The Basic Law of Routines in the Infinite World

Chapter 871: Those who know the current affairs are the best!

Chapter 871: Those who know current affairs are brilliant!

The moment this voice appeared, all the actions on the substitute side stopped.

No way, after experiencing the things just now, the surrogate already has some shadows.

"Whose reconnaissance plane can still be used?" Yu Wenjin said with a grim face: "Everyone, how about letting go of prejudices first? This is not the Garden of Eden or the land of no owner, even in the land of no owner... This kind of scene of shaking the earth and the mountains cannot be underestimated."

At the moment when Yu Wenjin's voice fell, a high-pitched dragon roar suddenly appeared!

"It seems that there is no need to check what's going on!" Kled's expression was completely gloomy: "It's the frost dragon that disappeared!"

With that said, Kled looked at Xiuyan and said, "Little friend Xiuyan, I was undoubtedly offended just now. Now..."

Kled's meaning to stop the war was obvious, after all, they were allied with the undead who died just now.

Xiuyan spread his hands: "What you say is what you say."

"Everyone is not fully staffed now, and most importantly, a large number of weapons have been destroyed." The earl said, "Then...Should we fight or leave this s-class guy?"

A group of people looked at each other, and then unanimously said: "Go!"

S-level monsters, although it does not mean that they cannot be dealt with, even if the weapons of mass destruction are destroyed, there are so many generations here! Killing an s-level is not a problem. but.....

The ghost knows what the people around him are thinking. An s-level monster can make a top surrogate instantly dying with a single skill. When the person next to him suddenly makes a knife, who is it to make sense?

So with distrust of everyone around them, everyone chose to escape!

The surrogates have never had such a tacit understanding. After running, everyone said nothing, took out the only remaining means of transportation and started on the road!

Most people took ground-mounted aircraft, and the two alliances known for science and technology, the Evolution Front and the Technology Alliance, took out air fighters.

However, Yuan Shanshan seemed to receive some prompt when she was about to board the plane. She grabbed Carmen and pointed at Xiuyan.

After Carmen took a look, he understood what was going on, and the Hunter fighter became an all-terrain aircraft.

The group of people on the front line of evolution are proud. They are five cone-shaped fighters, which are not modern products at first glance.

All the people on the front line of evolution boarded the plane, and as the fighter flickered, they had turned into a stream of light and soared into the sky!

When they lifted off, everyone was in a state of waiting, because everyone tried their best to adjust the amount when they fled, like the front line of evolution, this way is simply looking for death.

But the front line of evolution still did this, not because these people are stupid, but because they have enough confidence in their own way!

Seeing that the fighters on the front line of evolution are fine, the surrogates below are already eager to try.

But at this moment, the number of lasers arrives in no time!

Five huge fireballs suddenly exploded in the sky!

Count until the shadow fell from the fireball!

Those dark shadows are naturally substitutes, but the attack did not stop with the explosion of the aircraft. Instead, there was a whistling sound from the sky. Everyone looked up and saw that it was a dark tide approaching!

Demon Giant Mouth Bat!

A group of B-class enchanted creatures living in groups!

And their goal is officially the group of substitutes falling from the sky!

The substitute who saw this scene on the ground immediately dispelled the thought of walking from the sky!

But is it safe on the ground?

How can it be!

The advancing substitutes suddenly felt something was wrong! Because the soil packs on the ground are approaching quickly!

"There is something underground!" Zhao Mingzhi shouted!


With his voice appeared one by one, as big as a human, and as strong as a calf with white hair...a mouse!

"Ice Field Demon Rat!" The count has already exclaimed: "Damn! It's the group of disappeared Ice Field Demon Rat!"

"Why are they here!" Shen Hai already shouted: "Aren't all these guys running away!"

"Ice Field Demon Rat, Frost Dragon..." Xiu Yan gritted his teeth: "Then... if nothing happens."

As soon as Xiu Yan's voice fell, a shocking voice suddenly appeared!

"Magic! Lancers!"

In an instant, countless ice guns appeared in front of the surrogate!

The instant ice gun made everyone's speed suddenly slow down!

A man with a naked upper body has already stood in front of everyone!

"It's Gray!" Zhao Mingzhi yelled, "Damn, how come all these things are back!"

"The ghost knows what's going on!" Shen Hai already yelled: "It's definitely not a good thing anyway! Everyone, if you can trust me, gather at me, and everyone rush out together!"

Shen Hai jumped out of the car. As soon as he raised his hand, a battleship suddenly appeared in the air!

Xiu Yan's face changed, and he yelled wildly: "Keep it away!"

