Chapter 546 Site Selection

After taking a rest in the Garden of Eden, Xiuyan and Yuwenxi exchanged some opinions and information, he went out and took everyone back to the Hall of Heroes again.

If you want to choose a place to live, you have to choose here.

The Hall of Heroes has many uses, and acceptance of the return is just one of them.

When he came to a separate room, Xiu Yan had already spoken: "The surrogate team has a false name, apply for a resident."

[Check the identity of the agent]

[The test is completed, the false name team meets the application requirements]

【Please choose a resident】

With the sound of the Garden of Eden, a holographic projection of a map emerged in front of the crowd.

"Cortana." Xiu Yan called.

"Yes." Cortana's figure appeared.

"Record the map."

"Cortana understands."

This map is a map like a sand table. The center of the sand table is a towering mountain.

The hall at the top of the mountain highlights its identity-the Garden of Eden.

On the east side of the mountain, there is a large red area, and the west side is a large blue area, which looks like a chess board divided into two places.

And the Garden of Eden is the Chu River and Han boundary in the middle.

Needless to say, this is the faction choice for the s area.

And the periphery of this map is a large area of ​​your dark space.

"What are these dark places?" Xiuyan asked.

[Unexplored area] The answer of the system tone is very quick.

"Why didn't it prove?"

[The unproven area is the home of unknown creatures. Only by driving them away can it become a proven area]

"It means to open the map." Xueyin slapped his lips.

Liu Hong even said from the side: "That is to say, the more dangerous you are on the outside? The safer you are on the inside?"

"That's not necessarily." Meng Hao pointed at the Garden of Eden: "Although there is little danger of encountering an'unexplored area' inside, this place is the place where the two camps of the surrogate are opposed. It is not safe at all."

"It's safer than outside." Rong Qi continued.

"Huh?" Meng Hao was taken aback for a moment.

"That girl is right." Asides said on the sidelines: "Even if it's me, now I can see through your substitutes. In your opinion, the exchange of benefits is more meaningful than hard work, camp. During the mission, Xiuyan also pulled a bunch of other camps to form alliances? I think that the two camps in this place choose 80% of the same. It seems like a sword is drawn, but in fact it is full of deals and compromises."

"Don't be so disdainful." Xiu Yan chuckled, "This is human nature. Everyone has to survive in all kinds of extreme environments."

"Then where do we choose to live?" Xueyin asked.

Meng Hao scratched his head: "Should we not first ask what our camp choice is?"

Xiu Yan smiled: "This one has already been selected."

"Have you chosen?" Everyone was stunned.

"Faction display." Xiu Yan said.

Then, a panel emerged.

[Fantasy Team: Guards]

"This..." A group of people looked at each other, and Liu Hong had already asked in a low voice: "The other camp won't be..."

"Yes." Xiu Yan said: "It's a natural disaster."

"Day!" Meng Hao suddenly cried out strangely: "We are playing dota for feelings!"

"Just borrow the name of the camp?" Xueyin said tremblingly, "Why do I suddenly have a bad premonition in the Hall of Heroes?"

Xiu Yan shook his head slightly: "When does the Garden of Eden only use names? Forget it, you'll know when you go out, now choose the location first."

With that, Xiuyan pointed to the map and said: "First of all, the place we can choose is the red side. Then, the colored block means that it is occupied by someone, and the one without color means that no one has it. However, this is not the case. It means that the place with color cannot be entered. As long as we pay the price, the place with color can also be used as a resident."

"The price?" Liu Hong smiled and shook his wrist: "I'm afraid they can't afford it!"

Xiu Yan shook his head and did not pay attention to Liu Hong, but pointed at a place and said, "I decided to choose here."

"This place..." Xueyin frowned, "Where is it?"

"The target area is zoomed in." Xiu Yan has already said here.

Then, the holographic map in front of him zoomed in, and everyone found that it was a valley.

The entire valley is like a pocket, the entrance is narrow, but the internal space is large. The place Xiuyan was referring to was inside the valley.

"This is a good place that is easy to defend and difficult to attack." Asides took a look and said first: "This place is good, but I don't recommend it." As he said, Asides drew out his sword and said. Pointing to the nearest red dot and said: "Did you not find that the areas of other agents are being expanded outwards? The nearest agent gathering place is far away from you, which is not conducive to support. I remember the beginning Yu said that this is not a peaceful place."

"We are not alone either." Xiu Yan shook his head slightly and said, "If we want to form our own alliance, we are destined to have a large enough territory of our own. This is obviously a good choice, isn't it?"

Esther shook his head: "This reason is not enough to persuade me to take a risk."

"Okay." Xiu Yan spread his hands: "This is the position someone recommended to me."

Xueyin looked at Xiuyan inexplicably: "Recommend? What's in here?"

"Of course it's because of the abundant supplies here, and it's an excellent resource point." Xiuyan said naturally: "In fact, distance is not a problem. We have magic words, teleportation formations, and soaring thousands of miles. Distance is not for us. What must be resolved, what we need to face is how to develop steadily."

Xueyin wrinkled her nose, and she looked at Xiuyan with an unkind expression: "I think you are hiding something from me!"

"No!" Xiu Yan waved his hand immediately: "Absolutely not!"

"No!" Xueyin leaned over, staring at Xiu Yan's eyes tightly. The distance between the two is now less than five centimeters. Xueyin's voice is serious: "No! You must be hiding something from me!"

Xiuyan withdrew his head back, and smiled dryly: "What can I hide from you?"

Xueyin was stunned for a moment. She looked at the position Xiuyan had chosen, and slowly placed a hand on her chin.

Suddenly, her eyes lit up: "Wait! Although I don't know what your so-called excellent resource point means, but coming and going means this is a good place! If this is the case, who will tell You? Why do you want to tell you, why didn't they come to account for it? Or, what is the advantage of telling you?"

"Hey hey hey!" Xiu Yan suddenly became nervous: "I haven't seen you use your mind like this in the mission world!"

And Xueyin had already raised his head abruptly, and a pair of eyes hooked Xiuyan like an eagle, and a sound like a volcano before the eruption came from Xueyin's throat.

"Say! How much money did you spend! Where did the money come from! Why didn't I have any notice here!"

ps: I was not dry at the time, but it became like this after a night of sleep. Also, what is the next fire tea? I drank a can of Jiaduobao, half a box of golden voice, it feels useless. Still all kinds of pain.

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