The Basic Law of Routines in the Infinite World

Chapter 860: I am addicted to war, but I am so sensible.

The 860th chapter I am addicted to war, but it is reasonable.

"Xueyin!" Xiu Yan exclaimed!

But Xueyin looked at the box in a daze as if he hadn't heard it.

"It's useless." The replica Xiuyan said with a smile: "Although the causal law of concrete weapons is gone, but the rules and regulations of the main **** space are still there, although I cannot hold the Conferred God list, but according to the main **** space of the demon team The stele still got a lot of information."

Xiu Yan glanced at the replica, then ignored him, and rushed towards Xueyin!

But how could the replica let Xiuyan pass by? His figure flashed in front of Xiu Yan, and he snorted coldly, "I should stop you this time!"

"Get out!" Xiu Yan's eyes widened, thunder and lightning all over his body exploded! The lightning blade in his hand condenses into a huge axe and slashes down!


The replica cross sword held Xiuyan's thunder and lightning axe, and he himself knelt on the ground all of a sudden!

The giant axe kept pressing down, and Xiu Yan's strength was still increasing!

However, what is strange is that he only started to stand up slowly when he heard the crackling noise all over the copy body!

"If there is a cause, there will be an effect. You can't stop her now. Xueyin is a variable, I know it, but I also know her weakness." The duplicator's face was grinning, and he hummed, "Xiao Qi's The expansion of obsession to cooperate with the will of the main **** space, Xueyin can't hold it!"

Xiu Yan turned a deaf ear, her scarlet eyes with endless anger: "Get out of here!"

The giant axe suddenly turned into a whip and wrapped it around the replica, Xiu Yan slammed his hand to throw the replica out!

However, the clone Xiuhiko just took root under his feet, clinging to the ground firmly!

"Do you know why even if the strength is not good, we can survive now?" The holy light on the replica body skyrocketed, and there was a crackling sound from the hot holy light and thunder whip confrontation, and the voice in the replica body's mouth kept saying: "That's because of this. The rules! We are the product of the main **** space. You are the substitutes with a layer of skin. According to the rules here, you can win, but you can never win easily! So whenever we can’t hold it, based on this The reason is that our strength will be improved by the Lord God!"

Xiuyan had no time to talk to his clone at this time, because the price had already appeared!

Seeing that he couldn't get rid of this guy in a short time, Xiuyan's figure flashed, and the four Xiuyan had already rushed out!

"Haha." The replica fingered the cross in his hand and vomited: "Remove the fake and keep the truth!"

The four holy lights swayed out! The three Xiuyans dissipated instantly, leaving only the last body! And he is chasing this ontology.

"Asshole!" Xiu Yan raised his hand abruptly, and the silver light on his forehead lit up.

But at this moment, Xiao Qi's voice appeared: "Captain, my copy has entered Xueyin's body, what should I do?"

Xiu Yan looked at his copy abruptly: "Are you going to kill them!"

The clone's eyes were cold, and he said, "It's enough to leave one!"

Xiuyan's body trembled, and he gritted his teeth: "You are completely crazy!"

The replica looked at Xiuyan's forehead and grinned: "Who isn't it?"

"Okay!" Xiu Yan took a deep breath: "Then see which of us will die first!"

With that, the silver light flickered, and a silver light attached to the weapon in Xiuyan's hand!

The lightning blade swept once again, and the copy body soared with the holy light, but the body was suddenly bounced out when it was touched by the lightning blade! As if carrying endless strength on it!

While Xiu Yan was about to move forward, the silver light on the lightning blade in his hand suddenly burst, and his body was directly lifted out by this wave of air!

Not only that, but Xiuyan's biting headache came into his mind!

The silver blessing bestowed on it by the tomb-keeper, the silver light on the forehead like the eye of the sky, was constantly shining at this time!

So that the skin around there has been cracked!

"There are reasons and results." The replica slowly stood up, and he shook his head: "Turn it off and Xiuyan, otherwise the cause of this external rule will eventually become the result of your failure!"

Xiu Yan took a deep breath and stood up swayingly: "But I want to beat you in a short time! This is my only choice!"

"Don't be kidding." The clone said with disdain: "Is the resistance of the world that you alone can bear? It hurts? I guess, it should be a kind of pain that is almost impossible to think?"

Xiuyan clenched his fist tightly with one hand! Drops of blood even flowed out of the palm of his hand, but Xiu Yan grinned: "It's not that I haven't felt it! When the skull penetrated, it felt almost the same."

"Then you continue." The copy body smiled indifferently, his body flashed, and his mouth said nonchalantly: "It depends on which of us can't hold it, but under this kind of pain, you even You can’t use both insight and talent, right? If that’s the case..."

The clone is approaching suddenly! He knew that under the pain that went deep into his mind, he didn't even have time to think! Not to mention the innate ability and insight to predict the need to hit the spirit! Xiuyan now can even be said to be just a beast with surviving consciousness!



The clone Xiuhiko, who didn't have a cold for this thunder and lightning, suddenly changed his face!

He withdrew and retreated quickly, but it was still too late!

The lightning smashed on his body is useless, but the silver light mixed in the lightning entangled his body!


The silver light exploded, even if it was a replica of the holy light body, it couldn't help but spit out a mouthful of blood!

"It's **** hurt!" The copy who felt that feeling grinned and said, "This is the power of rule rejection, this is just rejection, his words..."

The clone looked up, but found that the roaring thunder and lightning on Xiuyan's body had once again risen to a new level!

Xiuyan's voice intermittently: "Yes, I can hardly think! If you can't think... then give up!"

The copy was taken aback for a moment, and then he panicked when he thought of something: "Hey, hello, hello! Don't be kidding! You are looking for death!"

"Really? I'm a warrior! How reasonable is it!" Xiuyan's voice was like a devil in hell: "Now... no more!"

"Damn it!" As a copy of his own body, and a copy of why he committed suicide in the past, the copy of Shuhiko turned his head and ran!

But Xiuyan's body rushed out!

Accompanied by him was the endless thunder and lightning, and Xiuyan's voice appeared behind the copy like a reminder: "Thunder! Hell!"


The sky changes color!

Wanjun Thunder from the sky! Sandwiching this silver light and the explosion of rule repulsion!

It just doesn't seem to care about it yet, why does rejection mean to explode?

ps: The first chapter is here, by the way...why is there a 20-month ticket today? 15 blades? ? ? ? ?

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