The Basic Law of Routines in the Infinite World

Chapter 850: Substitute (five shifts)

Chapter 850: The Alternator (five more)

In the devouring space outside Borderlands, a team of surrogates are fleeing frantically at this time.

Behind them is a huge octopus, a fast octopus that can crawl on land!

This is a monster of at least a+ level, but this team of substitutes is just a team of newcomers who have just completed a mission in the world!

A+ level boss is not theirs at all!

Not to mention that they just broke out of a territory where monsters gathered, and rushed into the waters where this octopus was!

Speaking of it? Why is there such a scary thing in the pool under the waterfall?

But despite them running away, in terms of speed, they actually lost to an octopus!

The three substitutes stopped, their faces full of tragic and solemn: "You go!"

But this sentence seemed to be an explosion point, and the other four people actually stopped!

"Captain!" A surrogate drew out his weapon: "Everyone broke into the s area all the way, and our lives are no longer ours! If you want to leave, we will go together! If you die, we will die together!"

Although there are no lack of insidious and cunning people, there is no shortage of human highlights!

Like now!

They did not retreat, and did not choose to abandon some people and save others. As the surrogate said, at this point in this **** place, one's own life is no longer one's own!

A tragic battle has begun!

The battle lasted for a long time, and after a harsh roar, which captain covered in blood got out of the octopus's body!

The enchanted octopus was completely breathless, and a purple box was gleaming.

Monsters in the Devouring Space rarely have rewards, and some of them are not good.

However, the captain did not get the box. A bottle of red potion appeared in his hand, but he put it away.

He looked around and found that there was no one in this place except him!

He was confused at first, then a trace of fear began to appear in his eyes, his pupils dilated, then dilated, and finally! The captain roared suddenly!

Holding a giant axe in his right hand, he slashed at the corpse of the octopus monster crazy!

Blood is flying!

After the captain broke open a tentacle, a humanoid thing slid out of the wall of flesh.

It was his teammate, his friend, and his brother!

He leaped forward, his voice choked and called out his teammate's name, but... the corroded body was almost invisible, expounding an unacceptable fact.

he died.

The captain picked up the guy and placed it in a clearing, and then he rushed towards the octopus!

Even though he was exhausted, he didn't give up. The red potion appeared in his hand again. He looked at it and didn't drink it.

He is like a machine, only two orders are executed, dismember the octopus, and move out the body of his companion!

I don't know how long it took him to finally gather the corpses of his teammates. Some of them were even corrupted with only large pieces of bones, and the corpses were only sporadic connected by flesh and blood.

Looking at the corpses of teammates placed together, the captain finally showed a smile on his face.

But this smile did not last for even a second, and a low growl appeared.

The captain looked up and found the swamp demon wolf who had surrounded him at some unknown time!

This is a common c-level monster, and the wolf king also exists at b-level. When the big octopus was there, no monsters dared to approach it, but when it died, it became a paradise for monsters!

And the goals of these magic wolves are now very obvious, oneself...and his teammates.

The captain’s face was already full of sorrowful smiles. He didn’t know how to describe his current feelings. He led the team to perform a simple camp mission, but strayed into the monster gathering place. After finally running out, he encountered the terrifying monster. And now.... Even when he wanted to bury his teammates, his bad luck had not been far away from him.

The red potion appeared in his hand for the third time, but this time... he drank it!

The wound on his body began to heal, he raised his axe, and blood spewed out with his roar!


With a howl of a wolf, the demon wolf swarmed up!

In the eyes of these creatures, surrogates are their enemies!

The tearing sound of flesh, the sound of collision, the whispering of wolves, and the screams of wild beasts mixed together, and the final elegy sounded on this land!

Demon wolves also have wisdom. After dropping a large number of wolf corpses, they began to besiege again and did not attack.

And the captain's appearance at this time was also extremely miserable. His right arm was removed, his mouth was half missing, and his back, chest, and legs were full of scratches and torn flesh and blood!

But he was still standing there, holding a giant axe, standing there like a **** of war!

This kind of pain didn't make him hum! As if these injuries were not on him.

He opposes the wolves, a man who is incomplete, but makes the wolves afraid to take a step!

At this moment, within this dark red swallowing space, light spots appeared.

The captain turned his head and found that these light spots originated from the bodies of his teammates. Their broken bodies began to turn into flashing light spots, and the light spots rose, bringing a little light to this dim space.

The faint light was reflected in the captain's eyes, and a teardrop fell from the corner of the iron-blooded man's eyes.

He looked at the wolves, and the wolves retreated several steps as if they had received a fright.

The captain snorted disdainfully, and raised his head again, watching the spot of light rise into the air.

As the light spot flew higher and higher, and finally disappeared, the giant axe in the captain's hand also fell to the ground with a bang.

He looked at the wolves and grinned.

The wolves swarmed up like a signal!

But this time, the captain did not pick up his great axe.


Soon, the pack of wolves left, the octopus body was gone, and the purple box sank into the ground, as if nothing had happened here.

Three figures appeared out of thin air.

Garsa, Vivienne and a girl with **** and a sword-wielding girl in silver hollow armor.

Garza who was about to leave suddenly stopped, and Vivienne next to him saw something strange: "What's the matter?"

Garsa did not answer, she gently raised her hand, and a coin appeared in her hand.

"Humanity?" Vivian was taken aback: "How can there be such a thing in this place."

Garsa shook her head, a flash of light in her hand flashed away, and a phantom began to show what was happening here.

The three people who had watched everything were silent.

Finally, Garza broke the silence.

"I don't actually like this job." Garsa looked up, her face expressionless: "Really... I don't like it at all!"

Vivian touched her head, comforting her mouth: "It's coming soon, it won't be needed soon."

ps: Today's five changes are done! ! ! ! Come and come, hand in your recommended tickets, monthly tickets and blades! ! ! There is also a vote on the author page! ! ! Vote! ! ! ! ! !

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