Chapter VIII Exchange

In the void, Vivian frowned: "Who drove him out of the Garden of Eden?"

"Yeah!" Galsa also looked confused: "Xiu Yan had already flicked the Pluto, seeing that he could escape from there back to the Garden of Eden without blood, why did Etzgerald suddenly come out!

"Okay, okay!" Kyle next to him was very happy!

"It's me." A phantom appeared.

"Adam!" The three people were startled: "How are you..."

"It's just a communication phantom." Adam said lightly: "They won't find out, I drove out that person."

"Why?" Garsa looked confused: "Xiu Yan would have succeeded in the first place, he can escape without our help!"

"But this is not what I want." Adam was still flat: "It was he who came back on his own ability, so this is not undesirable."

"Not what you want?" The three people seemed to have heard some amazing news, and their voices rang out in unison.

"Someone told me about me." Adam said, "The easier things you get, the less you will cherish them. At the same time, he also told me that'favors' are the hardest thing to repay. This is what I have to do now. ."

After saying this, Adam's projection disappeared.

Before disappearing, only one sentence remained: "Help me take care of them."

Looking at the direction of Adam’s disappearance, Garsa blinked her eyes, she looked at Vivienne a little unbelievably: "Teacher...I...what did I hear just now? She said it wasn't what she wanted. Forget it, but she actually said the word'renqing'! Damn, does she understand the meaning of it!"

Vivienne's eyes were deep: "It seems that her growth has exceeded our expectations. Xiuyi said that from 0 to 1 is the most difficult, but from 1 to 2 will be much simpler, it seems... Adam That transformation has been completed."


When Xiuyan said this, Etzgerald was silent.

"Am I right?" There was a smile on Xiuyan's face: "You killed two people, but no boxes appeared on them, because the power you used was not the power of the Garden of Eden. Although I don't know the so-called What is the Hades, but it is clear that Hades is not under the control of the Garden of Eden, so your killing is actually more like a suicide by a surrogate in the Garden of Eden. Although it is the kind of suicide with tied hands and feet."

Etzgerald's hands tightened.

Adrian next to him frowned and snorted coldly: "Arrogant kid!"

He raised his hand abruptly, but Etzgerald's face changed and he slammed his palm out!


The air in front of Xiuyan exploded suddenly! A bottomless gully appeared in front of his body!

"Etzgerald what are you doing!" Adrian asked angrily.

"Idiot!" Etzgerald's face twisted: "This is not your Northland! Don't forget what you are here for! If it weren't for the fear of you messing up what the master explained! You think I will easily get from the Garden of Eden Come out! It seems that I am really not wrong!"


"Because we are dead." Xiuyan's state at this time became lighter instead, and he should be an explanation: "We who are considered suicide by the Garden of Eden will be taken back all of us, including... what we get is ?"

Etzgerald was silent.

"It seems that I guessed right." Xiu Yan shrugged his shoulders: "But what I am more curious about is, how do you know that something is on me?"

"It's not hard to guess." Etzgerald said solemnly: "I understand the situation in the Garden of Eden. It seems that you are just substitutes for these two guys, human beings, but I know that you are the substitutes for the s district. Twelve major alliance coalition forces, such a scale of joint operations must have meaning. The Lord God suddenly appeared and disappeared, and your figure disappeared. Your purpose is very clear. As for why it feels on you. ...."

Etzgerald snorted coldly: "I said, I know you very well, I have contacted you, I have drawn you in. The most important chess piece in my hand has fallen into your hand, so I know... .If you don’t get what you want, you will not act with these people at this time, but will find a way to get it back, right!"

"For example, these people in Keng Yi Keng." Etzgerald swept across the guard's substitute: "Or follow those people." This time he pointed to the distant natural disaster camp and said.


Xiuyan was speechless for a while, he suddenly realized that it is not a good thing to have a high evaluation.

After thinking for a while, Xiuyan spread his hands: "Well, it seems that there is nothing to hide. It is okay to give you things, but I have the conditions."

Atzgerald's tight face finally recovered a little: "I like people with conditions, let's talk, what are your conditions."

"Let them go back." Xiuyan looked at the people around him, and then said: "Just like when we first met, I don't believe you, it has always been like this, including now. You are from the underworld, who would believe the words of a dead person? Right?"

Xiuyan's words made a group of substitutes stunned for a moment, and then looked at Xiuyan incredulously.

Etzgerald nodded, "That's right. But you know, there are times when you say nothing."

"Esdes." Xiu Yan said slowly: "Let them take a look."

The sabre in Esdes's hand suddenly sheathed, and after a stream of light flashed, the sabre returned to its sheath.

Adrian's face was happy, and his steps moved! However, Xiuyan's voice appeared: "Don't make me feel any misunderstanding." His expression was cold, and a round object appeared in his hand: "Esdes is my summoned creature, and your people know better than anyone else. ! These things can return to the Garden of Eden at any time as long as I want. That... is the last thing you want to see, right?"

Etzgerald looked back and gave the two Plutos a fierce look, then turned his head and smiled: "They are all going back?"

"Yes." Xiuyan nodded: "They are all going back, and I will stay with Esdes. At the same time Haruko will go back, you know how important this girl is to me."

Haruko's face turned pale, she wanted to say I don't want it, but she knew she couldn't say that at this time! This girl has always been very sensible and knows everyone's situation. I also know that any word I have now may become a burden for Xiuyan!

And Xiuhiko has continued: "Haruko goes back and promises that I will not commit suicide suddenly after they leave, and I will give you the things when they leave."

Etzgerald narrowed his eyes. "Aren't we afraid that we will do it at this time?"

"Bet." Xiu Yan said lightly: "I bet you will let me go back after I hand over the things to you, and I will also tell you where Kel'Thuzad is to increase my own bargaining chips."

Speaking of this, Xiuyan smiled confidently: "And me... luck has always been good!"

ps: Ask a question, will you not lie to me, are you lie to me or not?

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