He Pengfei has already arrived first. He holds three people's passports and boarding passes in his hand and walks into the airport with Lu Bowen. Zheng Yan looks at them with red eyes and goes to the provincial capital only after they pass the security check.

China is really a special society where human relations are greater than the regulations. When Lu Bowen and Zhao shensan and he Pengfei arrived in Beijing in a hurry, the airport was waiting for the comrades of the provincial office in Beijing. When they picked them up, they went straight to the consulate of Mrs. Lu's home country. They handled the visit visa more smoothly. After they got it, they got another visa Minutes did not delay on the airport again, an hour later, three people on the plane to fly abroad.

From the provincial capital to the capital, Lu Bowen has completely calmed down, regained the bearing and calmness that a Provincial Standing Committee member should have, and appropriately accepted greetings and blessings from all walks of life. Except for a small accident while waiting for the plane, when he got on the plane to fly abroad, he was solemn, as if he had nothing in his heart except his uncertain wife There's nothing to worry about.

Zhao shensan didn't have this calmness. In the process of going from the provincial capital to the capital and then to the airport, whenever he had the opportunity to contact the outside world, he would call Zheng Yanhong for a moment to ask about her situation, and then contact foreign medical institutions for Lu Bowen to ask about the latest progress of Mrs. Lu. After screening, he would selectively report to Lu Bowen. Of course, it was Lu Fu who said the most The man has been out of danger and is under observation.

Lu Bowen didn't see Zhao shensan calling Zheng Yanhong when he was waiting for a plane to go abroad. After that, he was alone in the distant rest chair for a long time and then came to him. His heart was aching all the time. Even Lingyan's eyes, which turned directly into despair without transition from happiness, really appeared in front of his eyes As if to see the spirit smoke silent tears, and then the expression of pain. Looking at Zhao Shen, he pretended to be calm and came to him. Suddenly, Lu Bowen grabbed his chest and ran down the chair.

Zhao shensan was scared out of his wits. He took out the quick acting heart saving pill from his pocket and fed Lu Bowen ten pills. Then he massaged Lu Bowen on his chest desperately. Fortunately, Lu Bowen soon passed the color and gasped for breath to return to normal.

In the whole process of the accident, Lu Bowen didn't ask Zhao shensan a word, and Zhao shensan didn't say a word to comfort him. Both of them are human beings, and they have a blind attachment to their feelings. They all know that some things can't be avoided, and they can't be blindly optimistic. They can only face and digest them. All these must be solved by Lu Bowen Wen finished it by himself, so even a white lie is the biggest disrespect to his feelings with Lingyan.

I don't know how much perseverance Lu Bowen used to bite the blocks across his chest, even more like swallowing glass debris. Despite the pain, all his viscera were scratched into wounds. The blood blooming thread chrysanthemum was in full bloom in all directions, but he just clenched his teeth and didn't make a groan.

The time on the plane is cold and long. Even if Lu Bowen, a distinguished guest, was carefully explained to all the service staff by the airport leaders before he got on the plane, he got more meticulous care. However, the sweet voice and bright smile of the stewardess in his eyes are like lifeless clay sculpture, and the sweet greetings are like the same With his ears separated by several layers of quilt general, illusory, ethereal, fuzzy, specious.

However, just a few words flashed in his mind can also make him think of a little woman who can be associated with these words!

"No! I can't miss her! Hate her, forget her! Otherwise, how can a wife who is far away from home and who is dying be embarrassed? " Lu Bowen closed his eyes tightly and screamed bitterly in his heart, trying to cover the little woman he was worried about with his wife's face. But just at this time, he found that his wife's face was like a torn picture. Countless pieces were flying in his mind. No matter how hard he tried to piece it together, he could never recover it completely However, Lingyan's small face and his big eyes, which were out of proportion to his small face, occupied his mind with great tenacity and clarity. The sadness and despair in his big eyes were like a butcher's knife, which was lying across Lu Bowen's neck, as if he had made a compromise. The knife immediately cut down and made him become two pieces

In this kind of tangle and pain, the plane finally arrived. Lu Bowen seemed to have exhausted all his strength in the painful tangle. When he got off the plane, he couldn't even walk steadily. He Pengfei and Zhao shensan helped him to walk down the spiral staircase.

