"Finally!" Mu Ying was flying all the way, and just when she was about to die of boredom, a huge black tree came into view. This tree has no leaves, but it has a lot of branches, just like human hair, and there is almost no gap between the dense branches. Especially when the perspective is enlarged, Mu Ying can clearly see that this big tree is "shedding", and pieces of bark fall to the ground. After a while of wriggling, it forms the monsters she killed before. "So, this thing is the base for producing these monsters? Or, is this tree itself a boss?" While talking to herself, Mu Ying controlled the mecha to gradually lower the altitude. Her idea now is very simple. Continue to test the skills that have not been tested just now, and kill this guy who seems to be the boss. It should be possible to increase the completion rate of the goal of the fierce battle, right?


Just as she landed, Mu Ying could clearly see that the branches of the giant tree swayed slightly, and a ethereal sound echoed in her ears.

"Stop struggling in vain, human, everything you do is so ridiculous in my opinion!"


"The giant tree said so..." The old city lord sighed, his face serious, "That is to say, the enemies that the Republic has faced so far, the mother of those monsters, may have wisdom!"

Only primitive beasts and enemies who know how to think and have wisdom are completely different concepts.

The old city lord said, "Fortunately, the spy ran fast at that time, otherwise the Republic might still be kept in the dark until now."

Hearing this, Wesley's mood became heavier.

Intelligent enemies, bad news is really one after another.


An intelligent enemy, there is such a good thing? Mu Ying couldn't help but feel happy when she heard it.

The giant tree was still saying, "Before, you sent a person here, and I deliberately let him go. Now, you sent a fully armed knight here. Do you think my mercy will appear a second time?"

In the past, the giant tree quietly hid its wisdom and took advantage of human contempt to successfully survive the weakest period. Later, when the two sides were evenly matched, the giant tree took advantage of the asymmetry of intelligence between the two sides and won many battles in an unexpected way when humans mistakenly thought that monsters were irrational beasts.

Even if humans want to find the source of monsters, these exploration teams will be cleverly led to other places by the giant tree, thus staggering the position of its main body, thus gaining a lot of time for development.

Now, this giant tree has grown to its full form, and its tribe can easily defeat the human army, so it deliberately lured a human spy to its location, talked to him, and then let him go.

The purpose is to let humans know that they have wisdom, so as to continue to increase the pressure on humans.

It no longer needs to use those tricks that it relied on when it was weak, and now it uses its wisdom as a weapon to make humans afraid to use it!

So, this giant tree is actually very scheming, but the problem is that Mu Ying has no idea about all these twists and turns.

‘Deliberately let a spy go? No... What is it saying? ’ Mu Ying raised her eyebrows slightly, but her attention quickly returned to herself. The main reason why she was so happy that the enemy had wisdom was that she could try to say some of the very cool lines that appeared in the original game!

If the enemies were all irrational beasts, what was the point of her nagging for a long time? Isn’t this just playing the lute to a cow? But now it’s different, the other party can understand what she is saying!

"Ahem!" Mu Ying cleared her throat in the mecha, and then the silver-white Sam slowly stretched out his right hand, and a cold and mechanical voice sounded, "Leave now, no one will get hurt... Otherwise, you will all die!"

She used to think this sentence was so cool, and next, no matter what the other party answered, she would say, 'Since this is your choice, then please remember that it was the Star Core Hunter who sent you on your last journey, and I will... set the sea on fire! '

However, the atmosphere was deadlocked, and the giant tree did not move, and said nothing.

In fact, the giant tree's mind was now filled with question marks, what

What the hell, what is this iron lump saying?

And Mu Ying also quickly reacted. This line is really cool, but the problem is that it doesn't seem to be suitable for the current situation!

Obviously, this is the opponent's hometown. She took the initiative to run here, and then drove the opponent away, saying "If you don't leave, I will kill you."

And the most important thing is that this enemy is a tree! How can a tree run! ?

In an instant, in a place that no one else can see, in the mecha, the girl's cheeks instantly turned red. After figuring out what she had just done, Mu Ying felt that she was almost embarrassed to death. All ten toes curled up, and she wanted to make a hole in the mecha on the spot.

"You..." The giant tree just said a word, and Mu Ying immediately started to operate.

What to do if it's too embarrassing? Then use a huge sound to cover it up!

Secondary combustion mode has been activated!

The agreement is passed, and scorched earth operations are carried out!

[DHCDR-Supernova Overload]!

Instantly, hot flames burst out from Sam's body, and Mu Ying jumped up and flew to the sky at an unimaginable speed, leaving a long red tail behind. In an instant, the whole sky seemed to be dyed orange.

Especially in the view of the giant tree, it seemed as if a second sun appeared in the sky, and then... this second dazzling sun fell towards its location.

"I tm..." This was the last sentence the giant tree said, and then the 'sun' fell heavily to the ground.

"Boom boom boom --!!!"

It couldn't hold on for a second. The boss in this dimensional crack, this giant tree, was reduced to ashes in the blink of an eye, but the explosion did not stop, but continued to spread and swept across a radius of 100 miles before stopping, but this was still not the end. The orange-red flame tornado rose at the center of the explosion, erasing all previous traces of this place.

"Huh——" After confirming that the giant tree had no residue left and was dead, Mu Ying couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. In this way, her dark history would be completely covered up.

As long as no one knows, this incident can be regarded as if it never happened!

Mu Ying made up her mind that she must think before speaking the lines next time, and she couldn't do it like this time!


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