Chapter 823 Communication

Only Chuyu himself went back to the r area, and the reason was naturally that Xiao Mo had already selected the manpower.

Xiuyan asked the members of the cult to follow Xiao Mo for no reason. Looking at the order he cultivated and the scene when he first fought with the group of Bazula, Xiuyan was actually a little surprised.

The first surrogates were a group of ruthless people, who would do anything for their lives.

But as everyone's strength increases, with the guarantee, the surrogate will gradually become smoother.

The first-class ability to escape is not just talking.

But the group of people in the cult is different. Even with brand new enhancements, their unending fighting style with wounds for wounds is still frightening.

The environment will change a person or even a group of people.

In fact, if Bazula hadn't met Xiuyan who would also be able to hang up in the Holy Grail War, it is not certain who will win and who will win.

Therefore, Xiu Yan doesn't believe that Jiang Haoxuan has his own strength, at least he definitely doesn't have too many A-level things in his hands. This is a judgment that is used as a plug-in personnel to block dignity!

Most importantly, that Jiang Haoxuan did not have the popularity of Xiuyan.

At first, all Xiuyan thought well, until Chuyu left and looked at him with a smile.

On the way to the Merchants League, Xiuyan finally took off Chuyu's last smile, and then remembered the helplessness of a major league.

For yourself, some threats may have to be eliminated, right?

What you see here is only whether you have that ability.

When I arrived at the familiar cafe, Yu Wenjin had been waiting for a long time.

"You are the number one person in area s that allows me to wait outside." Yu Wenjin stepped out and said.

Xiu Yan smiled and said, "Just you?"

Yu Wenjin walked inside and replied: "It's not the first time everyone has come into contact with me anyway, it's enough to have me."

The two went to a private room and sat down, and Yu Wenjin had already asked, "You came for the place outside the borderless land that the Airline Alliance has mastered, right?"

Xiuyan's hand to get the cup froze, "How did you know? I thought only Zhongxun knew."

"Don't forget what we do?" Yu Wenjin said, "Eighty percent of the information in the Garden of Eden has to pass the hands of our alliance. Before the re-tour, we dragged us to get a lot of props. For this kind of character Naturally, we will investigate it. And that place doesn’t belong to another alliance, doesn’t it?"

"But you don't seem to be moving?"

"Someone is on the road ahead, why are we in a hurry?" Yu Wenjin laughed: "Besides, everyone belongs to the same camp. We must love each other!"

Xiuyan raised his eyebrows: "Believe you, I'm a fool, so I don't need my introduction?"

"No need." Yu Wenjin said: "Just tell me what you want."

"Personnel and equipment." Xiuyan said: "When the heavy cruiser was dying, he didn't tell me too much, only that there was Esders guarding there, right?"

Yu Wenjin shook her head: "It's not just Esides, there is also an s-class frost dragon besides Esides. Oh, yes, there is also an ice shaping magician."

"S grade?"

"A+ level." Yu Wenjin said, "I don't know what's going on in the future, or no one knows except for the heavy tour?"

Xiu Yan was taken aback: "Except for the heavy tour? You mean he went in?"

Yu Wenjin nodded: "Should have been in, the re-tour was just a core team of the Airline Alliance at the beginning. According to the data, it should be a joint crusade by the Airline Alliance, in order to get Yamamoto 28 to experiment. He just +13 The flow of blades is fierce. Anyway, they did not choose to be in the land of no owner but went to that space. I don’t know the specific process. I heard that it was very miserable, and when they came out, they were under the protection of heavy cruisers. After that, the heavy patrol team changed its name to ship r and became famous in one fell swoop."

Xiuyan frowned slightly: "What do you mean?"

Yu Wenjin said seriously: "The place you are going may not be sneaky like last time. Just going, it means that a large number of substitutes will be assembled."


"It seems that you already understand." Yu Wenjin laughed: "If you don't want the big league forcing the palace to happen in Borderlands last time, don't hide this information."

Xiuyan narrowed his eyes slightly: "What do you mean?"

Yu Wenjin smiled bitterly: "Don't make trouble, do you think that the re-tour is dead? The other leagues don't know? You are now a star-like character, and everyone's eyes are on you. Have you forgotten what I said before? The true strength of the Airline Alliance lies in his three seeded teams. Without re-patrol, their strength plummeted... Do you know what this means right?"

"The cake is divided." Xiu Yan sighed: "Sure enough, this kind of thing is indispensable everywhere."

"This is a commonality." Yu Wenjin said, "There is no way, so even as a friend, I would like to advise you: Don't think about swallowing it alone, we don't have that stomach."

Xiu Yan nodded slightly: "Who will come?"

"All." Yu Wenjin replied: "As long as you want to go, the six alliances of our camp will send people, but you don't have to worry, everyone is just the same goal, no one will command each other."

"This is what I worry about." Xiu Yan snorted coldly: "Allied forces generally collapse from within."

"This is a risk, how can there be all things that go well in the world?"

Xiu Yan thought for a while, then nodded: "I see, how long will it take to prepare?"

"One month." Yu Wenjin said with a smile: "Our alliance will come forward to adjust, and we will get some less troublesome guys."

"No problem." Xiu Yan nodded and said, "Are you all here?"

Yu Wenjin laughed: "You hope so?"

"Don't!" Xiu Yan immediately replied: "You can say that you are setting an example. If you are all here, how can the leaders of other alliances make no sense? My team will still be divided by the time!"

"That's it?" Yu Wenjin stretched out her hands, and said with a serious face: "So believe us, we are the last person in the entire s district who doesn't want to have a relationship with you. You should know this.

Xiuyan nodded: "Okay, then you will be responsible for this matter. We will not appear alone at that time, but will be with you."

"Be refreshed!" Yu Wenjin smiled: "Then I'll be ready to go back this time."

"Right." Xiu Yan said suddenly: "There seems to be movement on the natural disaster camp. Do you know what's going on?"

Yu Wenjin looked stiff, then shook her head slightly and said, "I know a little bit, but I don't understand too much, but we will make preparations, just hope they are not here to make trouble."

ps: Today I saw a pond with the Lion King! This makes me happy! Then he looked at the two hundred stones he had saved, and let's take a bit!

ps: The metaphysics of management is ten minutes, ten consecutive starts! When I saw the golden ball, my heart was full of hope! When I saw the screen of the sword step, my heart was half cold.....Damn, won't you give me another Zieger? As a result, the screen expands, eh? Black and hairless! Not bad, it's useless, but I didn't use this card!

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