As soon as he set foot on the land of a foreign country, Lu Bowen didn't need to work hard. His brain was immediately awed, and his wife's appearance became clear. Lingyan's body and eyes floated away as if they had been evaporated. Lu Bowen murmured: "I'm here, my wife. I know you've been waiting for me. I hope I'm not late..."

The Chinese embassy has long been informed to do a good job in all the reception matters of Lu Bowen and his party here, and have a better understanding of the treatment location of Mrs. Lu. So as soon as they got out of the airport, they got on the bus and drove all the way to the suburbs.Zhao shensan was surprised and asked, "eh, isn't my mother in a big hospital in the city? Why are we going out of the city?"

Zhang, the reception comrade, replied: "Mr. Zhao, Mrs. Lu's injury is not serious. Moreover, after the accident, she strongly demanded that she should not leave the sanatorium. Doctors had no choice but to treat her on the spot. We've talked to her personal therapist, Mr. Steven, and we know that Mrs. Lu's condition is OK in the sanatorium. "

Zhao shensan was relieved and said, "Oh, since it's not a big problem, it's best! Dad, don't worry, haven't you heard that my mother is OK "

however, Lu Bowen's face became more ugly after listening to the reception comrades' words, but this kind of ugliness was quite different from the anxiety just full of worry, but Zhao Shen couldn't tell what this ugliness was.

In foreign countries, the sky is blue, the grass on the roadside is green, and the air is transparent. Not far away, there are whole woods that can't be seen. It's clean and unreal, which is enough to show that people here are reluctant to give up polluting the environment. It's no more magnificent than our great country in China. We drive for fear that the displacement will be small, and the factory for fear that the chimney will not be high, the output will not be enough, and the smoke will be black Miasma darkens the sky and people live in the haze all day to meet the national conditions.

Having just learned something about it, the beautiful scenery in the suburbs further eased Zhao shensan's anxiety. Looking at the scenery passing by outside the window, he had an idea in his heart that if he bought a house here, living in seclusion with Zheng Yanhong seemed to be a good choice.

After driving out of the city, it took almost two hours to arrive at a place with beautiful scenery of lakes and mountains. A small white building does not even have a fence. It is so beautiful that it is located by the lake. There are many white wooden houses along the lake bank. Each wooden house has white railings, and the steps around it lead directly to the water. The water is blue, the trees are green, the sky is tile blue, the clouds are snow-white. What's more incredible is that on the grass not far away, there are a group of animals who don't know whether they are deer or kangaroos eating grass and playing leisurely. All these are beautiful like an illusory dream.

Looking at Zhao shensan's thought retreated, he Pengfei pulled him and said in a quiet voice: "it's silly to watch. I'd better go in with the boss to see how my aunt is and then get drunk. Although it's not in the way, there must be a problem when I get up early to call Zhang."

Zhao Shen blushed and said, "well, I'm really out of fashion. Let's go in now."

The reception comrades have contacted the staff of the sanatorium and asked about Mrs. Lu's residence. The foreigners simply pointed out their location and left without taking them. Lu Bowen walked in front with a cold face, and his steps were very steady, which made Zhao shensan and he Pengfei very surprised. I don't know whether the stubborn old man regained his composure because he heard that his wife had no worries about his life, or what other reasons made him feel energetic

under the guidance of the reception staff, they walked along the path to the door of a single wooden house , the door is not closed, gently pushed into the face of the lake room, after entering, found that it is the same as the family is a hall style suite, there is a living room, bedroom, kitchen, bathroom, terrace is very complete, open the window is the lake, it is simply the best place to live.

There is no one in the living room. The bright and clean living room gives people a very comfortable feeling. The layout full of life atmosphere is the residence of a person who has a passion for life. Where can it be equated with depression or autism? Zhao shensan is even more confused.

All of a sudden, a woman's coquettish murmur came out of the bedroom, thanks to Zhao shensan's good English when he was in college. In order to get a professional title, he got a grade in the education committee, so he heard it clearly: "Steven, I'm determined to break this time, you can't ignore me..."

A man's voice said, "Oh, dear, I understand that you are a powerful official wife in China. We can't be together, but how could you be so stupid to prove your determination to me by destroying your life"

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