Chapter 1: Psycho-genesis
With the cover of night, inconspicuously he slithered into the room without anyone the wiser. In her raunchy, see through and lacy red lingerie all that was left was for her to put on her black stiletto. Portia felt like she was on top of the world for she knew that all the fabric she had on and her facial appearance would have him drooling till kingdom come. As she was finishing up she heard the bathroom door open ever so lightly.
"You couldn't wait, could you honey. Nonetheless I am yours' forever now. Ravage me as you see fit" Portia said as she turned around with her eyes closed, exhibiting submission.
A sensual peck on the luscious V of her breasts, nape then her cheeks marked the beginning of her moistening. A gentle tug on her lips raised some red flags and she opened her eyes to see a stranger in front of her. She was about to scream when a gloved hand covered her mouth.
"Beauty at its finest I see" he said stroking her blonde hair. "But don't worry I am not a monster that I would have my way with you right here in the bathroom, I am a gentleman so let me do you better"
With that he stuffed her mouth with tattered cloth and plunged his ceramic blade deep within her chest. He was in awe of this moment seeing that she did not writhe even a bit and the light that had shone in her eyes was dimming.
Meanwhile Zack was in the bedroom all fired up listening to Ed-Sheeran. Throughout his teenage hood his friends had always laughed at him for being holier than thou by adhering to abstinence due to the no sex before marriage notion. They always rubbed it in his face telling him that "it's better to have lived and fucked than never having fucked at all".
Oh how much he wanted to keep some evidence of what was going to happen tonight, but of course he knew it would not sit well with her and anyway nowadays with all that was leaking to the internet no one would take the chance. The wedding was what Portia had dreamt of ever since she could say "Cinderella", but the honeymoon would be Zacks' domain for each waking moment of his life had him thinking of this day: the day he finally partook of the forbidden fruit.
Scented candles all around, rose petals scattered all over the bed and her favourite music playing in the background. Zack had googled all he had to know in preparation for this day, setting the proper venue, mood and having his libido as high as ever. He was ready to show his wife his sexual prowess and everything was going according to plan until a now masked figure entered the room which made him jump and take on a defensive pose.
"I believe you have the wrong room sir how can I help you" Zack said rattled.
"If you must insist, your life would suffice." was the response.
With a tremulous voice he said "what do you mean my life?"
"Don't say I did not ask nicely" said he, unearthing his blade and charging at Zack head on.
In that brief moment Zack was in a state of limbo knowing what the blood on the knife meant and that he was smack dead in a life and death situation. It pained him having to waste the complimentary champagne of the house but current events dictated guerilla tactics. In a flash he grabbed the bottle and whammed it straight into the intruders' skull sending him heaving across the room.
Zombie like the intruder stood up and started towards his prey playfully licking the blades edge which sent chills down Zack's spine. Willing to utilise each drop of adrenaline coursing through his veins at a last attempt of survival, with the strength of a grizzly bear he bulldozed the intruder onto the carpet resulting in a loud thud. Thus he ran for the door but as his flesh came into contact with the cold metallic handle he felt a sharp pain in his lower back numbing his whole body. Looking down he could see his blood trickle to the floor making a melody of sorts followed by another jolt of pain which made him kneel. A quick glance behind him answered the whole debacle and down he went.
The intruder Riley Murdock stood atop his victim contemplating his next move. "Do I really have to finish him off? This is now boring. Well, if he is still alive my present will be waiting for him all gift wrapped in the bathroom. If he is already dead then being of heavy build didn't do him any good. My head is pounding! You on the floor, luckily you got me good. Let me kick you one last time for old time's sake you bastard. Too bad in the end your struggle didn't amount to much. Better get outta here. Wouldn't wanna get caught with my pants on the ground, so to speak" he said chuckling. "Let me get myself a souvenir from the bathroom.
3 minutes later…all that is left is for me to get these sheets out of here. Why did you have to whack me in the head I wonder, you should have just gone down like the scum you are". With the linen sheets in hand, he removed his ski mask pocketed it and simply waltzed out of the room humming his favourite tune "Beat it" by Michael Jackson. He then went to the trolleys were dirty laundry is posited and threw the soiled linen in with the rest. Bleeding from a small wound on his head he just went about his day like it was any other Friday night pleased with himself knowing that his day off had arrived.
