The sky was full of smoke, and the sky was full of smoke.

"What is this...?" Whether it was Fujiwara who was still in the capital of the kingdom, or Hunter and Kong Zhiwang who had just left the city in another direction, it could even be said that at this time, the natives of the entire capital and all the Sakura people were all shocked to see the fire that dyed the sky red.

However, compared to the solemn expressions of Fujiwara, Hunter and Kong Zhiwang, most of the Sakura people saw this scene. After the initial shock, they were not afraid, but inexplicably excited.

"What happened!?"

"Oh my god! So cool!"

"Is this the direction where the meteorite fell before?"

I can only say that this is really a very magical country. Maybe other people who are trapped in the disaster of the dimensional rift and teleported to another completely unfamiliar world will feel at a loss.

But except for the very old people, most of the 1.5 million Sakura people were excited and thrilled, as if they had become the protagonists who traveled to another world.

However, this is only temporary. After a while, when these people even have trouble eating, they will definitely not think so.


The perspective returns to Mu Ying. After throwing the punch just now, she exits the secondary burning state. Of course, this is not because of energy exhaustion or physical exhaustion, but because... the battle is over.

At this time, the mad lion was lying on his back on a charred ground. There was a clearly visible black fist mark on his chest. In addition to this fist mark, his entire skin was like a cooked prawn, showing a crimson color.

But even so, the mad lion still did not die. His chest was still rising and falling regularly, and he was panting.

"Huh-huh-" His expression was the same as before, but his breath was much weaker. The mad lion twisted his neck slightly, looked at Sam standing next to him, and laughed, "Haha! Sure enough, I didn't misjudge you! From the fist-to-fist fight just now, I can see that you and I are definitely the same kind of people!"

"I lost this time. You are really strong, very strong." While speaking, the mad lion guy actually slowly supported his body and sat up from the ground, "By the way, brother, didn't the European Union group say that you are not one of them? So, are you interested in coming to White Eagle?"

"It just so happens that White Eagle is holding the eighth person's ring election. If you participate, it's a sure thing to get the first place. How about it, do you want to join me to be one of the eight White Eagles for fun?"

Mu Ying, "?"

No, is the election of the eight White Eagles so casual? Just any outsider can win the ring?

And the next second, the mad lion seemed to realize this problem, "Wait, it seems that non-White Eagle people cannot participate in this arena? Forget it, it's not a big problem. If you come, I will beat whoever stops me!"

To be honest, there was a moment when Mu Ying was really moved. After all, this is the identity of the leader of a world power! Who hasn't dreamed of ruling and governing a country? But she thought about it again. For her, the identity of the Eight White Eagles is more like a constraint than a benefit.

Although the identity of a leader of a country looks quite impressive, there are too many things to deal with. In short, if she enjoys the benefits, she will definitely not refuse, but if she is asked to worry about the White Eagle, forget it.

"I'm not interested in this." Sam's cold voice sounded.

"Is that so." The mad lion did not force it, and said, "Anyway, brother, if you need my help in the future, just say it, I'll be there at your call!"

No, what's wrong with you? Why do you suddenly call each other brothers?

Mu Ying was complaining in her heart, but if she thought about it carefully, for a simple-minded guy like Kuangshi, a hearty, fist-to-flesh fight is a way to make friends?

Mu Ying did not use any despicable tricks, but defeated him head-on and convinced him, which naturally won the other party's recognition.

In other words, Mu Ying accepted this challenge in order to "score points", and then inexplicably gained a "brother" of the White Eagle Eight?

Emmmm, how to say it, this should not be a bad thing, right? At least when she returns to the real world, with the relationship with Kuangshi, can she do whatever she wants in White Eagle?


Then, Mu Ying suddenly thought of something, and Sam's mechanical voice sounded, "Do you know anything about this dimensional crack?"

Originally, she returned to the capital to continue investigating intelligence, and now she asked by the way. Unexpectedly, the mad lion actually explained it.

About the magic tide that occurs once every hundred years in this world, about the four kings of monsters, and the four heroes from another world.

Of course, the most important thing is the birth rule of the demon king.

The mad lion said, "Anyway, your goal must be to break through this dimensional crack, right? How about it? Are you interested in going with me to find the four kings?"

Sam's voice sounded, "How are you going to find it?"

The mad lion said, "I don't know, just walk around, you can always meet it."

Sam, "..."

Well, it's my fault for having expectations of you, Mu Ying looked helpless, she had just tried to look for it casually, but obviously, there was no result.

"However, let's put off the search for the Four Heavenly Kings for now. I have to find a new set of clothes first." As he spoke, the mad lion slowly stood up from his sitting position. He covered his waist with one hand and said hoarsely, "Ah, my waist, you were really fierce just now. I feel like my waist is almost broken."

No, no, no, you took that attack just now, and you can recover so quickly that you can stand up. This is super outrageous!

However, as the mad lion said, he really has to get a new set of clothes now. He only has a pair of tattered shorts hanging on his body. With his current hairstyle, he looks like a beggar on the street.

"I have other things to do later." Without much explanation, Mu Ying controlled Sam to take off and left here directly after saying this. In fact, she just didn't want to act with this simple-minded guy.

But after taking off, where to go next is a big problem. Mu Ying's original plan was to return to the capital to collect intelligence, and now she has learned this information from the mad lion, and the next step is how to find the so-called four kings.


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