Zhao shensan's family became Zheng Yanhong's only home. Every day when Zhang got home, she would take off her mask and recover into a heartbroken and frail little woman who had lost her husband. Zhang recalled so much happiness in the house and would cry from time to time.

Originally, her parents, Lu Bowen, uncles and aunts all hated her for leaving Lin Maoren's jade bracelet before her wedding. However, seeing that she was so miserable after losing Zhao shensan, they even refused to go to the old man. It seemed that if they left their little home for a minute, they would miss Zhao shensan who suddenly came.

After all, she was in love with her, and the old man gradually eliminated the misunderstanding of Zheng Yanhong. He watched her turn herself into such a cold and strange look, but he could do nothing but sigh.

At the same time, Zheng Yanhong did not give up her search for Zhao shensan for a moment. She used almost all her contacts and energy, and let her brother Huang Xiangyang use the underworld's men to make inquiries. However, from the eighth day of May to the end of May, she still had no information about Zhao shensan, as if this person had never existed in the world.

When everyone is looking for Zhao shensan, no one can guess. It is not Zheng Yanhong who finds Zhao shensan first, but Li Wenbin who leads him. The chance that he can find Zhao shensan comes from a riddle left to him by master liaowu last time in Yunshan temple!

The thing is, the end of may in the lunar calendar is the end of June in the Gregorian calendar. There is a definite message from the capital that the old leaders will come to the province in mid July to investigate and study. The key point of the inspection is Yundu. To be exact, it is Zhao shensannong's routes.

In this way, Zhao shensan's whereabouts can be raised to the level of work! A leader has disappeared for such a long time without any reasonable reason. Although the explanation given by the leader is that he is going to get married and ask for leave, now half a month has passed since his wedding day. Even if he takes a full amount of marriage leave, it's time to end the holiday. How can he be so calm and not appear?

besides, marriage leave and marriage leave are naturally husband's It's right for his wife and his wife to have a rest together. How can Zheng's leaders go to work? As a husband, he's still resting so steadily and never shows up. Does he have to wait until he even takes the baby's maternity leave?

now, even Li Yuanhang can't stop. Liu Hanyu, the leader of Tongxian County, asks for instructions several times a day, although the Commission also asks the female comrade to take the first step Shoulder to shoulder, but after all, some important commission affairs, Liu Hanyu still dare not make his own decisions, ask for more, in the conversation that woman on Zhao shensan's tardy not appear very some opinions.

In addition, many Deputy officials complained that as long as the work of Tongxian county involves the Party committee, the female leader asked the branch leaders to directly ask the Deputy officials in charge of Tongxian county. Now they have become the special leaders of Tongxian county. They are bored to death. After all, they asked Li leader whether Zhao shensan wanted to do it or not. If they were determined to resign, why do they have to do it Li Yuanhang himself took part in the wedding on the spot and saw the strange accident with his own eyes. Therefore, in his heart, Zhao shensan was frustrated this time. His wife didn't want to get married, so he didn't care about the leader. So it was in vain to keep him, which delayed his work and time !

But Li Yuanhang has Li Wenbin's advice in his heart. How dare he change Zhao shensan on his own? So while pressing the deputies, he secretly calls Li Wenbin to complain. Li Wenbin, who has a lot of patience, agrees to let him have another leader.

Because of this question, Li Wenbin once asked Qiao Yuanzheng carefully. However, Qiao Yuanzheng did not know Zhao shensan's whereabouts. Naturally, he did not know his whereabouts.

This makes Li Wenbin very angry and scolds Zhao shensan for not being able to get on the wall because of mud. Even if Zheng Yanhong doesn't give up on him and change his wife, why don't she have nothing to do and learn about love saint? She doesn't even want to run away from her career. Can't she marry and die for love and commit suicide?

but the curse comes back to the curse. For the leadership of Tongxian County, Li Wenbin never vomites He told Li Yuanhang to send someone else. When Li Yuanhang complained again, he angrily reprimanded: "Comrade Yuanhang, I know what you mean. I don't think Zhao shensan has left. If you pull out a carrot, you can arrange another leader! Otherwise, how could you call me three times in three days to complain?

listen to what you mean, without Zhao shensan, Tongxian could hardly carry out its work, right? How could Zhao shensan, who had been working on both sides of Tongxian's unit committee for so long, make such outstanding achievements? What's the problem with the current situation? Doesn't it just mean that you are a leader The leaders sent are not enough to shoulder such a heavy burden!