Night gave up its mantle to daytime and the cock crowed as per norm. A beautiful morning it was, birds chirping outside the window with the trees swaying side to side as if dancing to the sound. Keisha woke up ready to conquer the world feeling joyous as she had dreamt of being given a raise at work. She got up and had a cold shower to liven herself up and changed into new clothes. Next was having a cup of some sizzling hot Café Latte with the perfect amount of froth just the way she liked it. Finishing it she went on to kiss her husband goodbye telling him to start preparing for work and left a familiar heartfelt note reminding him of how much he meant to her. Trotting she went to the local supermarket 'Bradletts' for it was a stop for the company bus. A minute or two later of mind numbing, boredom it arrived and she boarded it and sat in the backseat where she could see the comings and goings of everyone in the bus whilst listening to Derek Minor on her mp3 player. Only one more stop and the bus went straight for the Fiasco hotel, her workplace.
Avoiding the headache that would come from trying to be a mind reader she decided to do the one thing that would either piss off the occupant or just have her do her job. Knock, knock, knock she went.
"Housekeeping" she said in a high pitched voice.
For reassurances sake: knock, knock, knock. "Housekeeping"
The silence made her feel like a huge boulder had been lifted off her shoulders. She then used her key card to enter the room and went straight for the bedroom. Its normal to find a room disheveled, for pigs do exist in this world but this one took the prize because it looked as though a whirlwind had passed through. But it was kind of weird to find that the bedspread was missing so naturally she paced to check in the bathroom. Close to the door she came in, she could see traces of dry blood with a trail that led to the bathroom paving way for her mind to run wild. Slowly she opened the door and to her horror she found a man bleeding and wrapped in bath towels and a woman beside him with her eyes gouged out. All the cleaning utensils in her hands fell to the ground as she screamed at the top of her voice and ran back into the bedroom to dial her supervisor on the telephone reporting all she had seen.
Ten minutes later an Ambulance and the police were on the scene making room 35 no man's land for some. It was cordoned off to the general public with a few hotel guests sneaking a peek here and there. A Sergeant McKenzie was heading the investigation saying that no one was to interfere. He was just hoping that this Zack O' Connell could give him some pointers but no, the paramedics felt a faint pulse and sent him straight to the hospital saying it's a miracle he was still alive judging by the amount of blood he had lost. He knew it was wrong but he would have preferred this to be a Double homicide from the beginning and not having one of the victims hanging on to their lives by a thread, having him thinking of prayer which nauseated him.
"So Miss Keisha you are the one that found the body?" said the Sergeant
"Yes, I am shaken up because no one in their right mind would want to see what I saw" replied Keisha looking mortified.
"Do you know any of the victims?" he said jotting down some notes. "Is there anything you can tell me which may help us find the person responsible for this?"
"Unfortunately nothing comes to mind. All I did was unwittingly, find the poor souls and report it to hotel management."
"Is it standard procedure to call your superiors first instead of the police?"
"I wanted to make it clear to them that I was in no way responsible. Policemen are not really my go to people anyway."
With a sigh "Okay, you're free to go but make sure we can reach you at any time so leave your contact information with one of my subordinates. By the way do not plan any sudden trips too."
His partner Michael was standing in the doorway lost in his own thoughts. "Are you still with us, Mickey" he said playfully snapping his fingers. He was a chubby little fellow with beady eyes that could pry the truth out of anyone.
"Oh it's you, talk about trying to give me a heart attack. You are still a pain in my ass I see." Barked Michael.
"Well there is no one like me that can cheer up that sagging face of yours" said McKenzie grinning. So, what is the list of charges here: B&E, first degree murder and attempted murder. Quite the rap sheet, if you ask me. Mickey we are getting too old for this and this case is really not up our alley. But we do know some up and coming investigators that are eager to make a name for themselves and would gladly take this case off our hands."
"Sergeant you must be joking. Don't tell me you mean those pompous fools!"
"Exactly, I know you hate their guts but the free time we will get out of this will be worth it. Camille did say you haven't been out on a date since you were promoted. This is your chance. On top of that the IPA (Integrated Police Agency) hasn't disappointed yet, has it?"
