The old man was so angry that he was so angry.

There is no doubt that after seeing this straightforward middle finger, the Shield Hero was stunned, because this was not an action that a native could make, which meant that Mu Ying was a "traveler".

He was surprised and said, "You are also a traveler!?"

But without waiting for Mu Ying to answer, he continued, "But that's not right? How could there be a girl with silver hair in the real world?"

This sentence actually aroused Mu Ying's doubts. Although silver hair is not common, it is not something difficult to understand. Just a random word "evolver" can explain this problem!

In other words, because of the existence of evolvers and transformers, it should not be strange for any kind of people to appear.

But then, Mu Ying realized another possibility. She frowned and asked in not-so-standard anime-style Japanese, "What year did you travel through? At that time... What was the name of the leader of the White Eagle?"

"Ah?" Although the Shield Hero was a little confused, he still thought about it and said, "It was 2015, but what is the White Eagle? You are talking about America, right? Isn't the leader of America an old black man? What's his name...?"

Let's call the main world where Mu Ying lives now the 'real world'. The Shield Hero's words undoubtedly prove that the other party did not travel through this 'real world', but from another 'Earth'.

Of course, it is not the Earth of Mu Ying's previous life, but the third 'Earth'.

Or to put it more simply, an Earth in a parallel world.

If there is one, there will be two, and there will be three, which means that there should be very, very many 'Earths' with such subtle differences. many parallel worlds there are, how many Earths there are, it seems to have nothing to do with Mu Ying. Rather, isn't the parallel world hypothesis quite famous? It's just that it can't be proved, and now, Mu Ying has this evidence in front of her.

In fact, whether there are parallel worlds or not, as long as there is no connection between these worlds, this matter itself is meaningless. Then, Mu Ying suddenly thought, if she could pull this guy in front of her into the chat group of Shu County Cat, and then wait for this guy to kill the devil and return to his own world, can she go to the other world?

But unfortunately, this can only be thought about, because the chat group of Shu County Cat has an upper limit on the number of people, and there are only five people at this stage. Shu County Cat said before that it seems that it needs to be upgraded to increase the number of people. As for how to upgrade...even Shu County Cat himself doesn't know.

Her thoughts were fleeting. Looking at the shield hero in front of her, Mu Ying was about to say a few words to send him away. Although she hated this guy in her personal opinion, he was also a hero after all, doing the work of destroying monsters, so he was a good person. She was not a pervert who would kill anyone she was unhappy with, so there was no need to kill him.

But at this moment, she suddenly felt a sense of being watched. It might be because the firefly's senses were relatively sharp, or it might be because the robin was usually watched by this kind of sight and had long been accustomed to it, which led to her noticing it at the first time.

But the problem is that it is normal for a robin to be seen by passers-by when walking on the street, but now this is a wilderness!

Then, in the next second, the outline of a person gradually appeared, like a chameleon that blended into the surrounding scenery, leaving the camouflage state and returning to its original appearance. At this time, the situation of this person was similar to this.

Soon, a guy wearing a mask and black clothes appeared not far in front of the Shield Hero. He knelt on one knee and said directly, "Master Shield Hero! I am a shadow guard directly under the command of His Majesty the King. Not long ago, His Majesty the King discovered the detailed location of one of the Four Heavenly Kings and asked me to tell you the news."

"The original plan has changed. Please gather together first, the four heroes, and kill the first of the Four Heavenly Kings as soon as possible!"

No, that's not right. Although Mu Ying has never seen the king of this world and doesn't know whether this so-called king has a shadow guard, she vaguely feels that the person in front of her is probably not a native of this world.

There is no special reason. If you have to say it, maybe this is a girl's sixth sense?

Mu Ying feels that the guy in front of her is most likely from the Sakura Country in the real world.

But the Shield Hero

But he had no doubt at all, instead he said with surprise, "Is there such a handsome guard beside His Majesty the King..."

After a pause, he continued, "That... is fine, but is it really necessary for the four heroes to go together? Can't it be solved by one person?"

The 'Shadow Guard' said, "The specific situation is a bit complicated. In addition to one of the Four Heavenly Kings, there is another powerful enemy. I will tell you in detail later."

Then, the 'Shadow Guard' took out a leather map that looked full of age and pointed to one of the locations.

"Other shadow guards have been tracking the whereabouts of the Four Heavenly Kings, and the latest intelligence is that it should be nearby."

"Originally, if it was just like this, we only needed to send the closest hero over, but the shadow guard discovered that another person was also chasing the Four Heavenly Kings."

"After preliminary investigation, we found that the person's identity was actually one of the four heroes summoned last time a hundred years ago! But theoretically, how could an ordinary human live for a hundred years? Not to mention that she looks very young."

"You mean..." Hearing this, the Shield Hero propped his chin with one hand and showed a thoughtful expression. Suddenly, everyone's eyes were focused on the Shield Hero, as if looking forward to the next step.

However... thinking is thinking, and it really can't be thought of. The Shield Hero was stuck and thinking for a full five minutes without saying a word.

Mu Ying could clearly see that the corner of the eye of the 'shadow guard' opposite him twitched from time to time, as if he really wanted to announce the [answer], but had to hold it back.

Finally, she couldn't bear it anymore and said directly, "So you mean that the previous generation hero used some method to survive until now? And this is most likely an evil secret method."

After all, when it comes to prolonging life, the first reaction of normal people must be evil methods.

Mu Ying continued, "As for that person's purpose, he has been lingering on for a hundred years until now when the Four Heavenly Kings appeared. She followed and appeared. Needless to say, her goal is naturally not to be explained."

