The Basic Law of Routines in the Infinite World

Chapter 619: Persuade (four more)

Chapter 619 Persuasion (four more)

"Let those cutting-edge soldiers board the ship?" Judo Koichiro looked at Inaho incredulously: "Why?"

Talk to this uncle Inah's high school instructor, with the rank of David, a guy in the anime who lives in the pain of the past, and he drinks his sorrows every day.

In the original book, he was also rescued by him in a landing craft to come to New Awara City. So Inaho was the first to find him.

"We need them." Inaifan said: "The Martians also have cutting-edge soldiers. I have seen their abilities. They are weird. Some don't even know how to use science to describe them. But one thing is that they are very strong, not even better. The Martian mecha is weak, and we need such fighters."

Judo Koichiro shook his head: "I know all this. The former Earth Army thought so too. What happened? What I got was a ruthless betrayal."

"But they also fell out with the Martians."

"How do you explain the vanguard who helped Mars?"

"The vanguard who helped us deal with the vanguard of Mars is the best explanation."

"That's the case." Said Judo Koichiro: "So these talents are qualified to board the ship. They proved with their actions that they are still our allies at least temporarily, but the others, those people don't know where they came from, they belong to Potential threat, something really happened, what about the safety of the people who evacuated on board?"

"If the Martians come with vanguards, the battleship on the sea is a living target. What about the safety of the entire ship at that time? I have recorded the combat video. The vanguards have the power comparable to the armored cavalry and the protection capabilities of armored vehicles. At the same time, it also possesses the high mobility that the armored cavalry does not possess, and various superpowers that look like novels. If they chase over, will Captain Juhu think we can stop it?"

"You are right." A female voice came out, and I saw Captain Darzana approaching here, and at the same time said in her mouth: "But we can at least fight back. If these pioneers have spies from Mars, we might even fight back. Have no ability."

"Captain Mark Ballet" Inaho and Kikuto salute together.

"You behaved very well, brother Jiezuka." Darzana looked at Inai with relief: "However, we can't completely trust the vanguard. I can't bet everyone on the battleship."

Inaifan looked at Darzana, and he shook his head slightly: "No, Captain, you have to gamble with everyone's lives at this time."

"Inahan!" Kikuto glared at him.

Inaifan completely ignored it, and calmly analyzed: "First of all, the Martian attack is inevitable. The warship is a huge target when traveling at sea. They are destined to find us, so we are discovered and the probability of being attacked. It's 100%."

Darzana looked at Inai Fan: "What do you want to say?"

"Now half of these pioneers are what we can believe, right?"

Darzana shook her head: "I still need to investigate, I can't completely believe it."

"Then assume that the probability that they will be people on our side is 50%. The friends they guarantee have lower credibility than them, but they are nothing more than two choices, enemies or friends, thinking they are these pioneers. Guarantee, so the probability that those people are our friends is 25%." Inai Fan paused and analyzed: "From the perspective of probability, the probability that they are enemies is 25%. , And our probability of being attacked by Mars is 100%, so you must risk the captain."

Darzana disagreed and said: "This is not something that can be solved by probability."

"But now this is the best way." Inahan said seriously: "Or, these cutting-edge soldiers are not as low as I said. They can only be enemies or friends. The probability of 50% is against 100%. A gamble that cannot be bypassed."

Inayhan hadn’t finished speaking. He didn’t have any rhetorical questions in what he received. Instead, he went straight to the subject: “We will be attacked 100%, and if there are no advanced soldiers or insufficient advanced soldiers, we will be 100% defeated, and this group of people will be accepted. People, we have a 50% chance of surviving, Captain, if you watched the battle video just now, please accept them. Even if they are in danger."

Darzana was silent.

This captain is not the kind of guy who doesn't know how to be flexible. In fact, from the anime, Darzana is a very flexible officer. Therefore, when Inah has made the matter clear, she has already started her own choice.

This is also the reason why Xiuyan asked Inaho to say these words. If these words are replaced by a substitute, even if the sky is falling, it is estimated that he will not be allowed to board the ship.

But it's different for my own people. Sometimes, with different identities, the effect of saying the same thing will be different. The surrogate said it was an ‘enemy’s conspiracy’, and Inaho said it was ‘an adventure that must be experienced on the way forward.

Xiuyan never thought that he would fail. He likes to deal with smart people. The biggest reason is that smart people understand the pros and cons and communicate well. This is a bridge for cooperation.

Sure enough, after thinking about it for a long time, Darzana finally said: "I understand."

She invited her deputy but did not see Saki Kaoru, and said in her mouth: "After the notice, we will allow them to board the ship, but those who need to be investigated will be restricted in their range of activities. At the same time, there are soldiers guarding 24 hours. In the field of vision, any activities that leave without permission without authorization will be regarded as a declaration of war."

"Yes! Captain!" Xiao Kaoru disappeared and ran off.

And Darzana looked at Inaifan: "I hope you are right."

Inah nodded, "I hope too."

After the people here left, Inahan had already spoken: "You are here, right?"

Rong Qi suddenly appeared in front of him.

"I want to see your captain."

Rong Qi nodded, Cortana's holographic projection appeared again.

"You asked me to help. I helped." Inaho said: "Now I hope you do me a favor."

Xiuyan glanced at Inahane unexpectedly: "What do you want?"

"She." Inaho pointed to Cortana: "I saw her emerge from your wrists? I don't know what technology it is, but from her image, it should be an ai system, then , The electronic device should be her carrier, and I want to be able to contact her at any time."

Xiu Yan's face changed slightly, and then he smiled bitterly: "You won't like it."

"That's my business."

Xiuyan thought for a while, and finally nodded: "No problem, but your equipment will have some limitations. Therefore, Cortana has many functions that are useless. Maybe she can only chat with you, okay? ?"

"Are some questions?" Inah asked.

"As long as she knows, everything she can say is fine."


"Then... is this a symbol of friendship?"

Inai was silent for a while, and then said, "It would be better if you can't lie."

ps: The update is done. It looks like four chapters. In fact, these four chapters count the more words in each chapter. Today's update is about 10,000 words. The recommended ticket is returned, and there is a blade...this blade yo... I feel a pain in my liver. Today the ancestor also said that in the current market, you are not looking for death if you are not three hundred and one chapter! But I feel that I am not worthy of the three hundred and one chapter, even if the market is... and even if it is open one hundred and five, I still open it with the recommendation.

ps: Answer why there are two thousand words in a chapter, because...I have always had two thousand words in a chapter, from the old book to the present, including online dating. If the number of words is large, it will be written as several in one.

ps: Then it is my uniform order.....Because there are too many thieves who have lost more and more tomorrow may be issued a two-in-one or three-in-one chapter...

ps: Also, if anyone tipped the blade and wanted me to update online dating, remember to talk to me in a private chat in the group, after all...because of this book, the update of online dating...Tsk Tsk.

ps: In the end...the blade is worth 20,000 to unlock an ‘achievement’, the old rules, there should be no less. Well, I won't be mosaic this time.

Going to bed, it's going to be a few months ago when he opened his eyes and he owed hundreds of thousands of words.

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