The Beautiful Cultivator Prefers Girls

Chapter 25 - Xiao Wu Becomes A Goddess

Seven days have passed since Xiao Wu entered the mystic realm. Currently, Xiao Wu had a very displeased expression on her face. Mo Yu and her have been forced to go on the run for the past three days. Well, Xiao Wu had no idea why they are running, all she knows is that Mo Yu is pulling her along on her flying sword. Behind them, three male cultivators and one female cultivator were chasing after them. They have been chasing after them for three days. Three whole days and Xiao Wu had not had sėx. Never mind just sėx she hadn't even been able to masturbate! She was really starting to get angry! She thought she could just waste her time idly while she waited to get out of this mystic realm. But no! She was stuck running from these ȧssholes that will not give up. The entire time they have been screaming some shit about giving up some kind of medallion. Xiao Wu had no idea what the medallions were that they were talking about. She had completely forgotten about the medallions again!

"Just give us the medallions! How much longer do you think you can run from us!?"

"Yeah, stop Running and give us the medallions! Otherwise, we will be forced to use force!"

"Fuck your grandmother! Tell your sister to stop so I can fuċk her too! These are Master's medallions! There is no way I will hand these over to you!"

It seemed Mo Yu was also getting sick of being chased. The one girl in the group face blushed at Mo Yu's words. It seemed she was actually the sister of the three male cultivators… It was at this point that Xiao Wu's anger finally got to a boiling point! She wanted to masturbate! But these people… These fuċkɨnġ people! Wouldn't let her masturbate! Xiao Wu hated seeing men's sėx faces. But if it meant being able to get rid of these people she would bȧrė their nauseating expressions!

Suddenly hearts appeared in Xiao Wu's eyes as her gaze fell on to the four cultivators behind them. The four cultivators instantly stopped, ėrȯtɨċ noises started coming from their mouths as wet spots were seen by the crotch in their robes. The only female in the group was hit the hardest. She gazed upon Xiao Wu as if she was a god no a goddess from heaven! The four cultivators dropped from their flying swords and on to the ground. Seeing this Mo Yu finally stopped she looked at Xiao Wu with admiration!

"Master is… Master is too amazing!"

Mo Yu gave Xiao Wu a big hug and kissed her on the cheek before walking over to the four cultivators on the ground.

"Now do you see how great my master is! You should be happy she showed you leniency! Now hand over all your medallions!"

As Mo Yu was feeling good for standing at a higher position than these cultivators who had been chasing them for days. The faces of the cultivators turned to that of fear. Their faces paled as the blood drained from them instantly. One of the male cultivators stretched out his arm and pointed at Mo Yu.

"Behind you..."

"Puny humans! You dare enter my territory!? All of you shall become a snack for the great me!"

Mo Yu turned her head to see a large rank nine demonic beast standing right behind her beautiful Master!

"Master run!"

Xiao Wu who had been standing there half-sleep was rudely awoken by the loud voice behind her. Now she was really mad! First, they don't let her masturbate then they don't let her sleep! She didn't fuċkɨnġ sign up for this! Xiao Wu turned around and stared at the large creature that towered above her. She parted her lips before angrily saying.

"Can you shut the fuċk up!? I was just about to fall asleep then you had to come along and open your big fuċkɨnġ mouth! What is with all you big ȧss creatures yelling at the top of your lungs for? Would it kill you to talk normally for once? Would it? Did I sleep with your Grandmother? No, I didn't so don't come over near me yelling about some bullshit no one gives a damn about. Show some fuċkɨnġ respect when people are just trying to get a little sleep!"

Xiao Wu was heaving up and down, she was so pissed! Why did she have to suffer because of such bullshit!

"Ah… Look… I'm sorry Little Miss… I had no idea you were trying to sleep. Here let me make you a nice comfortable bed to lay on this way you can sleep sound... … … … … You dare trick me you puny Human!?"

For the… Well, whoever is keeping count can tell us. A paw double the size of Xiao Wu came flying down towards her. Xiao Wu instantly closed her eyes and reached out to try to feebly block the attack. There was silence and then something wet and warm splattered across Xiao Wu's face. Xiao Wu once again opened her eyes not even blinking. She was now used to this scene of gore. She had given up trying to figure out why they exploded every time they attacked. Instead, Xiao Wu walked over found a few big chunks of meat, picked them up and walked back over to Mo Yu.

Mo Yu was staring at Xiao Wu as if she had just seen an immortal fly down from the realms above. The other four cultivators stared at her with looks of fear and worship. They immediately prostrated themselves in front of Xiao Wu.

"Goddess we are sorry for our early transgression, please spare our measly lives!"

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