Master Dawu said like a father: "so silly woman, if you want to enslave a servant, it's impossible. If you don't love him so much, and you are used to this kind of high life, it's not difficult to find a partner who has no regrets and no regrets at your condition.

But if you really love Xiao Zhao and want to keep his heart in check, you must wake up completely, calm your mind quickly, and influence him with sincere attitude and unrepentant love. I understand that he doesn't care about you as he does on the surface. If you are sincere, you will succeed. "

Zheng Yanhong didn't say a word. She really didn't think so thoroughly about some problems, and she didn't realize her mistakes. The master pointed out that she naturally needed time to digest them. She also knew that it was impossible to pull Zhao shensan today, and Zhao shensan's indifferent attitude also hurt her very much.

After listening to the master's words, she said sadly: "thank you for your teaching. No matter whether it is true or not, Yanhong is grateful for the master's hard work. It seems that she will come back in vain today. I will understand your words carefully. It's just He He is still with you. Please take good care of him and see how much he has lost I Hi! He's going to be a great monk. I wonder why he's not appreciated! All right, master, I'm leaving. "

The master nodded and sent her out of the door with a smile. He stood at the door of the hall and looked at her.

Zheng Yanhong slowly walked down the steps. When she was half way away, she seemed to think of something. She ran up to the master in a hurry and said with embarrassment: "master, although I Er However, before I think about it, I hope the master can keep him here so that I won't find him next time. "

He shook his head and said with a smile, "I'm still in a mess, but the appearance of the benefactor is somewhat repentant. Then you go first. Don't worry, he won't leave, but he won't stay for long. After a few days, when the nobleman comes, he will still leave. If you have an epiphany, don't worry about face and delay time. You should know that sometimes some things can't wait. "

Zheng Yanhong was stunned, but she was confused in her heart. She didn't carefully consider who the great nobleman would be. Zhao Shen just nodded blankly and left. This time, she ran down the mountain and drove into the city.

Then Zhao shensany on the mountain stayed alone until dusk, and Zhang arrived at the master's residence as usual. He didn't mention the meeting with Zheng Yanhong at all. Naturally, the master didn't mention it on his own initiative, because the master knew that he had to treat the two people according to their own characteristics.

Zhao shensan is different from Zheng Yanhong. His personal knowledge can't be persuaded only by common sense. What he most taboo is to uncover his scars and expose his ugly wounds. The master can't bear to hurt his self-esteem. He'd better wait for the opportunity to persuade him slowly.

In this way, after Zheng Yanhong's unexpected failure, their marriage relationship completely fell into a deadlock, but the next leader is coming. Will there be any accident without Zhao shensan's welcome?

the grand opening ceremony of the new hall of Yunshan temple is as lively as the Golden Buddha Temple. When Zheng Yanhong participated in the ceremony as a leader, she did not go back Looking for Zhao shensan is enough to show that she either wants to give up or hasn't considered how to persuade her, so she just left after finishing her work as a leader. But Zhao shensan didn't show up when he hid in the old temple with Master Wu. On the contrary, it was the man who pretended to be famous as Master Wu.

After that, after intense preparation for inspection, the leader finally came.

In the early morning, the sunshine of midsummer was shining on the provincial capital. Li Wenbin came to the office and held a short meeting to welcome the inspectors. Then he led the people to the airport and waited in the VIP lounge.

At nine o'clock sharp, the leader's plane arrived. Naturally, it was a kind greeting. Then we got on the bus and went to listen to the work report first. After all, we didn't describe the meeting minutes one by one. We just flashed to Yundu after the meeting.

When he got downstairs, Lu Bowen was also welcomed, but today he didn't have the chance to accompany the leaders at all. He also wisely stayed far away from recognizing the teacher.

The leader looked at the following Li Wenbin and Bai Manshan, and ignored Li Wenbin, but said to Bai Manshan with a smile: "Comrade Manshan, if you really make innovations in rural work this time, you are a family member of this unit, but you can't do nothing!"

