The Basic Law of Routines in the Infinite World

Chapter 889: This is advice and warning

Chapter 889: This is advice and warning

"Asshole! Asshole! Asshole!"

An angry roar came from a hall!

This is the airline alliance.

"You mean that you are taking the lead this time, saying that it is an action to let the five major alliances serve you! An action that can bring out a treasure has failed!" Yamamoto Twenty-eight roared at Shen Hai below.

Shen Hai lowered his head and quickly replied: "We didn't expect three Hades to come to the teacher."

Twenty-eight Yamamoto's eyes narrowed: "Shen Hai, are your wings hard? Now even I want to lie?"

Shen Hai quickly replied: "Don't dare to teacher!"

"Don't dare?" Yamamoto Twenty-eight sat back in his seat and snorted coldly: "Then I think I am in the ascending zone, and I can't control you anymore, right?"

"Absolutely not." Shen Hai quickly said with trepidation: "I never dare to think of the teacher like that! You are the core of the Airline Alliance. Without you, the Airline Alliance would never be so comfortable now. Especially...especially. ..."

"Okay!" Yamamoto Twenty-eight seemed to know what Shen Hai was going to say, and interrupted: "You know this! I need to go through now instead of you shirk the responsibility on the three Pluto! I have seen it like that. Exist! How could you run back if they were there?"

"Yes." Shen Hai took a deep breath and began to tell the story of his passing in that dark foggy space.

Including the main **** space and so on, but he only did not say that the main **** space is now in Xiuyan's hands.

After all, that place was first discovered by the Airline Alliance and profited first, so he just said that everyone was hit on the ground by Esders, and then Pluto came and everything was gone.

After listening to everything, Yamamoto Twenty-eight finally calmed down. He frowned and said, "You mean? Xiuyan threatened the three Plutoes with the main **** space, and then you ran back?"

Shen Hai nodded.

"Is that guy so kind?" A trace of doubt flashed across Yamamoto Twenty-eight's face, and then he said in a nonchalant tone: "But I also blame me, I didn't explain to you clearly how to contact that Esders. "

Shen Hai instantly understood what it meant, and immediately said, "No, the teacher doesn't blame you, it's because I acted too hastily."

"There is such a point." Twenty-eight Yamamoto borrowed the donkey from the slope, and said: "You said that the major leagues have suffered heavy losses, including those from natural disasters?"

"Yes." Shen Hai nodded: "All the weapons of mass destruction that were brought in the past have been destroyed, and the contents of the base have also been destroyed by the three Plutos. It will be difficult to recover within a few months, especially the Eighth Heaven, Jin Zhaoxi He died, and even the "Emperor Yao Golden Crow Bow" of the Eighth Heaven was lost."

"That arrogant woman." Yamamoto Twenty-eight disdainfully said: "I haven't changed my greed for small profits. This time I'm in a pit, right? We are the one who is unlucky after the heavy tour. This time... .It's their turn to the Eighth Heaven!"

"Yes, teacher!" Shen Hai immediately said, "So, we happen to have a new plan."

"Talk about it."

Shen Hai spoke out the joint plan.

But as soon as he finished speaking, Yamamoto Twenty-eight said: "I don't agree."

Shen Hai was startled: "Why teacher? This is an opportunity for us!"

"We don't need to take risks!" Yamamoto 28 replied: "The Technology Alliance and the twelfth floor are Carmen and Zhao Mingzhi who want to use this wave of suppression to make a Jedi counterattack. They have to do this! Merchant Alliance and Saint The temple over there is purely to calm people's hearts, and we." Yamamoto Twenty-eight glanced at Shen Hai: " still want to..."

"Don't dare!" Shen Hai brushed his head and lowered his head: "The disciple definitely has no such idea."

"Then don't go to this muddy water." Yamamoto Twenty-eight said slowly: "The final winner is only the kid Xiuyan."

"But." Shen Hai still didn't give up: "Xiu Yan was just pushed to the table. This is an opportunity to carve up the major leagues, teacher!"

"Enough!" Twenty-eight Yamamoto said angrily: "I said no, but I can't! Don't forget Shen Hai! Who killed the heavy tour! I don't need to pursue any deal you have with Xiuyan. , But Shen Hai! Don’t get too far! The Alliance never lacks successors! And! Re-patrol their enhancements! Why haven’t you got them back!"

Shen Hai was stunned.

After thinking about it, he seemed to understand why Yamamoto Twenty-eight objected.

How did Chong Xun die? Naturally, Xiu Yan killed it.

But... who caused this ending?

One reason is that I sent a copy of the information at the right time, and the death order of Yamamoto Twenty-eight in order to find back the lost face is a more important reason!

It can be said that he and Yamamoto pushed Shigeyu on the cliff of death.

But if you really want to subdivide it, you will at most account for 10% of the guilt.

Do you know these 28 Yamamoto? Of course he knew it, but he would not admit it, he would not admit that he killed his most proud disciple. Not only would he not admit it, but he would push everything to numb his body and mind and block Yoyo's heavy mouth.

Shen Hai even felt that the teacher who had been wise before was a bit pedantic at this time.

He knew that it would be useless to say anything at this time, so he could only bow his hands and said: "Teacher calms down, and the disciple knows, he won't mention this matter again.

"Go on! What a shame!" Yamamoto Twenty-eight one waved his hand: "Also, I will give you another month. If you can't get it back, you can give up your position!"

"Yes." Shen Hai lowered his head and withdrew from the hall.

After leaving, he walked towards his hall, but soon someone called her.

Shen Hai turned his head and smiled after seeing the incoming person: "Big Brother."

"Don't mind." The former first heir to the airline alliance, Captain Ivor Shawn of the C fleet comforted: "Teacher has been doing this since the second brother left. You don't know that no one will take your place. of."

"Of course I know." Shen Hai slowly said, "But we know better who killed the heavy cruiser and who made me and the heavy cruiser always compete."

"Second brother!" Ivor Shaun frowned, "Are you complaining about the teacher?"

"Yes!" Shen Hai said without taboo: "I am not your eldest brother. After you were defeated by the heavy tour, you are willing to take care of the elderly and prepare for the promotion, but...I am not reconciled! And you haven't found it?"

"Find what?"

"The teacher is old." Shen Hai replied: "It's not about the body and strength, but the heart is old. You are in the palace, knowing how much benefit my plan can get for the alliance, but... the teacher refused! Because A... strange reason! A problem that was never a problem!"

Seeing the expression on Shen Hai's face, Xiao En's heart trembled: "What are you going to do?"

Shen Hai turned and left, and said: "Naturally it is something that is considered for the future of the alliance!"

"Damn it!" Xiao En's face changed wildly: "Aren't you afraid that I will tell the teacher!"

Shen Hai stopped, and he looked back at Xiao En: "No, you won't, just like you didn't tell the teacher when I was desperately working with the heavy tour, eldest brother... you lose because you have a soft temper, and it's a good thing to live by. Status, this made me never treat you as an enemy when I was molded! As a brother, although it is a somewhat far-fetched brother, I still want to advise you.....For yourself and your team, get ready to be promoted. Don't mix up anything!"

"This is advice and warning!"

After speaking, Shen Hai strode away!

ps: fgo got around 60 pools... I remembered a guy who was looking for power leveling... my dear, 300 pools! ! ! As a result, after I talked to a guy playing blue fantasy, this guy looked at me with disdain...'300 pool? ? Weak fgo players! ’

ps: I looked at the strategy in Chapter instantly's so difficult! When I first played Chapter 6, I found it difficult to rob chickens...

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