Chapter 865 Impeccable

With the restoration of the state, Xiuyan woke up.

He opened his eyes and saw Xueyin with a caring expression at first glance.

Xiuyan sat up with his head supported, and his tone was full of doubts: "Damn, it hurts."

"Giving up thinking about it." Xueyin sighed: "How can the confrontation of the power of rules be so easy to resolve?"

"Is that so?" A hint of doubt flashed across Xiu Yan's face, and then he was slightly taken aback: "Huh, are you all right?"

"Xiao Qi called me back with five visions." Xueyin said with a smile on his face: "Thank you."

"Um..." Xiu Yan scratched his head, with a weird expression on his face: "How do you feel that you are weird?"

Xueyin blinked: "Is there?"

"I don't know." Xiu Yan shook his head and said in his mouth: "Besides, I always feel like I'm taking a break with him, and most importantly...that guy is gone."

"You mean..." The clone Xiuyan lying on the ground not far away suddenly shouted.

Xiuyan looked at him with a blank expression: "Are you not dead yet?"


"But you are right." Xiuyan nodded: "That kind of throbbing is indeed gone. You and I know the reason for my suicide at the time. I am above the law, playing law enforcement between applause, Reaping the lives of “sinners” one after another like a **** of death. This is a god-like feeling, but...who can guarantee that you will never be wrong? Once you see someone wrong... "

"You will fall forever." The copy body exclaimed: "From a respected judicial sanctioner to a terrifying murderer, now that he has revenge, that is enough. But you say disappear?"

"Yes, that feeling has disappeared now." Xiuyan's face was puzzled: "That feeling has always existed even after entering the Garden of Eden, so I am curious why it disappeared after the outbreak today? I can't think of the reason, nor I know what happened just now, but you...should know?"

"Eh..." The body trembled, and he already felt a lingering look on his body.

"That..." The clone thought for a while, and said: "Maybe... the killing in the Garden of Eden made you vent enough? Is this the last remaining warmth? Or... the feeling is like no one. Do you know that children who are tall and thick are like? Just a fight?"

"Huh?" Xiu Yan looked inexplicable.

"Damn! Don't make it difficult for you!" Duplicating the body cursed: "I don't have the ability to suddenly explode! Where can I know where to go!"

"In other words..." Xiuyan stood up and looked at his copy: "You are no longer useful."


"Forget it." Xiu Yan shook his head: "I can find it myself, Cortana, give me the battle record just now."

Kotana appeared on Xiuyan's wrist, and said with a serious face: "Because I am dependent on you, the sir, my subject will fall into a deep sleep with your riot. Unless you wake up in the riot, otherwise I There will be no response. This is ai's judgment."

Xiuyan frowned: "What about the extension?"

"The extension is helping the chiefs to deal with the matter in front of them, and there is no time to record the matter here."

"What about the drone?" Xiu Yan said unbelief in evil, "Should the drone of the hive have been monitoring, right?"

"The near-point drones are all destroyed by your abilities." Cortana replied.

"Where's the farther one?"

"The picture is like this." Cortana followed, and there were countless flashes of thunder on the picture!

The clone blinked aside: "Impossible!"

Xiu Yan looked depressed when he watched the scene for a long time, but he couldn't see why. He simply waved his hand: "Forget it, close it, and settle the business first."

With that, he looked at his own copy.

"You lost." Xiu Yan said.

The copy body smiled sorrowfully: "I thought about it a long time ago, but one is not reconciled, and the other is the will of the main god, so I have to do so.

"The Lord God is very interested in us?" Xiu Yan tilted his head: "If I ask questions shouldn't hide it from me anymore?"

"Of course." The copy body smiled: "But the premise is that you have to promise me one condition."

"It fits our personality very well." Xiu Yan nodded, "Say."

"This!" The replica Xiuyan pulled a pendant from his chest and threw it to Xiuyan: "Take it."

Xiuyan stretched out his hand to catch it, and asked, "What is this?"

"Present." There was a smile on the copy's face: "For Haruko."

Xiu Yan was startled slightly, he tightened the necklace in his hand and put it into the watch space, and solemnly said, "Don't worry."

"Okay." The replica spoke as if it had fulfilled some wish: "What do you want to ask?"

"How do we get out?"

"After defeating us, we can dismantle the bases of three umbrella companies." The replica Shuhiko replied: "Of course, if you are not ready to fight, you will have to wait for a hundred days. You know the dangers involved, I mean. It was after all of our fakes were wiped out."

Xiu Yan nodded silently, of course he knew what the danger was!

Now everyone is united only because there are foreign enemies, but when all the copies are wiped out, internal fighting between the substitutes should also appear.

The struggle of different camps, the struggle with the camp, the struggle of private grievances, the struggle of hundreds of generations of practitioners for the qualifications of returning.

Even if the duplicates are gone, Xiu Yan knows that this one hundred days may not be necessary to fight the duplicates at all!

"Second question." Xiu Yan asked: "Where did the copy Xueyin go?"

This question made Xueyin stunned.

"There is no copy of Xueyin." The copy Xiuyan shook his head slightly: "Since we were born, there has been no Xueyin around."

"No?" Xiu Yan stayed for a while: "How come?"

"I don't know." The replica shook his head: "I don't know much more than you. The most part is some information left by the Demon Team in the main **** space and some explorations in the mission world. As for why there is no Xueyin me do not know."

"Could it be the reason for the divine word technique?" Xueyin asked from the side.

Duplicate and Xiuyan shook their heads at the same time: "Duplicate will not inherit abilities, unless the rules of Divine Word Art have begun to change you, but if this is the case, you can still use Divine Word Art in this space to explain why. "

"Okay." Xueyin pouted and muttered: "I'm so unlucky that I don't want to copy me?"

The two Xiuyans naturally heard such a conversation, but neither of them said aloud. Instead, Xiuyan continued to ask: "The Lord there an Adam's existence?"

The copy shook his head: "No, or the main **** himself is Adam, but compared to the life form of Adam, the main **** is more like a program that has been set long ago. It's mechanical, and it's rigid and unable to communicate."

"That's it." Just as Xiuyan was about to ask more, the ground under their feet suddenly shook!

ps: After reading the briefing, it has nothing to do with the original fan. I am a fan myself, but another... the timeline span where this rule is extremely unfavorable for the old book.

ps: After thinking about it, I should delete it. In fact, it has nothing to do with originality. It's just a complaint about the rules of the ‘2017’ selection... The old book has become a stepping stone for 18 years of hard work, and there is a slight explosion.

ps: Finally, let me say good news. For the annual author selection, each person has one vote per day. The page searches for Meng Jingchan in the annual selection of the bookshelf push. In the past two days, for every two hundred votes, a hundred yuan red envelope will be issued to the pension group. This time the elderly care group was born to a mother, right? And last time I distributed 30 red envelopes in this group, but I returned 12 of them a day later...days.

Pension group number: 375347635.

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