The Basic Law of Routines in the Infinite World

Chapter 812: Do you know how to do it?

Do you know how to do the eight hundred and twelfth chapter?

When she saw those secondary guns aiming at herself, Hua An's heart was already cold.

He wanted to hide, but he couldn't hide.

He wants to buy time for his teammates to demolish the base!

After months of observation, Hua An has already figured out part of his opponent's habits.

For example, this group of people are very arrogant, so arrogant that they would stay in those empty boats if they weren't forced to break through the barriers by themselves and others.

They are so arrogant that as long as they don't leave the base, they won't pursue them.

But Hua'an may have misunderstood it. After experiencing a lazy government, Fielding and his team really liked the day when they could get money without having to work hard.

Just like you never know how smart the lazy politicians of the middle and high-level companies live.

Closer to home, it is precisely because of this misunderstanding of Hua'an that he has to procrastinate!

It takes time for this group of people to appear in the position. As long as there is time to destroy the ground position on their own side, then the people of the alliance will have a chance to leave!

So Huaan once again threw a purple charm, which turned into a turtle-shaped phantom in the air!

However, at this moment, a thick and familiar thunder and lightning slammed down!

However, although the shield of the empty boat that this thunder and lightning smashed was dim, it still did not break the shield!

At the same time, several secondary guns of the empty boat fired!

Hua'an must close his teeth, holding the charm in his hand!

The explosion sounded!

However, what surprised Hua An was that, let alone him, even his tortoise phantom was not destroyed at all!

And in front of him, a familiar mecha had appeared.

A familiar voice came from inside the mecha: "Fuck me, it's a **** in your head!"

The sound is relaxed, as if the next attack of this gun is like a hand-squeezed!


"The radar gives me the maximum power!" Fielding shouted in the airship: "Find the enemy for me!"


However, the enemy here hasn't been found out yet, and the ground position has begun to explode!

It was a blow from nowhere! The air defense capability of the ground position is not weak, but it is just like a toy in the face of this artillery fire!

"Asshole!" Fielding slapped a slap on the console amplifier, and sternly shouted: "Airline Alliance work! Get away from me if you don't want to die! Also! Don't **** hide my head and show my tail, I have the ability to come out. !"

After the roar, the artillery fire in the sky stopped.

Fielding sneered in his heart, sometimes there was a different person behind him.

"Team...Captain!" beside Fielding, a team member already shouted in horror: "We...we are locked! Not just us, all three empty boats are locked!"

"Locked?" Fielding was surprised: "Do these **** still want to trouble us?"

"Clouds! Something has come down from the clouds!" Shiva shouted from inside the empty boat.

Following her voice, a huge red and black battleship pierced through the clouds, and the bullet slots on the battleship were fully opened. Needless to say, everyone knows where the artillery fire just came from!

And the warship that pierced the clouds finally stopped in the sky above the Hua'an Alliance. Except for the bullet slot, all the turrets turned, and the muzzle was facing Fielding's three empty boats!

"Diu...Diu Kalion!" Fielding's eyes widened, and he murmured in his mouth: " is this thing here? That is...that is...that is.. ..."

Before he could finish his words, one of the representatives had already shouted: "Our communication channel has been hijacked by the captain!"

With the voice of this substitute, a disgusting face appeared on the huge screen in the empty boat!

"It's been a long time." Xiu Yan had a smile on his face, and his smile narrowed his eyes: "Fielding, it really is you!"

"Xiu...Xiu Yan!" Fielding took a step back subconsciously.

Charles has covered his face: "Damn, I just said I have a bad feeling."

Fielding stabilized his figure and resisted the panic: "You, why are you here!"

Xiuyan's smile on the other side remained unchanged, and he only heard him say, "Isn't this what you called me out? I have no merit, I am self-conscious. So when you call out that I have the ability, I will come out.


Fielding wanted to say that I didn't ask this, but he didn't dare to say this!

He was afraid that Xiuyan would say the terrifying answer.

"Do you want to ask me why I am not in the mission world?" Xiu Yan said intimately: "This answer is very simple, because the mission is completed."

Fielding shook his head frantically: "No, I don't want to ask!"

"Don't you still want to ask where the heavy tour went?"

"No!" Fielding shouted, "I don't want to ask this at all!"

Xiu Yan was supporting his chin, and said, "The guy who revisited is naturally still in the mission world, and he will never come out."

"Don't tell me anything!"

Xiu Yan's voice stopped, he looked at Fielding, and the joke expression on his face gradually closed.

"How to do it." Xiu Yan's voice was cold: "Do you still need me to teach you?"

"Let's go now!" Fielding said immediately: "Leave now!"

The corner of Xiu Yan's mouth raised: "Just drive your empty boat and leave the things on the ground."

Fielding's eyes widened sharply: "That thing is not ours, it's the Alliance, I can't do it...!"

Before he finished speaking, Xiu Yan had already raised his hand.

Deucalion’s main gun fired!


The main gun directly penetrates the shield of an empty boat! Then a missile was launched!

In an instant! The empty boat didn't even fall, but exploded directly in the air!

Various lights flickered in the explosion, that was the substitute carried by that empty boat!

Xiuyan didn't care about the group of surrogates, but turned the muzzle to aim at the second one.

"Here you!" Fielding shouted in a spirited voice: "Everything on the ground belongs to you! Everyone, withdraw! Withdraw! Withdraw!"


This is Fielding's evaluation of Xiuyan now!

This guy is not the first newcomer who can talk about interests and cooperation with them! He has become a madman who can only use his fists!

Seeing Fielding's battleship leaving, and looking at the things left on the ground, Xiu Yan glanced at Xueyin next to him, and exclaimed: "I suddenly feel that robbery is indeed the fastest way to get rich ."


"It's over." Charles groaned on the empty boat: "It's over, this time our faces are completely lost."

Shiva stared at Charles with a melancholy expression: "When are you still talking coldly!"

Charles spread his hands: "I'm just stating a fact. I lost my wife and broke down. This time our position in the league has plummeted. What's more important is...Flee without a fight!" Glancing at Fielding.

Fielding glanced at Charles: "No way I will throw you off the boat now? Are you going back to find a place now? Don't worry, I will help you apply for a position."

"Don't!" Charles hurriedly waved his hand: "I would rather dig coal in a mine than use the tablet in the mourning hall!"

"Don't say these are useless!" Beifeng cursed: "Think about how we go back and explain it!"

Fielding's eyes flashed, and he said: "Ground deployment is a regular enhancement, not exclusive to the alliance, so..."

Fielding opened the communication channel and ordered: "Everyone must gather on my ship, and the other ship...blows it down!"

ps: Stop writing, go away...

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