"Huh?" Shen Hai was stunned for a moment. The next moment, a huge breath fell from the sky!

The shield flashed on the battleship, resisting this breath! But a huge shadow has flashed above everyone's heads!

S-rank monster! Frost Dragon!

Standing in front of the crowd, Gray stood up and jumped onto the back of the frost dragon, just like a terrifying dragon knight completely blocking the path of the substitute!

Not only that, but there were also two dragons from the other side!

Two frost dragons again! They are blocking the surrogates of the natural disaster camp!

However, the two giant frost dragons are obviously not as good as those in front of Xiuyan, but they are enough!

"What the **** is this?" Zhao Mingzhi was a little silly by the scene in front of him: "Don't the monsters here just die when they meet each other? Why did you fall in love with each other today?"

"The ghost knows!" Xiuyan's face was gloomy: "Can't be stopped by them! Pay attention to the group of demon giant-mouthed bats, it may not only be the monsters nearby that come to trouble us!"

"Then charge!" Shen Hai's expression sank: "The main gun fires!"

A light energy accumulating on the battleship, a stout energy cannon violently shot out!

"Shaping magic!" Gray crossed his hands over there: "Ice shield!"

A huge ice shield suddenly formed! And there is more than one layer!

The main gun passed through the three-layer ice shield in an instant, but it was useless when it hit the frost dragon!

"What the **** are you kidding!" Shen Hai was shocked: "That **** **** who is in charge of the information update! This Gray, you told me that it is a+ grade? Skills carry the main gun! This is the **** one. S-level!"

However, no one responded to Shen Hai. Shen Hai looked down on the battleship and found that Xiuyan and his group had already scattered and fled!

"Fuck, you guys don't talk about loyalty!" Shen Hai's eyes suddenly widened: "I'm carrying the boss in front, and you just ran away if you said it!"

"Idiot!" Zhao Mingzhi cursed over there, "I said that I can't be trapped by them! Are you still planning to use the boss here?"

"You **** shut up, surnamed Zhao!" The battleship Shen Hai started up, with a grievance in his mouth: "You guy who ran in the front has the confidence to scold me! Xiu Yan yelled without you. Run fast!"

ps: Well, the annual selection is over, thank you all. I want to say a lot, but after I finished writing ps, I found that the number of words was too high, and I had to charge you I decided to open a free chapter to talk about it.

Thanks and feelings about the annual selection

Wow.... The idiot annual selection for the vote-seeking stage is finally over...I'm satisfied in the top ten, thank you all for your support for the past seven days, and thank you all for giving me a reward! Although I myself threw a hundred blades to myself when I ranked more than 90 on the first day...

Then I was satisfied with a wish. After all, in the second round, I was going to fight with a group of monsters. Twenty people chose the top three... Ah, really desperate.

Thank you to everyone who insisted on voting for me during these seven days, and everyone who voted for me! Thank you Meng Jingchan for giving me a hundred blades when I was at my lowest point, but why do you have the same name as me? Also appeared on my fan list? And the fan value is not low, which makes me very embarrassed.

Haha, the joke is a joke, thank you very much.

The next step is to think about how to write the desired annual summary.

Of course, although it's over, I still have to curse, stupid rules! Stupid rules! Stupid rules! ! ! In 2017, I only updated a book of several thousand Junding books for two months or two. It defeated the Wanding Novice Village of Tingri which was updated for one year, defeated the Wanding Demon King who was updated for one year of Jishen, and defeated the one-year update. The Wanding Red Dragon with many weak uncles...God **** the 2017 five-star praise...whatever 2017, the direct winter five-star praise is terribly good.

The industry and even any annual selection will count the two or three months of the selection until next year. As a result, my customer is really ruthless...

By the way...I once had a four-hour battle with the Operations Department because of this rule... and I was defeated...

Because the young lady in the operation department said something I couldn’t refute: “Say! Do you want us to kill everyone in front of you?”

I thought about it.... If Shun Cen and their group of new books were selected for 2018, I should be... the third?

Oh yeah, eh hey, that's so embarrassing!

But...the stupid rules have no argument!

Damn it... Kangaroo won't give me the hardcover physical book in the gift box that Sanshao gave to the website. I will keep on bb!

(Of course, I’m not embarrassed to tell this kind of threat. Everyone who is in the official “problem feedback group” can send the above paragraph to the administrator to let them know that this is the voice of the user. Remember to delete the content in these brackets.)

Finally...Thank you once again for your continued support to me!

Ready to sleep...wait, edit the message?

Orange: The official reminder of online dating has been updated. Remember to write more when you have time.

It's three o'clock now... Well, it seems that I am running out of time.

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