The old man was very angry, but he was very angry.

In the office of the General Investigation Bureau in the capital of Longguo, a middle-aged man with a square face and meticulously dressed was here at this time. He was the third director of the General Investigation Bureau, Kong Zhiwang. At this time, he happened to have completed a mission and returned to his office for the first time, and then he learned such information.

He looked at the report on the retaliatory attack by Sakura Country on the computer and couldn't help but fall into deep thought. Then he looked at the maid lady, the deputy director, who was next to him, and said, "Xuehua, what do you think?"

"You ask me what I think... All the possibilities, aren't they written very clearly here?" Xuehua, the maid lady, said helplessly, "It's either the revenge of White Eagle or the instigation of Sakura Country. If it's the former, since White Eagle wants to fight, then we will accompany them to the end, and if it's the latter, then let Sakura Country pay the corresponding price!"

"Whether it's the former or the latter, we need to discuss it before we can come to a conclusion, so what we need to do now is to contact White Eagle and have a good chat with them."

"Yeah, I think so too." The director nodded, "It just so happens that my last job is also completed, so let me handle this matter personally."

"No, so you have an idea, then why are you asking me?" The maid lady couldn't help but twitch her mouth.

"Isn't this to make you feel a little involved?"

"Bullshit! Don't I handle most of the work of the Investigation Bureau? Do I still lack this sense of involvement!?"

The director laughed a few times, and stopped teasing his wife. Instead, he began to contact White Eagle.

Now that the Internet is so developed, there are naturally two ways to hold meetings, online meetings and offline meetings. In any case, the former seems more convenient.

However, humans are still bound by formalism.

For example, the leader of a country visits another country on a friendly visit, and the result is a video call early in the morning. This is inappropriate, right? It is definitely more sincere to go there in person for a face-to-face meeting.

Although this is not a friendly visit, for such an important matter, a face-to-face meeting is definitely more reliable than an online one.

But then comes another question, where to talk?

It is definitely not okay with White Eagle. After all, the other party is suspected of betraying the agreement and secretly launching revenge. At this time, you can't gamble on this probability. What if White Eagle really gets sick and goes to someone else's territory to hold a meeting? Isn't this a way to kill yourself?

Similarly, this meeting cannot be held in Dragon Country. After all, in the eyes of White Eagle, Dragon Country is suspected of plotting to kill the martyrs. Who knows if they will do it again this time?

After thinking about it, the director took his mobile phone and said to the [Wizard], one of the eight White Eagles, "How about setting the meeting place in Sakura Country? The specific location will be decided by us, and we will inform you the day before the meeting, how about it?"

After a short silence, [Wizard] said, "Okay, we have no objection."

So, this matter was settled.

At first glance, this meeting place is slightly disadvantageous to Dragon Country. After all, Sakura Country is White Eagle's dog. If this incident is really White Eagle's revenge, wouldn't it become a two-on-one situation?

On the other hand, if this was the instigation of Sakura Country, then the moment the truth came out, White Eagle's good impression of Sakura Country would definitely drop drastically. After all, no one wants to be used as a gun, and then Dragon Country will fan the flames, which will definitely disgust Sakura Country. Even in the best case, it may even break up the master and servant.

So this choice can be said to be mixed.

In addition, the meeting place was temporarily selected by Dragon Country, so the safety factor is still very high, but this is not enough. After hanging up the phone, the director said, "Call the second special mobile team [Yá Zì], let them follow me for this mission."

The most mobile team among the nine teams, everyone has the ability of "teleportation", "flash", "teleportation", etc. If necessary, they can return to Dragon Country together with the director at the moment of an accident, so that it will be foolproof.

Finally, it is worth mentioning that the Dragon Kingdom and the White Eagle decided to hold a meeting in the Sakura Kingdom. At this moment, the Sakura Kingdom did not know about it, and the Dragon Kingdom and the White Eagle had no intention of informing them at all, because... the opinion of the Sakura Kingdom

It's not important at all, they have no right to refuse.


At the same time, in the Abnormal Research Bureau next door, another group of people were also discussing this matter.

In a clean and tidy laboratory, two people wearing white coats and masks were doing experiments with their heads down, but they were talking about things that were completely unrelated to the experiment.

"Dr. Jiang (Xiao), do you know about the attack of Sakura Country on Longcheng?"

"Of course."

"What do you think?"

"An eye for an eye, blood for blood!" Xiao said these words expressionlessly, "We will naturally retaliate in the same way they did it."

This situation is different from the previous martyr incident. The purpose of the martyr was not to attack at all, and that guy had no intention of killing from beginning to end, but in this case, the man from Sakura Country really came with the intention of killing.

Although that guy failed in the end, you can't forgive him just because someone shot at you and wanted to kill you, because he shot off target?

"Sure enough, you understand me!" Another person laughed immediately, "In my opinion, this is not White Eagle's revenge, nor is it a provocation. There are diehard fans of the martyr in Sakura Country. After knowing the death of the martyr, they went crazy and came to take revenge."

"Maybe." Xiao said, "Regarding this matter, the Investigation Bureau will probably take White Eagle to a meeting, and the location will most likely be in Sakura Country, which is the most suitable place. When I know the specific time and location, I will tell you."

"Meeting, meeting, meeting, investigation The guys in the investigation bureau can only hold meetings, right? "Another person curled his lips when he heard this, "Fortunately, there were no casualties in this incident. If a few people died, they would still hold a meeting, right? If Sakura Country buried a bomb in our place, killing hundreds or thousands of people, they would still hold a meeting, right? Can't they make a tougher decision? In my opinion, it would be better to declare war on Sakura Country directly with this as an excuse?" However, Xiao did not answer this question, but said, "Anyway, this matter is left to you, [Xing]." "Okay, leave it to me!" said the man called [Xing].


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