You don't look for problems from yourself and keep fighting with me in order to have the right to appoint and remove the leader. OK, I'll give it to you! Now I can tell you clearly that you are all free to decide the leader of Tongxian county. I, Li Wenbin, am not a bully and do not allow you to have local autonomy. But one thing is that the country will come down to check and accept your rural innovation work. I hope that the new leader you are looking for can make sure that there is no fault in the inspection! "

Li Yuanhang listened to leader Li's reprimand in a cold sweat. Before he could explain, he heard that leader Li had hung up the phone. With these words, he would not dare to mention it again, even if he was lent three courage, even if Liu Hanyu, the new beauty leader of Tongxian County, had a deep secret relationship with him.Even in Zhao shensan's absence, Yundu still had to prepare for the work, so a few days later, a detailed report was delivered to Li Wenbin's desk.

He looked at the report carefully and thought that there was nothing wrong with the itinerary of the report. He even laughed a little angrily, because the report sent by Yundu was exactly the same as the route Zhao shensan took him on the last visit to Yundu. At that time, he felt very good, especially the perfect leader of Yunshan temple, which left a deep impression on him.

After watching this, he told Qiao Yuanzheng that the standard of Li Yuan's AIDS to navigation must be a master who wants both horses to run and horses not to eat grass! On the one hand, he still uses Zhao shensan's achievements to cope with the situation, and on the other hand, he worries about how much new benefits that position can bring him.

Qiao Yuanzheng naturally said nothing about it with a smile, because he understood that even if leader Li didn't like Li Yuanhang any more, it was his secretary who shouldn't participate in the discussion of leaders. Otherwise, it will certainly give Li Wenbin an impression of his ambition, which is not a good impression.

But he would not ignore Li's words. As for Gu, he said: "this is also designed according to the route Xiao Zhao led us through. When I think of the last time in Yunshan temple, Xiao Zhao ambitiously told me that he planned to take off the poverty hat of Tongxian County in three years and carry out innovation work in the whole cloud in five years. Now he actually quit, which is really amazing Life is changeable! Alas, it seems that the Buddhist idea of "seeing through, putting down, being at ease" is quite reasonable. Xiao Zhao may have seen through this time. "

Qiao Yuanzheng mentioned Yunshan temple and Buddhism, which reminds Li wenbinzhang of the scene in Yunshan temple

When Li Wenbin was a teenager, he ran away from home because of a difficult problem. One night, he was bitten by a poisonous snake when he was sleeping in the wilderness. When he was dying, he was met by master Dawu, who was wandering around. Not only did he save his life, but also with a divination, he regained his confidence in making progress. Only in this way did he get rid of decadence and continue to make progress.

What's more amazing is that his later development path seems to have been designed in advance, and he is actually going up step by step according to the master's prediction. Over the years, he has quietly confirmed the prediction made by the master, and has found that it's exactly the same!

This had to let him sprout a kind of trust with fear to this mysterious thing, and he had a strong sense of gratitude to master Dawu. So he let Qiao Yuanzheng inquire about the whereabouts of the master in many ways. Unexpectedly, Zhao Shen would fulfill his dream for him.

I think of the master's meeting with him this time. I also think of the master's words when he left: "I don't think you have this fortune, but you have a right heart. God will send fortune to protect you. Even if you encounter misfortune, you can turn misfortune into good fortune.

For example, the child who brought his husband, just like his husband, has resisted countless disasters with a tone of righteousness. However, he will be hit by a disaster in a few days. I'm afraid it's not easy to resolve this time! Ha ha, if you are in a hurry to find him at that time, you may as well come to visit me! "

"Yunshan Temple" Li Wenbin will think of here, suddenly in the heart a move called out.

Qiao Yuanzheng was in the room and asked: "leader Li, the opening ceremony of the new Buddha statue in Yunshan temple is the day after tomorrow. What's the matter? Are you interested in it"

"what's the opening ceremony of Yunshan temple the day after tomorrow? I don't know." Li Wenbin even thinks that nature is magical. He just thought of Master Wu, and because Master Wu thought of Zhao shensan, it will be tomorrow!

"Well, yes, the cloud has sent you reports. You may have forgotten. This time, the scale is not small. Although it can't catch up with the opening of the Golden Buddha Temple in Fengquan County, it has also invited celebrities from many countries. In addition, their new culture square opened at the same time, and many celebrities from the cultural circles participated in it. It's said that the situation is not small Qiao Yuanzheng reports.

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