"Okay, now get on with it. You had me at 'Camille'. Now stop sugarcoating it and call em already." Mickey said looking away.
Giggling "Sure thing Mickey, I'm certain they're gonna be thrilled to hear my angelic voice."
"You couldn't wait, could you honey. Nonetheless I am yours' forever now. Ravage me as you see fit" Portia said as she turned around with her eyes closed, exhibiting submission.
A sensual peck on the luscious V of her breasts, nape then her cheeks marked the beginning of her moistening. A gentle tug on her lips raised some red flags and she opened her eyes to see a stranger in front of her. She was about to scream when a gloved hand covered her mouth.
"Beauty at its finest I see" he said stroking her blonde hair. "But don't worry I am not a monster that I would have my way with you right here in the bathroom, I am a gentleman so let me do you better"
With that he stuffed her mouth with tattered cloth and plunged his ceramic blade deep within her chest. He was in awe of this moment seeing that she did not writhe even a bit and the light that had shone in her eyes was dimming.
Meanwhile Zack was in the bedroom all fired up listening to Ed-Sheeran. Throughout his teenage hood his friends had always laughed at him for being holier than thou by adhering to abstinence due to the no sex before marriage notion. They always rubbed it in his face telling him that "it's better to have lived and fucked than never having fucked at all".
Oh how much he wanted to keep some evidence of what was going to happen tonight, but of course he knew it would not sit well with her and anyway nowadays with all that was leaking to the internet no one would take the chance. The wedding was what Portia had dreamt of ever since she could say "Cinderella", but the honeymoon would be Zacks' domain for each waking moment of his life had him thinking of this day: the day he finally partook of the forbidden fruit.
Scented candles all around, rose petals scattered all over the bed and her favourite music playing in the background. Zack had googled all he had to know in preparation for this day, setting the proper venue, mood and having his libido as high as ever. He was ready to show his wife his sexual prowess and everything was going according to plan until a now masked figure entered the room which made him jump and take on a defensive pose.
"I believe you have the wrong room sir how can I help you" Zack said rattled.
"If you must insist, your life would suffice." was the response.
With a tremulous voice he said "what do you mean my life?"
"Don't say I did not ask nicely" said he, unearthing his blade and charging at Zack head on.
In that brief moment Zack was in a state of limbo knowing what the blood on the knife meant and that he was smack dead in a life and death situation. It pained him having to waste the complimentary champagne of the house but current events dictated guerilla tactics. In a flash he grabbed the bottle and whammed it straight into the intruders' skull sending him heaving across the room.
Zombie like the intruder stood up and started towards his prey playfully licking the blades edge which sent chills down Zack's spine. Willing to utilise each drop of adrenaline coursing through his veins at a last attempt of survival, with the strength of a grizzly bear he bulldozed the intruder onto the carpet resulting in a loud thud. Thus he ran for the door but as his flesh came into contact with the cold metallic handle he felt a sharp pain in his lower back numbing his whole body. Looking down he could see his blood trickle to the floor making a melody of sorts followed by another jolt of pain which made him kneel. A quick glance behind him answered the whole debacle and down he went.
The intruder Riley Murdock stood atop his victim contemplating his next move. "Do I really have to finish him off? This is now boring. Well, if he is still alive my present will be waiting for him all gift wrapped in the bathroom. If he is already dead then being of heavy build didn't do him any good. My head is pounding! You on the floor, luckily you got me good. Let me kick you one last time for old time's sake you bastard. Too bad in the end your struggle didn't amount to much. Better get outta here. Wouldn't wanna get caught with my pants on the ground, so to speak" he said chuckling. "Let me get myself a souvenir from the bathroom.
3 minutes later…all that is left is for me to get these sheets out of here. Why did you have to whack me in the head I wonder, you should have just gone down like the scum you are". With the linen sheets in hand, he removed his ski mask pocketed it and simply waltzed out of the room humming his favourite tune "Beat it" by Michael Jackson. He then went to the trolleys were dirty laundry is posited and threw the soiled linen in with the rest. Bleeding from a small wound on his head he just went about his day like it was any other Friday night pleased with himself knowing that his day off had arrived.
