Chapter 661 Welcome to join

The voices of Xiuyan and Inahan fell, and everyone fell silent.

Darzana broke the silence first, and she slowly said, "Are you sure?"

"We need to continue to investigate." Xiuyan replied: "Captain Darzana, we need time."

Darzana gritted her teeth: "I don't know how long I can fight for."

"It may not be long before we are the pioneers to investigate. In order to prevent the base from discovering flaws, let the personnel board the ship according to their requirements."

"But..." Jie Zhongxue hesitated: "If there is really any conspiracy..."

"That's not the Sister Xue who came to us." Inaho replied: "We are the forces of the Earth Defense Forces after all. Even if they have ideas, they are going to the princess. If nothing else, it's just for me to help. Let's stop."

Jie Zhongxue nodded as if understanding.

"How long?" Inaho looked at Xiuhiko.

"Twenty minutes." Xiu Yan said lightly: "Wait here for twenty minutes, and I will bring you results."

Darzana's face changed slightly: "You're not really going to invade the base system, are you?"

Xiu Yan smiled slightly: "Kill, or invade, or do you choose?"

Darzana twisted her head: "I didn't hear anything."

Xiuyan glanced at each other, and then they left the room at the same time.

Twenty minutes passed quickly, and Xiu Yan's faces were grave when everyone came back.

Seeing this scene, Darzana knew it was broken. She asked carefully: "What did you find?"

"Watch it for yourself." Xiu Yan tapped his wrist and the video began to play.

What is playing on the screen is the conversation between the commander and the two officers in the conference room!

Watching this video, even Darzana was shocked: "Are these **** crazy!"

Xiuyan said disdainfully: "This may be the temptation of power."

Darzana gritted her teeth: "They don't even know the consequences of doing this!"

"No." Inafan said flatly: "They knew it. They just knew that this was a Star Wars, and that this was a war that might last for a long time."

"For... why." Jie Zhongxue said without understanding: "Do they hope the war will continue?"

"Yes, they hope." Inahan replied: "Only the weak will look forward to peace. Any strong party is eager for war to prove its strength. Civilized grabbing for territory has continued since the end of World War I until now. This has led to the fact that the ruling class has been solidified. To break this solidified world and obtain higher rights and status, there is only war. But in the global environment, no one wants or dares to initiate war. And the Martian invasion is an opportunity."


"No but." Inahan looked at his sister: "This is the thinking of these people. The invasion of Mars may make the world unite to fight, just like the establishment of the Earth United Army, but there are always people who have their own careful thinking, and If this careful thinking turns from an idea to a situation where it is possible, then everyone will be crazy. And Princess Ethelam has played such a role." Inaho looked up at Xiuhiko without waiting for everyone to speak: "You Shouldn’t it be more than this?"

Xiuyan smiled and said, "Of course, we have found the place where Athelam was imprisoned, but..."

Video playback.

What it showed was a soldier returned to the room, and then gunfire sounded, and soon a dead soldier and the little maid were carried out together.

"It looks like Princess Ethelam is trying to save herself." Darzana said in surprise.

"But it was seen through." Inaho said, "Edellizo is a warning."

"Then we...?" Kikukawa said confusedly on the side: "What should I do?"

"It depends on you." Xiuyan smiled: "In fact, if the earth really controls the princess and finds a way to get her to surrender the aldnoah drive, it would be a good thing, isn't it? In this way, the greatest advantage of the Martians over the earthlings does not exist. Now, the earth can even directly sound a wave of counterattack horns."

Ina looked at Xiuyan fiercely, and said, "It's just this base, not everyone!"

"But the base belongs to the people of the earth." Xiuyan spread his hands: "They get it, which means that the fighting power of the earth side has increased. It's not completely unprofitable, right? At least this is the earth people, and your opponent is Mars. people."

Darzana looked at Xiuyan: "What do you mean!"

"He is asking us to stand in line." Inahan said: "This group of cutting-edge soldiers will not give up Princess Ethelam. I have already said that their first priority is their own interests, not their own identity. , Even if the other party is a Martian princess. If they can give them what they want, they don’t care if they are a human being on Earth. They even said that they chose to act with us not to save us, but to act with us. Princess Ethelam."

Xiuyan laughed: "In the age of war, I have to be forced, and I believe that my sincerity has been shown. The pioneers have saved you more than once, so I will discuss with a few here how to save people, if not like this , Now this base has fallen into turmoil."

Darzana gritted her teeth: "Do you want us to act with you?"

Xiuyan nodded: "I have said everything that should be said. As for whether you choose to turn a blind eye for the future of mankind, or choose to save the princess with us, you need to make your own choices. We are running out of time, since they started shooting. It can be seen that their patience may not be much. But before considering this kind of thing, please pay attention to one thing, that is, Ethelam, as the princess of Mars, may be the only one who can end this war. People, and if she is disappointed with the people on earth, the invading earth may not be the 37 orbits, but...the entire Visser Empire."

"Don't those people think of these things?" Jie Zhongxue asked.

"They thought about it, but they didn't care." Inaho replied: "What they need is the chaotic world, because only in this way can they stand out. Moreover, judging from the situation of their recording videos, this group of people has even thought of a way out."

At this moment, an ear-piercing alarm suddenly sounded in the entire base!

Darzana's face changed: "What happened!"

Xiu Yan's face also looked ugly: "Cortana, what happened!"

"I was found sir!" Cortana said anxiously: "Damn, how did they find me!"

"Just found you?"

"No, it was discovered that someone had invaded the base's defense system, but who hasn't been specific yet."

"How long can you last?"

"At most five minutes, they are closing the outlets of various information channels, trying to lock me in the defense system."

"I need ten minutes!" Xiu Yan raised his head to look at Darzana: "Captain, if you are willing to help us, please prepare to activate Deucalion."

After that, Xiuyan turned to leave, but Inaho had already stopped him.

"I will go with you."

Xiuyan laughed and patted Inaho on the shoulder: "Welcome to join."

ps: How come there are three people contacting me now? ? What about the rest? ? ? ? What is this for? ? Help me save money? ? ?

ps: In other words, the gam team really dare to play. Yesterday’s climax of the game, today there was another wave of show operations, but this time the show operation hit the iron plate...

ps: Then...edg is afraid it's not really cold...

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