Chapter 572: The Feeling of Palpitations

"Sir, they are dispatched." Just when Xiuyan walked forward for a while, Cortana's voice came out.

"How many teams?"



"Yes, it looks like Heifengzhai stayed at the base."

Xiuyan frowned slightly: "Is that so?"

"What's wrong?" Xueyin asked from the side.

"Nothing." Xiu Yan shook his head: "It seems that the heavy tour is really against me. This is a good game of Infernal Affairs."

Xueyin's eyes rolled: "You mean something went wrong with the intelligence, right?"

Xiuyan said: "I just got the detailed information of this team from Yuwenxi. Now it seems that these ten thousand points are in vain."

"Business people are like this." Chuyu Tanshou next to him said: "I have seen it in their alliance for a while. As long as you can get a point of survival, unless it is a rigid contract of Eden, otherwise these guys have nothing. Professional ethics."

"What are you talking about?" Yuan Shanshan looked nervous on the side: "That group of guys have come out! Don't you want a solution!"

Eight Sins grinned from the side: "The emperor is not in a hurry for the eunuchs, their target is Xiuyan, do you think Xiuyan is nervous?"

"Who are you scolding!" Yuan Shanshan almost didn't lift the table.

Xiu Yan hurriedly stepped up to complete the battle: "Alright, don’t worry, if this guy really wants to deal with us, he won’t be without Black Wind Village. I want to restrain my Summoning Legion and the Iron Army, unless Heifeng Village The people showed up with their herd. But now that team has not appeared, so... they might just behave."


"If you don't believe me, just wait and see."


After a while, Cortana's voice appeared: "The sir, whose speed has slowed down, seems to be following us."

"Look." Xiu Yan looked at Yuan Shanshan.

Yuan Shanshan smiled with joy: "Doesn't that mean that we can develop steadily?"

"It's impossible." Xiu Yan sighed: "These people following behind are actually telling us a message, that is, don't let them seize the opportunity, as long as they seize the opportunity, they will cheat us. To put it bluntly, They are just to restrict us from developing disgusting plans. So, be careful in all things."

Yuan Shanshan's mouth pursed: "It's really troublesome!"

"Sir, it's time to reach the first resource point." Cortana's voice appeared: "There are some medicinal materials in it that can be collected, but the one that guards this medicinal material is a void beast. According to the drone, there are probably three. about."

"What about the construction point valuation?"

"About three hundred thousand."

Three hundred thousand construction points are about thirty thousand survival points, which is pitiful for a few teams....It can be said to be pitiful.

In fact, many of these resource points in Borderlands are discovered by the substitutes themselves, but most of them are just like this thing in front of them, and they are not of high value.

"Among the three void beasts, the strongest one has a strength of 180, a defense of 100, and a spirit of 500. It has the ability to hide in space. After being killed, there is a chance to reward blue boxes or b-level equipment items. The remaining two are given green c-level reward."

"Clear it." Xiu Yan said.

When his words fell, Liu Hong and Bakushi had already rushed out of the team and rushed towards this resource point.

Then, a roar came out from the mountain stream in front of him.

After Xueyin raised his hand to close the space, the Void Beast was completely meat on the display board.

The process of clearing the void beasts was extremely smooth, and after clearing this resource point, everyone began to move towards the next place.

Liu Hong threw a blue box in and said cursingly: "I have not spent a lot of money for a little bit."

What he said is right. It cost Xiuyan tens of thousands of points to summon this bunch of things. Speaking of which, every time Xiuyan's monster army is actually based on survival points.

"If you want more survival points, you need to go to more dangerous places." Xiuyan put his hand on the map: "Here."

"This is..." Chu Yu looked at it, "An abandoned city? What do you want is the ammunition inside?"

Xiu Yan nodded: "After a few days of fighting, our ammunition consumption was a bit high, and now we need to replenish it. Moreover, the consumption of medicament is also a bit large these days, and there are many mobs in the biochemical factory, just in time for Meng Hao to touch some medicine. "

"You really save it."

Xiu Yan laughed: "Isn't this a very time." He asked, "Cortana, how is the investigation done in the abandoned city?"

"This is not a simple local governor." Cortana turned around, and a huge lizard appeared on the screen: "Where is this guardian beast, at least a + level biochemical monitor lizard, strength 800 points, The agility is relatively low, but there are also two hundred. There is a ruining light reflector on the back. According to the information in the Garden of Eden, the damage is at least about 1,000 points. Other unexplored things are temporarily unknown."

"That's a little troublesome." Xiu Yan thought for a while: "Can you avoid this fierce beast and deal with the mobs inside first? By the way, what does the mobs have?"

"There are swift-sensitive bugs that are fast but low in attack, and there are many biochemical and robotics. The way to avoid the beasts is to enter from the west of the city and not cross the central axis.

Eight Sins heard from the side and scratched their heads: "Can't you change places? I always feel a bit dangerous here."

Xiu Yan nodded silently: "Are there other alternatives besides this place?"

"The situation of several major resource points is the same." Cortana replied: "It depends on how you choose."

"Just this place." Yuan Shanshan knocked on the table: "The first thing that a substitute in Borderlands has to deal with is some agile guys, after all, it's easy to escape."

"Okay." Xiu Yan decided: "That's it."



"Their target seems to be an abandoned city." Charles speculated by looking at the direction of Xiuyan's movement.

"These people are very courageous." Bronzebeard hesitated on his face: "There is an a+ grade fierce beast guarding that place, as well as a large number of mechanical guards. What are they doing? Relying on their own number advantage. Hard punch?"

"Can we make trouble?" Fielding said emotionally, "When they were fighting."

Shiva shook his head quickly: "What if they turn to the fire? We didn't bring the base car out."

Fielding laughed: "We didn't go up and fight them hard, Xiuyan can disgust us, we can naturally disgust them, you see their direction, obviously avoiding the beast, so... .. If we bring that thing over, and then we go directly by ourselves..."

"Good idea!" Charles's eyes lit up suddenly: "So we have an explanation too!"

Shiva looked at the two of them, and for some reason, she was lost in thought.

And the bronze beard next to him waved to a girl in the team and asked, "Do we still have boxes in our hands?"

The girl was stunned for a moment: "What's the matter with the captain? Why do you ask this?"

"It's nothing." The copper beard scratched his head: "There is always a bad premonition. It feels safer to have a box."

ps: By the way, places like Baijiawang ordered four take-out dishes... and seven were delivered. I looked at the bill and thought about it for a long time... Now not only is there a reduction in money outside, but also four for three for free. ? ?

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