White Man Shan excited Hu stubble all light up, quickly said with a smile humility: "the leadership flattered, in fact, this is also under the correct guidance of Comrade Wen bin, our unit led the grassroots comrades along the appointed good way to go to work out the results, so the results are everyone's ah."

After the leader nodded slightly, he continued: "just now in the meeting room, I am impatient to listen to your report all the time. Otherwise, Comrade Wen bin will squeeze into my car and I will ask some specific questions in the car."

Li Wenbin got into the leader's car. It was a bulletproof seven seater van. Because the leader said that he would ask him questions, the entourage consciously sat down first and put them in the middle and back row. I also thought that we would watch those points during the day. When we arrived at the Golden Buddha temple, it was just dark. It was natural to live in the temple. Moreover, there is only one way up the mountain, and the temple has a high wall, so the security arrangements are good. Because of the limited guest rooms in the temple, most of your entourage and our entourage live in the hot spring hotel not far from the foot of the mountain, so it's more secure, so I didn't change it. Basically, it's our arrangement. "After hearing this, the leader was really satisfied with his face and asked with great interest, "is that child still a contemporary leader in Tongxian county? He's smart, calm and a good seedling."

However, Li Wenbin showed a trace of shame and said: "Alas, he is already a leader, but Some time ago, I misunderstood him and asked him to resign, but I kept his position. After he understood that he was innocent, his feelings had some problems, and the marriage was not formed.

I was frustrated in my career and marriage. For a moment, the child could not imagine that he had become a monk with hair in Yunshan temple in Yundu. It made me laugh and cry! It's easy for the child to Well, after all, I'm not good. "

The more the leader listened, the more surprised he was. He looked at Li Wenbin with suspicious eyes, but Li Wenbin made eye contact with him. That kind of emotion is called helplessness, or it's called having to.

The leader naturally understood and said with a sarcastic smile: "ha ha, it seems that Li Wenbin is just like this! Although Zhuge Liang has done it to kill Ma Su with tears, it is thought-provoking that the self destruction of the Great Wall happened to you. I don't care about your business. What's the matter about the marriage change? Is it because you misunderstand him "

it's such a riddle problem, but Li Wenbin nodded mysteriously and said:" yes. " That's all, but it's enough.

The leader showed a smile of more interest on his lips and said: "this child actually thought of becoming a monk! Have personality, I like it! Did you go to find the girl? "

" I've been there, and the eldest lady has been there too. She won't come. " Li Wenbin did not expect that Zhao shensan, who had been talking with him for so long, still did not change the topic. He could not help but feel numb. He finally knew that this young man could become the leader's "son-in-law". It was not Zheng Yanhong's father and daughter, but the father and daughter who had touched him! He was even more worried that he had forced Zhao shensan away. He was determined to find Zhang zhaoshensan even if he went to Yundu after the inspection.

"Ha ha ha! He is addicted to being a monk, and the girl is not a fuel-efficient lamp. Why can't he be punished? "The leader laughed, as if it was something that interested him so much.

If Li Wenbin is not an employee who deeply understands the leadership, he may feel that the leader is a man who likes to be lively and novel. However, he has been a subordinate of the leader since he became an official. He knows too much about himself. The old leader has a deep personality, does not like right and wrong, is resolute, resolute and silent. How can he not be surprised to be so emotional about this matter today Interesting.

Li Wenbin said with a smile: "ha ha ha, yes, in fact, the girl lost her husband. She felt sad and couldn't find her after a long time. I knew the whereabouts of the child first and told her secretly.

Last night, I asked her if she had been looking for Zhang after she started her career. Guess what the eldest lady told me. She cried that Xiao Zhao was determined to become a monk. When she wanted to argue with him about the meaning of becoming a monk or Zhang, you can guess how Zhang answered. I admire her very much! "

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