A few ȯrġȧsms later and cleaning her body Xiao Wu got out of the water dried off and put on a clean set of robes. She looked around a little puzzled as she tried to figure out how to get out of this place. Seeing as she did not seem to see an exit she turned to Teng Yu who was floating in the air next to her.

"Ten… Teng… what was it again? Ten Gou Shi?"

"Ten Gou Shi your ȧss!"

Teng Yu was starting to get really tired of this running gag! So she decided to just ignore the dumb girl!

"Errm... Well, Ten whatever your name is. I have a question. How do we leave this place?"

"Oh. That's easy. There is a transportation array right over there."

Teng Yu pointed over to an area that had a weird rock formation. Nothing really special about the area Teng Yu pointed to except the strange way the rocks were situated. This kind of made Xiao Wu a bit depressed. She had expected this fancy set up that had this shiny glowing circle like you would see in a fantasy movie. But no, it was just a pile of rocks. Xiao Wu walked up to the transportation array and kicked one of the rock piles only to have her foot strike something hard as she screamed out in pain!

"What the fuċk!"

Her foot really hurt! How does kicking a pile of rocks turn into her foot being treated like an old enemy! Teng Yu watched as Xiao Wu put on a one-person play hopping around as Teng Yu shook her head trying to figure out what this dumb girl was doing.

'What did this girl think would happen when you kicked an array stone? They are all protected in a way that will allow them to not be easily destroyed!'

Xiao Wu was currently on the ground rubbing her poor foot that was just ȧssaulted by those damn rocks. Luckily nothing was broken but it still hurt! After blowing on her now red toe the pain finally subsided as her belly started to rumble.

"Okay let's go I need to find some food. Err.. wait can you even leave?"

The thought that whether or not Teng Yu could leave had just popped into Xiao Wu's mind. She knew Teng Yu could move around the cavern but she had no idea if she could actually leave to go outside or if she was bound to the area like how ghosts on earth would be. Well from what Xiao Wu knew of ghosts from those T.V. shows she watched.

"Yes, I can. I'm bound to the ring so I can go wherever you are about a thousand meters away. I just have to enter the ring when you use the transportation array. The array is rather easy to use since it only needs you to stand in the middle of it to activate. So I will return to the ring for now. When you are ready to leave just step into the middle of the array."

After finishing her words Teng Yu disappeared from Xiao Wu's sight.

Xiao Wu looked at the array trying to see if she could figure out how it worked but as she looked it over she couldn't figure it out. To her, it was just a pile of rocks. Yep, a big pile of rocks that if kicked would crush your toe!

Shrugging her shoulders and giving up on trying to figure out how the array worked Xiao Wu stepped into the center of the array. A second later the scene in front of her changed and she was now standing in a forest of lush trees and vegetation. It was only that right in front of her was a young man with his pants around his ankles and his d*ck in his hand. Yep, you heard right a young man with his d*ck in his hand.


Xiao Wu who could care less about seeing a d*ck raised her hand and greeted the young man as if it was the normal thing to do. Now if this was a beautiful girl she would have been more likely to do something she would get arrested for on earth. The young man saw Xiao Wu and his body froze. His heart started to thump rapidly in his ċhėst. He quickly cleared his throat as he raised his hand.

"Hi Miss, my name is Song Lei nice to meet you!"

"Ummm… Put your d*ck away before greeting someone..."

Song Lei's face turned bright red as he quickly pulled his pants up only to get them caught on his d*ck causing him to lose his balance and fall flat on his face. And this was the first meeting between Xiao Wu and Song Lei.

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