After being sprayed with blood once again the girl decided to find a source of water. She had yet to drink anything all morning. So instead of eating right away she quickly grabbed as much meat as she could carry and walked off in search of a water source.

An hour went by and the girl came upon a small secluded pond that had a waterfall falling into it. The girl found it strange that such a small pond could hold so much water. But not really caring about how the geological aspects of the pond itself worked.

Shrugging her shoulders the girl looked around to see if there was anyone or thing there before stripping off her clothes and slowly wading into the water. She had brought her clothes with her since they needed a bit of washing as well. She had no idea how to wash clothes by hand so all she could do was rub the fabric together in hopes of it somewhat becoming clean.

After a few minutes and finding no matter how much she tried it did not look any cleaner than before the girl just walked out of the water and hung the wet clothes on a nearby branch of a tree. Once they were hung she went right back into the water and started to soak her own body.

Of course, she would not let a chance to masturbate slip by so she was already instantly kneading her pink valley lips that resided between her legs with her fingers as she floated on top of the water. With each plunge of the tip of her finger, a soft mȯȧn would escape her lips. She could not resist how good such a sensation felt. Even in her old body, she was never this sėnsɨtɨvė.

As the girl got lost in her masturbation session she did not realize she was floating closer and closer to the waterfall that rained down on to the pond surface. Right as the girl was in the middle of her ȯrġȧsm, she arrived right under the waterfall causing her to sink under the surface of the water!

Surprised at the turn of events the girl struggled to try to swim towards the surface only to find herself being suċkėd down deeper into a whirlpool that was found under the surface of the pond. The girl now understood where all the water was going as she was suċkėd into a large hole at the bottom of the pond. Reaching her limit on holding her breath the girl could no longer stand it as she inhaled a large amount of water causing her to pass out.


The sounds of dripping water could be heard as the girl's eyes fluttered. Slowly opening them she was very surprised to find herself still alive. Looking around to figure out where she was, she found herself on a shore inside a cavern that seemed to be deep underground. Thinking quickly the girl wondered if she was in another body or not so she crawled over to the edge of the water to take a look at her reflection. She let out a sigh of relief when she saw the familiar young face of the eighteen-year-old girl she had inhabited a few days ago. She thought it would have been a real shame to lose such a sėnsɨtɨvė body. Anything else afterward would have seemed lackluster when she went to pŀėȧsurė herself. Unless she got another body that was just as sėnsɨtɨvė or even more sėnsɨtɨvė.

But all these issues aside, she had to figure out what to do now. Seeing how she was now completely nȧkėd with not a speck of clothing on her body. She really hoped she would not run into any males. Females, on the other hand, she would not mind running into. Especially if they were very cute. But she had also lost the food she had gathered after the large creature had exploded. This was a tad regretful as she cursed at herself for being such a nympho. Her sudden urges to masturbate seemed to be a lot stronger since she woke up in this new body of hers.

After checking to make sure every part of her body was fine and drinking a bit of water the girl walked deeper into the cavern. The cavern had the same blue glowing rocks embedded into the walls as the cave she had gone through earlier. But this cavern was not that big. In no time at all she had found herself standing in front of what seemed to be a door. Yes, a door. In this cavern that seemed to be only accessible from the hole, she was suċkėd into there was a door a stone door but it was one hundred percent a door.

The girl felt like she probably should not open this door but she could not resist the temptation to see what was beyond it. Nude as she was she slowly pushed the door open. But what she saw was something she actually somewhat expected. There was a skeleton sitting in a chair and nothing else.

When the girl entered the room a strange light shot out from the ground as what she recognized as a magic circle formed as the light got brighter. After, the light got so bright that it forced the girl to close her eyes. But then it suddenly started to dim until it was completely faded away. After the light dimmed she heard a melodious voice float into her ears.

"Finally someone has come to inherit my, Teng Yu's legac…"



"Ahem… it seems the world has changed greatly since my time. Young girls now run around nȧkėd. Not that I am complaining, seeing how I hated men since the day I was born. But still, this is quite an eye full after not seeing a soul for thousands of years." Floating in the air was a small transparent female who was scanning the girl's body up and down with a ŀėwd smile on her face. The female was no bigger than the size of the girl's palm and she seemed to look at least twenty years of age.

"Whoa! Hey! Watch it!"

The girl's hand went right through the floating transparent female causing the wind from the girl's hand to blow the floating transparent female around wildly.

"Oh, it's real..."

The girl had originally thought that she was seeing things. But when her hand passed through the floating transparent female she had felt a cold chill pass through her hand.

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