The solution to getting lost underwater is actually very simple. After a distance from the beach of Borkum Island, Mu Ying controlled Sam to fly out of the water, rushing in the sky, and flew straight to the place where the dimensional crack was. As for flying through the airspace of other countries, will it attract hostility from other countries? This is also easy to solve. As long as you fly high enough, you can't say that this is also your airspace, right? Soon, Mu Ying arrived near the dimensional crack in the Indian Ocean and disappeared for a while. This is also a genuine different space type. About ten minutes later, she reappeared and continued to rush to the next one. As for the process of exploring the dimensional crack just now? Actually, there is nothing much to say, just like what other people in the game of Collapse Iron say about Liuying.

For example, Yinlang always says that Liuying has no strategy in playing games, and it is always "bang bang bang!" and it ends. What she did in the dimensional rift just now was similar. She rushed all the way, killed, crushed the monsters, rushed to the boss's face, and killed him with one punch.

It is worth mentioning that after clearing the dimensional rift just now, Mu Ying actually got a reward. This seems to be the first time she has benefited from an event related to the dimensional rift.

This is a stack of tarot cards. After killing the boss, a voice seemed to appear in her mind, asking her to choose a favorite ability from the [Witch King] and obtain it.

I have to say that this question can be regarded as a stump for her. Mu Ying's first reaction is even, who is the Witch King?

Oh, it is probably the boss that she killed with one punch in the end?

Then her second reaction is, what ability does this boss have? I don't know! ?

In the end, Mu Ying didn't choose anything. It was as if a random tarot card was automatically given to her. When she left the dimensional rift and returned to the real world, it appeared in her hand out of thin air.

"So, what is the use of this thing?" Mu Ying looked at the stack of cards in her hand, her expression a little puzzled.

"Forget it, I'll go back and study it slowly." Mu Ying said to herself and began to head to the second destination of this trip, the direction of another dimensional rift.

At the same time, Sam's unconcealed speed in the air naturally attracted the attention of almost all countries in the world. Satellites continued to track and report in real time.

European Union netizens: "Ah? Did he just solve a dimensional rift? The one in the Indian Ocean? It took about ten minutes? How fast is that?"

Great Britain netizens: "Who cares about the length of time? The point is that this is the Indian Ocean. Who gave you the power to solve the dimensional rift above?"

European Union netizens: "Isn't this the high seas? If we don't solve it, how about you? And this dimensional rift is obviously the closest to your Great Britain's territory, why don't you come to deal with it?"

Great Britain netizens: "I'm *** you ***, wait, where is your home? I'm coming to **** now"

European Union netizens: "Come on, you ****, who's taking pictures of who? I ****"

Almost immediately, the two countries quarreled again. Obviously, let alone Great Britain, even ordinary people in the European Union seem to regard Sam as their own.

As for this matter, Mu Ying actually has a solution, so there is no need to rush.

After a while, two more dimensional cracks were cleared. On the system, the goal completion of the fierce battle has reached 30%, especially the last dimensional crack, which is a large battlefield, and the contribution to the completion of the fierce battle is particularly high. The only pity is that these dimensional cracks did not give any rewards, probably because the clearance speed was too fast.

In other words, the rewards in the next two dimensional cracks are likely to need to be explored and found by yourself. Mu Ying came up and directly raised the boss. This is not a normal way to pass the game, so it is normal that there is no reward.

But she didn't feel bad, because she didn't have a strong desire for these so-called rewards.

You are already wearing gold clothes, why do you need blue quality props?

I can only say that if you give it, you will take it. If not, Mu Ying will not waste time to do these things specially.

From the third dimensional crack

After leaving, it was almost noon. This time, Mu Ying did not go to the fourth place, but flew directly to the direction of the European Union, and found a place to land and waited quietly.

At first, many passers-by were shocked to see Sam suddenly fall, and ran away, but seeing that she did not move, just stood there and did nothing, and seemed to have no malicious intent, they gradually became bolder, and gradually some people began to approach, take pictures, and even try to talk to her.

However, the efficiency of the European Union was also very high. Within three minutes, the local members of the Extraordinary Association arrived here, dispersed the surrounding crowds, and came forward with some trepidation.

Ordinary people in the European Union thought that Sam was their man, but what was the real situation, could these official people not know? And now, the real owner came to the door.

However, Mu Ying did not mean to embarrass these people. She simply announced directly, "I have no intention of joining any force on this planet."

"This... I understand!" The leader in front of Mu Ying nodded frantically, "The European Union will announce this fact soon, don't worry."

After a pause, seeing that Sam had no intention of leaving and was still standing here, the leader tentatively said, "Then... it doesn't matter if you don't join. If you have any needs, just let us know. We will try our best to assist you."

After all, he is an outsider. If he wants to survive in this world for a long time, identity and money are definitely indispensable.

Everyone knows that Sam is an outsider. Other countries think that Sam appeared in the European Union, but the European Union knows that they don't have this thing? They are all curious about where this outsider came from?

However, after hearing this, Mu Ying still did not give any response. Sam does not need an identity. This is meaningless.

Seeing this, the leader felt the pressure on him suddenly increase. Then, he suddenly thought of what the Silver Knight had done since he appeared, and hurriedly said, "Are you interested in the dimensional rift? Maybe we can cooperate?"


ps: Robin has too much free time, and he is bored and works hard to learn English. His level is improving rapidly. Moreover, after being processed by Sam's voice changer, his pronunciation will not be non-standard, after all, it is a mechanical sound.

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