The Beautiful Cultivator Prefers Girls

Chapter 10 - Flying Sword? I’d Rather Walk!

Still a bit dispirited about having to take a test, Xiao Wu let out a long sigh as she figured since she had no choice she mise well just get it over with. Depending on the test depended on whether or not she would be able to pass it. If she did not pass it she could only try other means to come find a way to live. She was now a cultivator and Teng Yu was with her as well. So she would not be alone at least.

"Alright let's get going then..."

Xiao Wu had had enough of this forest that she had been stuck in for more than "four" days now. The only thing that suċkėd was now that there was a man around she would not be able to have a masturbation session as she pleased. Because there was no way in hell she was going to give any man a free show. A cute girl maybe but not a man.

"Alright my friends are not to far away get on my sword and I will fly us over."

Song Lei took out his sword as it grew in size making it was just wide enough for one's feet to step on. Xiao Wu looked at the sword and her face turned black.

'What the hell is this? He wants me to get on this thing? Wouldn't that mean I would have to be in close contact with him? Fuck no!'

"Flying sword? I'd rather walk!"

Instant rejection. Song Lei felt depressed.

'Did she have to make that face that was full of disgust and disdain? Was it really that bad to be on the same sword as me?'

All kinds of thoughts were rolling around Song Lei's head. He, who has every girl at the sect looking at him as if he was a piece of meat was utterly rejected by the one girl he actually fell in love with! How can this be!?

"Walking will take almost a day to get to my team's camp...."

He could only try to reason with Xiao Wu. He really hoped he could talk her into riding on the sword. That way he could have her big… Ahem.. small ċhėst push up against his back! He really wanted to feel that squishiness even if it was only felt by his back!

"Nah… I'm all set with sharing a sword. It would be too uncomfortable. Just point me in the direction and I will meet you there since you want to fly."

Song Lei was even more depressed now. But since she was so adamant about it there was nothing he could say! It was then that he received a voice transmission from one of his team members.

"Song Lei where are you?"

"I'm little ways northwest of camp. I met with a girl that was lost. She wants to come back with us to try to enter the sect."

"Oh? Okay! I will be right there. I want to meet this girl."

A few minutes later a young girl around seventeen to eighteen years old flew overhead as she landed next to Song Lei. Seeing the arrival of the new person Xiao Wu's eyes lit up! The new girl was very cute! She really wondered what she looked like nȧkėd… Ahem... She really wanted to make friends with this new girl. As they always say the early bird gets the worm so no better time than the present.

"Hi, nice to meet you, my name is Xiao Wu what's your name?"

A big bright smile appeared on Xiao Wu's face. The smile was so bright it was like the sun. This smile alone could melt the hearts of male and female alike. But Song Lei seemed to be having deja vu. Wasn't this the same way he had greeted Xiao Wu? Why was her attitude completely different when his team member arrived?

"Hello! I'm Su Yan. Nice to meet you."

'Su Yan get!'

That was what was going through Xiao Wu's mind right now. She will do her best to get this girl nȧkėd. Su Yan had a really nice body. She was short with medium-sized brėȧsts, long black hair that fell to her waist and white jaded skin that matched her rosy red lips. She was a very cute girl!

"Well since you are here let's get going. You can go ahead first since Xiao Wu only wants to wa..."

"Miss Su do you mind if I ride with you?"

Song Lei's words got caught in his throat.

'What the hell is this!? Why are you acting all shy!? Did you not just tell me you would prefer to walk than get on my flying sword!? Do you dislike me that much!? Why the fuċk are you blushing!?'

Song Lei once again was stuck in a train of thoughts. He really wished he could scream all his grievances out!

"Sure you can. Have you ever ridden a flying sword before?"

"No, I haven't so I might end up holding on to you very tight. I do apologize in advance."

Xiao Wu would have said the same thing even if she had millions of hours on a flying sword and was able to fly a sword herself. Just so she could cuddle up next to a cute girl like this Su Yan! She also hoped they could share the same tent and lay next to each other so they could… Well, Xiao Wu shook her head realizing her mind was going off in the wrong direction. She could not leave a bad impression on the fresh meat in front of her.

"Don't worry that's fine. You can hold me as tight as you want."

For some reason, Su Yan was having weird thoughts that she never had before. As soon as she saw Xiao Wu she was instantly drawn to her. But she could not figure out why. Just looking at her made her heart throb. She wanted this girl to hug her and she wanted to hug the girl! All in all, she just wanted to be near this girl no matter what! Su Yan was staring at Xiao Wu biting her lower lip in a seductive manner with her cheeks slightly red. Seeing this Xiao Wu already knew that her and Su Yan were going to be best of friends!

Song Lei who was standing at the side was at a loss as to why the two girls in front of him were looking at each other as if they were going to each one another up!

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