Night gave up its mantle to daytime and the cock crowed as per norm. A beautiful morning it was, birds chirping outside the window with the trees swaying side to side as if dancing to the sound. Keisha woke up ready to conquer the world feeling joyous as she had dreamt of being given a raise at work. She got up and had a cold shower to liven herself up and changed into new clothes. Next was having a cup of some sizzling hot Café Latte with the perfect amount of froth just the way she liked it. Finishing it she went on to kiss her husband goodbye telling him to start preparing for work and left a familiar heartfelt note reminding him of how much he meant to her. Trotting she went to the local supermarket 'Bradletts' for it was a stop for the company bus. A minute or two later of mind numbing, boredom it arrived and she boarded it and sat in the backseat where she could see the comings and goings of everyone in the bus whilst listening to Derek Minor on her mp3 player. Only one more stop and the bus went straight for the Fiasco hotel, her workplace.
Avoiding the headache that would come from trying to be a mind reader she decided to do the one thing that would either piss off the occupant or just have her do her job. Knock, knock, knock she went.
"Housekeeping" she said in a high pitched voice.
For reassurances sake: knock, knock, knock. "Housekeeping"
The silence made her feel like a huge boulder had been lifted off her shoulders. She then used her key card to enter the room and went straight for the bedroom. Its normal to find a room disheveled, for pigs do exist in this world but this one took the prize because it looked as though a whirlwind had passed through. But it was kind of weird to find that the bedspread was missing so naturally she paced to check in the bathroom. Close to the door she came in, she could see traces of dry blood with a trail that led to the bathroom paving way for her mind to run wild. Slowly she opened the door and to her horror she found a man bleeding and wrapped in bath towels and a woman beside him with her eyes gouged out. All the cleaning utensils in her hands fell to the ground as she screamed at the top of her voice and ran back into the bedroom to dial her supervisor on the telephone reporting all she had seen.
Ten minutes later an Ambulance and the police were on the scene making room 35 no man's land for some. It was cordoned off to the general public with a few hotel guests sneaking a peek here and there. A Sergeant McKenzie was heading the investigation saying that no one was to interfere. He was just hoping that this Zack O' Connell could give him some pointers but no, the paramedics felt a faint pulse and sent him straight to the hospital saying it's a miracle he was still alive judging by the amount of blood he had lost. He knew it was wrong but he would have preferred this to be a Double homicide from the beginning and not having one of the victims hanging on to their lives by a thread, having him thinking of prayer which nauseated him.
"So Miss Keisha you are the one that found the body?" said the Sergeant
"Yes, I am shaken up because no one in their right mind would want to see what I saw" replied Keisha looking mortified.
"Do you know any of the victims?" he said jotting down some notes. "Is there anything you can tell me which may help us find the person responsible for this?"
"Unfortunately nothing comes to mind. All I did was unwittingly, find the poor souls and report it to hotel management."
"Is it standard procedure to call your superiors first instead of the police?"
"I wanted to make it clear to them that I was in no way responsible. Policemen are not really my go to people anyway."
With a sigh "Okay, you're free to go but make sure we can reach you at any time so leave your contact information with one of my subordinates. By the way do not plan any sudden trips too."
His partner Michael was standing in the doorway lost in his own thoughts. "Are you still with us, Mickey" he said playfully snapping his fingers. He was a chubby little fellow with beady eyes that could pry the truth out of anyone.
"Oh it's you, talk about trying to give me a heart attack. You are still a pain in my ass I see." Barked Michael.
"Well there is no one like me that can cheer up that sagging face of yours" said McKenzie grinning. So, what is the list of charges here: B&E, first degree murder and attempted murder. Quite the rap sheet, if you ask me. Mickey we are getting too old for this and this case is really not up our alley. But we do know some up and coming investigators that are eager to make a name for themselves and would gladly take this case off our hands."
"Sergeant you must be joking. Don't tell me you mean those pompous fools!"
"Exactly, I know you hate their guts but the free time we will get out of this will be worth it. Camille did say you haven't been out on a date since you were promoted. This is your chance. On top of that the IPA (Integrated Police Agency) hasn't disappointed yet, has it?"
"Okay, now get on with it. You had me at 'Camille'. Now stop sugarcoating it and call em already." Mickey said looking away.
Giggling "Sure thing Mickey, I'm certain they're gonna be thrilled to hear my angelic voice."
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