The Beautiful Cultivator Prefers Girls

Chapter 1 - I Don't Remember Dying...

A large creature roamed through a dense forest as it patrolled it's territory. This large creature was the top of its food chain it was a rank nine demonic beast! No one dared to mess with it!

"Hello! Excuse me?"

A faint dainty voice sounded out from behind the large creature. It turned around to see a human girl no more than eighteen years of age standing behind it.

The sudden appearance of this human girl startled the large creature as it had not even sensed the little human girl until she had said something. But being the almighty rank nine demonic beast who was able to speak the human tongue. The large creature recomposed itself quickly and put on its most fearsome expression as it roared out!

"Begone little human before the great I makes a meal out of you!"

"But I just want to ask where I..."

Not waiting for the human girl to finish speaking the large creature had its own pride as it swiped its paw directly at the puny human girl!

The human girl saw the huge paw that was almost two times the size of her, aiming right for her head she closed her eyes and quickly swung her hand out in hopes of blocking the strike even just a tiny bit. Even though this should be a futile effort on the girl's behalf, there was a splat sound and then complete silence. Only the wind could be heard as it rustled the leaves of the trees.

The human girl who was still bracing for the worst, had her eyes tightly shut and her arm extended out, felt something warm and wet hit her face causing her to open her eyes only to see the remains of the huge creature who seemed to have burst apart in front of her.

"Man… Not again… Every time I try to ask how to get out of this forest they tell me to leave and then attack! And every time I close my eyes they seem to mysteriously explode!"

The human girl was very dejected. She had just come to this strange place not more than four days ago. As soon as she opened her eyes a strange creature she had never seen before yelled at her before attacking her. But just like what had happened just now. She closed her eyes and braced herself for death only to open them a few seconds later to see the remains of the large creature lying on the ground in multiple pieces. The only good thing about this was that she at least was not going to go hungry any time soon.

She had stopped by a stream and saw that her face and body were completely different from what it once was. She was shocked at first but as the past few days went by she had finally gotten used to it. The thing was she had no idea where she was. She was in a new body that looked no more than eighteen to nineteen years old in a strange place wearing an old hanfu. And going by the looks of the body she was in she could consider herself right in her own strike zone. She was so beautiful that she could cause the destruction of an entire country no the entire world! Since she was out in the forest alone she had made sure to explore every inch of her new body. Searching for all her pŀėȧsurė spots. If there were other people around they would have heard some naughty mȯȧning during the night as she massaged her still vɨrġɨn pink valley with her fingers. She had to say that this body was not too bad. It was rather sėnsɨtɨvė which allowed her to have quite a bit of fun. Unfortunately, her priorities were not exactly straight.

After four days of trying her best to get out of this forest, she started to think she was going deeper and deeper into the forest instead of making her way out. But to her, if she turned around now she would have to spend four days just backtracking the way she came. But if she continued forward she would eventually find a way out of this forest and that was exactly what she had decided to do.

Reaching up to wipe the blood off her face, the girl walked on after picking up a few bits of meat to have for a meal later on. Surprisingly enough this girl seemed to have amazing adaptation skills. The blood on her face and even the guts sprawled out all over the ground did not seem to phase her any. As she nonchalantly continued on as if nothing had happened. She was originally just an office worker who lived in the city all her life. Just a few days ago she was out drinking with some of her friends to celebrate her twenty-eighth birthday. All her friends were nagging on her to get a boyfriend and get married so they had invited a few guys to the get together in hopes of setting her up.

But for her who had been single for twenty-eight years she had no interest in men whatsoever. That's right she was a closet case lesbian. Even though she had never been with another girl before, she just could never find herself attracted to men. But she seemed to get somewhat hot and bothered any time she had to go to a public bath or shower with her friends. She couldn't help it, some of her friends were too beautiful to resist gazing at with perverted eyes. She would then take as much of the scene in, save it to memory and use it as material for when she got home and could satisfy her pent up sėxuȧŀ urges. Of course, she had hidden her sėxuȧŀ preference from her friends. She did not want to scare them or lose them due to such a thing. Not only would she lose her friends she would lose her nightly material as well. Shameful or not she had no qualms about using her friends as masturbation material and it was not just rubbing one out and be done. No, no she would go for an hour or two until she was satisfied. In other words, her sėx drive was off the chart.

"Hmm… My current situation seems to be like those fantasy novels you read. Where someone gets transmigrated to another world and ends up in another person's body. But I don't remember dying..."

The girl thought hard trying her best to remember what might have happened but all she could remember was that she drank too much then left the restaurant but everything after that is a blank.

"Oh well. Guess it's better not to remember."

Shaking her head the girl continued walking on...

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