The dimensional cracks of different space types have a time flow rate that is consistent with the outside world in most cases, so generally speaking, this dimensional crack incident lasted less than two classes.

But the Longcheng Investigation Bureau acted quickly. In just a short while, the residents around the dimensional cracks had been evacuated. The police set up a cordon around them, while Zhong Wanhong, Yu Lin and Artyom entered the dimensional crack range to investigate.

Although in the eyes of Mu Ying and the other five parties, this dimensional crack is undoubtedly a different space type, but in the eyes of others, it is not necessarily the case. Five people were missing from such a prosperous area, and others did not notice it at all.

In the eyes of most people, this dimensional crack just appeared suddenly, and then nothing happened. At this time, Zhong Wanhong and the other two came in to investigate the details.

Then, under such circumstances, five people suddenly appeared on the empty street. Mu Ying looked at the empty streets around her, and then looked at the heart she had thrown on the ground, and the four people lying on the ground who were still in a coma.

The next second, a familiar voice sounded behind her, "Hasn't this place been evacuated? Why are there still civilians... Wait..."

Turning around, you can see that it is the vigilant Dragon Lady Yu Lin.


After a while, the rebuilt Longcheng Investigation Branch, although it may be a bit strange to say so, looking at the familiar layout around, returning here, it seems to give her a feeling of returning home.

"So, you mean, only the five of you have experienced a dimensional crack of the different space type? And this dimensional crack was artificially created by an official of the Sakura Country?" Sitting opposite Mu Ying, Zhong Wanhong said solemnly.

"That's right." Mu Ying nodded and affirmed.

Soon after arriving at the Investigation Bureau, she explained the situation in the dimensional rift in great detail.

Of course, excluding the part where she transformed into Sam and killed everyone, it became that after going through untold hardships, she killed the Sakura countryman, but because the fighting was so noisy, it attracted the principal in the dimensional rift, and she had to kill the principal as well, and then the dimensional rift ended.

Well, this sounds quite outrageous. Zhong Wanhong looked at the cute girl sitting in front of him with her legs together, her hands flat on her legs, and a very well-behaved look. He couldn't help but ask again, "Are you sure that you killed the Sakura countryman and the principal?"

"I'm right." Mu Ying nodded again.

"..." Zhong Wanhong looked down at the tablet in front of him, which had Mu Ying's apparent "identity information". She was an ordinary foreign tourist with "official certification" from the European Union. After all, Wesley personally helped Mu Ying to handle the procedures for going abroad.

But no matter from which angle you look at it, this is not ordinary at all!

So, this girl is an official of the European Union? But it is illegal for an unreported evolver or transformer to sneak into another country! The relationship between Longguo and the European Union is still good, and Zhong Wanhong can't figure out why the other party does this.

However, this matter can be put aside for now, there is a more important question at the moment, "Are you sure... the Sakura countryman mentioned the name of the martyr at the end? He said that he was retaliating against Longguo for the death of the martyr?"

It has to be said that it is a bit ironic. When Zhong Wanhong knew that the evolvers of the European Union "sneaked into" Longguo, he said that he couldn't figure out why the other party did this, but when he knew that the evolvers of Sakura Country sneaked into Longguo and caused damage, Zhong Wanhong instantly believed it.

Mu Ying nodded again, indicating affirmation.

In this case, the seriousness of this issue has directly risen to the international perspective. Obviously, White Eagle should have discussed with Longguo not long ago, and this matter should have been over, but now White Eagle privately sent people to retaliate. What does this mean?

Although there is no big problem with the whole thing, whether in terms of motivation or logic, it still seems a bit strange from an international perspective. Although the White Eagle's credibility is not very high, it is a bit strange that they are secretly making trouble right after the peace talks.

"Sakura Country..." Zhong Wanhong muttered to himself. A possibility vaguely appeared in his mind. Is it to sow discord?

Sakura Country is the dog of White Eagle.

Everyone knows about this matter, but if White Eagle wants to retaliate against Dragon Country, why doesn't he send people himself? Why does he have to let Sakura Country carry out this task?

Sakura Country and Dragon Country are also old enemies. The relationship between the two countries is like the relationship between the European Union and Great Britain. It is extremely bad. If Sakura Country accidentally learns that the martyr died in Dragon Country, it will use this incident to provoke a conflict between Dragon Country and White Eagle. At that time, Sakura Country will stand on the side of White Eagle and directly use the power of the tiger to bully others. Isn't it reasonable to think so?


Zhong Wanhong tapped the table regularly with his index finger. If this conjecture is correct, then Sakura Country is making trouble on the side of Dragon Country, trying to provoke their suspicion of White Eagle, and it is likely to do similar things in White Eagle, intending to provoke White Eagle's suspicion of Dragon Country.

For example, they made up a piece of false intelligence, saying that Longguo lied about the martyr incident. Rumors said that they deliberately led the martyr away and surrounded and killed him, otherwise how could such a powerful person die so quietly... and so on.

This is just a random thought, and there are so many excuses.

Just when Zhong Wanhong wanted to continue asking for some details, finally, under Bai Yuanju's treatment, the other four people slowly woke up. Without hesitation, Zhong Wanhong went over and talked to Brother Wudi and Lu Heng.

After listening to the descriptions and assurances of these two people, Mu Ying's words were completely credible.

Zhong Wanhong showed a serious expression, "This matter is very serious, I have to notify the General Investigation Bureau immediately."

Information asymmetry, mutual suspicion and suspicion between the two sides can really lead to war, but if this matter wants to be resolved, it is actually not difficult. If everyone can sit together, calm down and talk and communicate, then all the lies will naturally fall apart.

After Zhong Wanhong left in a hurry, only Mu Ying, Wudige and Lu Heng were left looking at each other. After a while, Lu Heng said, "Peace Dove, don't look at the captain as serious, but he is actually a good guy. Believe me, you didn't do anything bad in this incident, and you even made a contribution!"


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