"As we all know, the Four Heavenly Kings can become stronger by killing each other and finally become demon kings. Could her purpose be related to this?"

"It is precisely because she is a previous generation hero and because she has seen the power of the demon king that she may be tempted by this power. Is there a possibility that the evil method that allows her to prolong her life is to get rid of her human identity and become a demon? In this case, if she can kill the other four heavenly kings, she may be promoted to the strongest demon king as the fifth [Four Heavenly Kings]!"

There are five people in the Four Heavenly Kings. Isn't it super reasonable?

Suddenly, Mu Ying could see that the shadow guard's eyes widened, as if he was saying, "What you said makes sense." The next second, he nodded and said seriously, "This lady is right. Now His Majesty the King is also suspicious!"

Mu Ying, "..."

This is really a bit difficult to understand. In fact, everything Mu Ying said just now was all made up by her on the spot. However, it seems that because her excuse is too reasonable, it is more reasonable than the excuse that the [shadow guard] originally thought of, and then...she temporarily adopted this one.

But no matter what, Mu Ying is clear about the other party's purpose. Sakura Country wants to use deception to gather four heroes together, and it seems that they want to surround and kill one person?

So the question is, who is this person?

Is it a senior official of Dragon Country who came to the meeting this time?

"Anyway, this is the situation. Please, Lord Shield Hero, set off immediately and head to the destination. You must stop the former hero and prevent the birth of the strongest demon king!" The shadow guard bowed and said, "I have other tasks to do. Excuse me first!"

Then, his figure gradually became transparent, and the color blended with the surroundings. Just like when he came, he disappeared in front of several people out of thin air.

After the shadow guard left, the shield hero clenched his fist and hammered his palm, "Oh! Is that what happened!?"

No, you just understand now?

Then, the Shield Hero looked at Mu Ying with admiration, "Miss, I don't even know your name!"

"We are all time travelers. In a foreign country like this, it's better to work together! And my team is lacking a wise man like you!"

"Join us, let's defeat the devil together and save the world!"

Mu Ying, "..."

No, actually, I don't think your team is lacking a wise man, but you are a little too stupid, right?

Just now

That shadow guard obviously thought Mu Ying was a member of the brave team, so he told her these important information in front of her. But the outrageous thing was that the shield hero, knowing that there was a stranger next to him, did not even let her leave, and discussed these things in front of her?

Mu Ying did not quite understand the other party's train of thought. It was impossible to assume that she was a good person just because she was pretty, and then be so confident in her, right?

Mu Ying shook her head and refused decisively, "Sorry, I have something else to do."

Without much explanation, she turned around and walked away. As for the destination, it was naturally the place where the four heroes gathered on the map that the shadow guard pointed out just now.

Mu Ying was quite curious about this matter. Secondly, even if there was no siege, this coordinate was also the location of the Four Heavenly Kings. She could kill one of the Four Heavenly Kings at least after she went there.

At the same time, the ‘Sword Hero’, ‘Spear Hero’ and ‘Bow Hero’ in the other three places were also persuaded successfully and were gathering towards the target location. It is worth mentioning that the information these three heroes learned was the version that Mu Ying said.

Obviously, these ‘Shadow Guards’ should have some kind of remote communication means and updated the ‘excuse’ uniformly, otherwise when the four heroes meet in the future, the information they have is different, which is too funny.


Time passed, two days later, at an altitude of one thousand meters, Mu Ying was hovering here in the form of ‘Sam’, using ultra-high-resolution detection equipment to observe the situation below.

In fact, not long after she separated from the Shield Hero, she rushed to the destination and successfully saw the first [Four Heavenly Kings].

The main reason is that this guy is too big, like a moving hill, at least fifty meters high and nearly a hundred meters long, and looks like a super-enlarged version of a rock turtle.

However, after discovering this rock turtle, Mu Ying has not taken action, mainly because this guy is too conspicuous. If it is killed, the noise will be too loud. What if they are scared away before the encirclement and killing plan of Sakura Country has even started?

Taking her eyes off the rock turtle, Mu Ying looked to the side, about two or three kilometers away, where a man and a woman were slowly walking towards the direction of the rock turtle.

"Are you finally here?"

At this time, the man and woman, the woman has a very good figure. She is wearing a relatively revealing V-shaped low-cut dress, and her two long legs are completely exposed. On such a gravel and bumpy dirt road, she is actually wearing a pair of high-heeled boots.

In this regard, Mu Ying has to say that this is really amazing.

The other man is wearing a black work uniform, following the woman half a step behind, nodding and bowing from time to time and saying something, but because the distance is too far, Mu Ying naturally can't hear clearly, but she can roughly guess the situation.

This man is most likely in the same group as the previous 'shadow guards'. "So, is the target of Sakura Country this woman?"

Then, the robin outside checked the Internet and found out the identity of this woman, "One of the eight hunters of White Eagle!? Why is the target of Sakura Country White Eagle?"

There is no doubt that when Mu Ying learned this information, she was stunned. She didn't understand and didn't understand.

No, why would Sakura Country attack White Eagle for no reason? Aren't they in the same group?

At first, she thought that the target of the siege would be Dragon Country. If it was Dragon Country, she would definitely go down to intervene and 'mediate the fight' when the fight started, but now, she doesn't want to intervene.

Anyway, both sides have nothing to do with her, so she can just eat a melon quietly in the sky, isn't it nice?


ps: I have something to do today, so I'll be a little late, sorry.

ps2: This chapter is still two-in-one.

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