The ghost of the woman gave up the opportunity to see the ghost.

Just when Lv Heng was wondering if this was a revolving lantern before his death, and was thinking, why was his revolving lantern like this, is there nothing to remember in his life? Why did he see two girls?

Then, he found that his vision gradually became clear, which meant that the female ghost gave up exerting influence on him, and the figures of the two people gradually became clear. There is no doubt that they were Mu Ying and Guan Tang Bao.

How did they appear here?

Did the female ghost give up the attack? Was she really targeted because she was alone?

As he was thinking, Mu Ying obviously saw Lv Heng, who looked a little embarrassed, and was slightly stunned. "Why are you on the third floor? What happened?"

Hearing this, Lv Heng slowly stopped and quickly looked back. Sure enough, the female ghost who had just chased him had disappeared. Just as he turned around and was about to breathe a sigh of relief, he saw the dishevelled head sticking out from the ground behind the side of the 'Dove of Peace'.

Obviously, the chase was not over. Compared with Lv Heng, who was full of vigilance and had been chasing for a long time without any results, the female ghost directly chose a new prey that looked easier to bully and had no vigilance.

"Be careful!" Lv Heng shouted at the first time. In an instant, regret filled his mind. Although he didn't know why the two appeared here, there was no doubt that if Mu Ying and Guan Tang Bao died here at this time, then Lv Heng would definitely take more than half of the blame.

At least he thought so.

If he didn't have a little bit of luck in his heart, if he wasn't so indecisive, how could he have escaped all the way to the third floor before stopping?

But it's meaningless to think about it now. At this time, Lv Heng is not too far away from Mu Ying, but it is obviously impossible to run over before the attack of the female ghost. In other words, even if he can run over, what can he do?

As for Mu Ying, in fact, at the same time when Lv Heng loudly reminded her, or even a little earlier, she had already discovered the movement on her side. With her powerful dynamic vision, every move of this female ghost was seen clearly.

No, it's not because of dynamic vision. Mu Ying found that the movement of this female ghost itself was very, very slow, especially after approaching her, as if she was trapped in an invisible mud pond. Every move of the female ghost seemed to be involved by countless invisible things, and was presented in front of her in the form of a 0.5 times slow-motion video.

"What's going on?" Although she didn't quite understand what was going on, Mu Ying decisively took out her transformation device, and the blue lightsaber popped out, and she cut off the opponent's head with one sword.

When playing a competitive game, the opponent is offline, so you must hurry up to take the head. It's impossible to wait for the opponent to come online with kindness, right?


The head wrapped in hair fell directly to the ground, making a lot of noise, and even rolled a few times. Mu Ying was stunned. This female ghost is actually a physical body?

She thought that this thing would dissipate on the spot like the black shadow teacher before.

Just when Mu Ying was thinking about the question of whether it was a physical body or not, Guan Tangbao, who was hiding behind her, opened his mouth wide. Although the two had been discussing the topic of "strength" along the way, it was the first time to see Mu Ying kill a monster with his own eyes.

However, Guan Tangbao might think that this scene was just a little novel. After all, this female ghost was slow and looked so "common (referring to the movie)", and then "swiped" to death, a batch of garbage.

But in the eyes of Lv Heng on the opposite side, this scene can no longer be described as outrageous. This female ghost has been chasing him for so long, and he knows her strength and level very well. Then what does he see now?

The female ghost shows her head, a green light flashes, and the ghost head falls to the ground.

The whole process takes no more than two seconds. Isn't it? How can it be as casual as stepping on an ant on the roadside?

"You... this... me...?" Lv Heng's mouth opened and closed, his brain was a little confused, and he couldn't even say a complete sentence.

"Hehe, what do you think, Peace Dove is awesome!" Seeing Lv Heng like this, Guan Tangbao was the first to be proud, "Don't worry, you are safe now that you meet us, just wait for my half-sister to take us out and it will be over!"

Ignoring this guy, Mu Ying asked Lv Heng, "So what are you doing here?

What happened? "

After a few seconds of pause and a deep breath, Lu Heng explained the situation of being chased after he was separated, and then he turned and asked, "So, what happened to you?"

After reluctantly accepting the fact that the powerful enemy who was chasing him was killed by a soft and cute girl, Lu Heng said, "Are you an evolver?"

"Uh... I'm not. "Mu Ying directly rejected this point, because... the evolvers and transformers of one country need to report when entering another country, otherwise it is illegal. Obviously, Mu Ying did not report. If she admitted that she was an evolver at this time, wouldn't she become a criminal suspect directly?

As for why there are no corresponding laws for outsiders, because the number of outsiders is too small, there is no need to make a law for a dozen people.

Besides, if a foreign outsider who committed a crime is really caught, there is no need to go through legal channels, and directly communicate between countries to ask for an explanation.

However, Mu Ying is not very worried about this problem. After all, she did not kill or set fire, and did not do anything bad. She just killed a few monsters in a special situation like the dimensional rift. Perhaps, the only thing she needs to consider is how to explain to the European Union that she has combat power.

But this is also a matter for later, Mu Ying said, "Let's talk about my affairs later. Isn't the most important thing right now this dimensional rift? "

"That's right..." Lv Heng nodded. In the dimensional rift, there was suddenly a powerful teammate. This must be a good thing.

Mu Ying said, "Guan Tangbao and I just went through the first and second floors and didn't find anything wrong. The only strange thing is that all the classrooms are empty."

Lv Heng smiled bitterly and said, "I have even less information now. After all, I have been chased by that damn female ghost."

Then, Mu Ying fell silent. So, what is the way to pass this dimensional rift?


ps: Lv Heng is not a student and is not affected by the school rule of "no running in the corridor".

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