The Basic Law of Routines in the Infinite World

Chapter 826: It's a big deal!

The eight hundred and twenty-sixth chapter is a big deal exploded!

What does the Major League Coalition Army look like?

If you insist on describing it, it’s really hard to describe.

However, one or two can be seen from the fact that hundreds of generations of travellers do not have the slightest obstruction on their way forward.

Monsters in Borderlands have always been known for their iron heads, and it is more common to hit the walls with gunfire.

The fact that there was no beast wave to cause trouble in this operation of the surrogate was indeed a bit surprising.

Sitting in Deucalion, Xiuyan had a rare time to admire the scenery of Borderlands.

Behind everyone, there is a towering mountain. This mountain is not one of the mountains, but just like it suddenly appeared.

This towering mountain is nothing, but the golden hall at the top of the mountain attracts everyone's attention.

That is the light that can compete with the sun! Even in the daytime, there is no way to hide its light!


The theoretical ssr area, after entering, you can leave this **** place and return to the earth.

In addition to this eye-catching place, there are many places in Borderlands that cannot be described with common sense.

For example, next to a swamp is a huge, purely mechanized factory, a small desert is wrapped in a hilly basin, and a huge river is next to the desert.

It can be said that the Borderless Land has everything else except for the sea! And even more weird!

A thousand-meter waterfall turned into a trickle after it hits the ground, but there was a piece of solid ice in the black smokey crater! Many things that violate the common sense of physics will appear.

And these places will be turned into forbidden areas in the land of no owner, because as long as it is such a place, there will be s-level creatures living.

Xiuyan was sitting on the bridge. He admired the splendid scenery of this borderless land, but his brows wrinkled.

"What's the matter?" Xueyin walked to Xiuyan's side: "What do you think?"

"It feels a bit strange." Xiu Yan pointed to the bottom and said, "Look."

Following Xiu Yan's gestures, Xueyin found that the herd of animals on the way the ground troops were advancing gave way. In the sky, the birds passed by the battleship disappeared.

Xueyin saw the problem, but said in her mouth: "It should be some kind of beast-seeking potion or sonic handle? It shouldn't be unusual for the major leagues to have a bit of this play.

Xiu Yan nodded slightly: "Maybe, but I don't think so?"

Chuyu came over: "Then what do you think?"

"Make way." Xiuyan frowned, "I feel that these things are being driven by someone to make way for us."

Xueyin frowned: "There is only one person who can drive them? Is she helping you like this?"

"I don't know." Xiu Yan shook his head: "But maybe not to help me."

"What do you mean?"

"It's just a feeling." Xiu Yan slowly said: "I don't know, but there is always a reason to open the way for the army, isn't it?"

"You can ask." Chuyu looked at Xiuyan and said, "Can't you contact her?"

"I tried it, but there was no response." Xiu Yan said helplessly: "This is the first time I took the initiative to find her and didn't get a response. I don't know if it's because she doesn't care about me or something else.

"Don't want to care about you?"

"Yes." Xiu Yan replied with a weird face: "That guy...seems to have a temper."


Fortunately, this question is over soon, because the target point is approaching.

Before everyone was a scene like purgatory.

The ground is black and full of cracks!

And all the dark red viscous liquid in the cracks was flowing, and the flowing liquid also gave rise to small bubbles from time to time.

There are even mountain peaks in this area, and the billowing black smoke and red objects ejected from time to time with a roar show their identity as active volcanoes.

Even without leaving the warship, everyone can feel the temperature in this area, because even the air here is distorted.

And at the edge of this area, there is a scene connected to the sky, like a black curtain!

The coalition forces are close, just as Yu Wenjin said before, the big leagues have put away their own means of transportation one by one.

All Xiuyan naturally put away Deucalion, and then thought that the rallying point fell.

The moment Deucalion disappeared, a pungent sulphur smell came out.

Haruko wrinkled her nose, and slipped into Xiuyan's arms with a look of disgust.

The little girl pressed her nose tightly to Xiuyan, her voice dulled: "It smells so unpleasant."

Xiuyan touched Haruko's hair and smiled: "It's okay, it will be fine in a while."

After landing, Xiu Yan naturally came to the Merchant Alliance. At the forefront of the team, Shen Hai was greeting everyone.

This guy is even explaining things to pay attention to after entering this shady scene.

"Strong into the play." Xiu Yan commented.

"Very stupid." Roger hummed from the side: "This is something everyone knows."

"But we have to listen too, don't we?" Yu Wenjin spread his hands: "After all, they have a place. This face is still to be given."

Fortunately, Shen Hai didn't say a few words, and then walked in first.

"Let's go." Yu Wenjin greeted, and then led everyone into the shady.

According to previous experience, in fact, this shady scene should be an extension of Borderlands, just like the desert before.

But as soon as everyone walked in, the heat wave instantly turned into a cold wind!

What catches your eyes is a piece of ice and snow!

.................................................. ............

One day, in the black void space, a man's figure suddenly appeared.

"How is Garsa?" the man asked as soon as he appeared.

"Adam is repairing the regional barriers." Garza said without turning her head back: "She doesn't plan to let people from the Hades come in."

The man smiled: "Program has defeated human nature. She hasn't evolved completely yet."

"Then we are going to help her?" Garsa asked back.

"Help." The man slowly said, "But...not to help her repair the barriers."

"what is that?"

"How many'human principles' do you still have?"

"Not much." Garza pouted: "This thing is difficult to collect, but there are many evils of human nature."

"Then give it to her." The man smiled: "She has been evolving by herself. This is what we hope to see. Now let us see what Adam will evolve into!"

Garsa shuddered, and he looked at the man: "Brother, are you sure?"

"Of course." The man smiled: "This is the purpose of Adam's birth, isn't it?"

"But..." Garsa hesitated: "We don't know what the consequences are."

"Repulsion or affinity." The man exclaimed: "Sometimes we have to take a gamble, otherwise...Who knows how long the Garden of Eden can last?"

Garza hesitated, then she nodded.

I saw her wave a big hand, a large piece of coin has been swayed out!

If Xiuyan is here, he must be very familiar with this coin!

Because after Haruko was brought out of the mission world, the coin he had been using as a cannonball in the novice mission disappeared completely! These coins are almost exactly the same as his back then!

The coin fell into this dark space and eventually disappeared.

Garza looked up, and he hesitated: "Brother...what if it fails?"

The man thought for a while, but finally he laughed: "What are you afraid of! The big deal is exploded!"

ps: Today Christmas Eve, everybody.. Have you ever gone out to Zhen Hotel? ? ? But think about it, there should be no, after all, you guys...

ps: Then, I still push the book...Leng Xia's "Magic Girl Goudazi".

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