"for example?"

"For example, I saved a lot of summoning money, saved a lot of medicines, and saved a lot of CDs and props that the guy desperately needed to consume." Seeing the light around him dissipate, Xiuyan said meaningfully: "Ours Enemy... but this one is not the only one."

Xiuyan had returned to where he stood, but the ground at this intersection seemed to have been plowed once.

Not to mention that this is Fuyuki City, but people believe that it is a battlefield in the Middle East.

"Let's see." Xiuyan took a step back: "The battle is not over yet!"

ps: Damn, after the first chapter was updated today, the agent ran in Hangzhou all afternoon to see the house.....The place is still hot these days, not to mention the uncomfortable, and I still can't find the house. Niang Xipi’s house here is so expensive...not to mention the kind of single-room rented houses in this area, some are also single apartments or hotel-style apartments... Five thousand a month.........grab the money! ! ! !

ps: I was shocked by the housing price....It cost nearly 200 to just look at the house and take a taxi... but I haven't found it yet.

ps: I went to check the rankings, I am now 15th, with a monthly pass of 220, and the difference between the blue and white 10th place is only 60 votes! come! Sixty more votes! ! With another 60 votes, you can see the five shifts! ! ! ! Oh, by the way, I haven't voted for my own monthly pass...I still have 58 votes short!

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