The hunter was reloading his bullets, and the remaining two 'shadow guards' had already run to the side of the shield hero and entered the effective range of the shield hero's ability.

"A meaningless struggle." The hunter said, raising his revolver, and the two people beside the shield hero reacted like ordinary people when they were attacked, leaning back slightly and protecting their hands in front of their foreheads.

At this time, we have to mention a human instinctive reaction, that is, when looking up at a cloudless blue sky, if a bird appears in the sky at this time, a moving black dot appears, humans can find this dot in a very short time.

Moreover, as mentioned not long ago, if a hunter wants to activate his ability, he needs to have a ‘target’ when shooting. In the above-mentioned situation, the endless blue sky is obviously not a suitable target. In other words, the hunter either looks up at the sky and fires a blank shot, failing to activate the ability, or locks on the small dot and pulls the trigger.

Therefore, a hunter who often uses the ability of ‘must hit’ has an instinct to ‘find the small dot and attract attention’ that is far superior to that of ordinary people.

And just before the hunter pulled the trigger, the two people next to the shield hero opened their hands at the same time, pointing their palms in the direction of the hunter. There is nothing strange about this action itself, but the strange thing is that one of the two people has nothing on his palm, but the other person seems to have a pattern on his palm. Of course, from the hunter’s distance, it is just a black dot.



At the moment of the gunshot, the shadow guard who was protecting the head of the shield hero exploded like a watermelon, but at the same time, a huge blood hole appeared on the hunter's waist, almost cutting her off in half.

For the first time, the hunter showed a horrified expression. As her body slowly fell, she suddenly remembered that the Sakura Country's 'bodyguard' seemed to have given her a very delicate map when he led her to this place.

In an instant, she understood the reason.

She saw the black spot just before she fired the gun, and she instinctively locked and aimed at it. It was actually a pattern, and on the map carried by the hunter, there were four 'absolutely the same' patterns.

What would happen if there was more than one target that must be hit?

With the high priority of the hunter's ability, all of them would naturally be hit.

So, at the moment the bullet was fired, it teleported directly to the palm of the shadow guard, blowing up his hands and head. Then, because there was a shield hero in the middle, the bullet could not pass through the barrier normally, so it had to teleport again and hit the hunter's pocket.

The huge destructive power almost broke her in half.

These scenes seemed to be coincidental, but they were actually planned long ago. For example, the five shadow guards of Sakura Country actually had such a pattern painted on their palms, and their plan was that if the raid could succeed, it would be the best. If not, at least one person had to run behind the shield hero.

Then, the pattern was revealed at the moment the hunter fired. As for the situation of multiple people running away, it was also expected that one person would reveal it. Although the other person made the same scared action, he overlapped his hands and deliberately put the one with the pattern behind to block it. Otherwise, there would be black spots on the palms of both people, which was too obvious, and the hunter would definitely be suspicious.

Normally, when a person has the ability to hit the target, he must shoot in the head with every shot, just like playing a shooting game with cheats, you can't lock the body, right?

But even so, the five shadow guards were prepared to be shot in the heart. The uniforms they wore had golden stripes on their chests. At first glance, they looked like decorations. In fact, the golden stripes were composed of very, very small patterns that were difficult to see with the naked eye, and the corners of the map also had the same stripes.

Of course, the most important thing in this calculation was the shield hero's plug-in. If it was a normal bullet, after flying out to kill the shadow guard, it suddenly turned around and flew back. The hunter would definitely notice it, and then she could use self-acceleration to throw away the map on her body to avoid this attack, so she had to make this bullet into teleportation mode to secretly attack the hunter.

So, when the five shadow guards saw the shield hero being shot in the head not long ago, they were actually almost scared to death, but fortunately this guy was lucky enough not to die.

A long time ago, in an internal meeting of Sakura Country:

"Hunter is a guy

The ability is too strong. When she finds out that we have rebellious intentions, it will probably take less than five minutes for everyone present to become a corpse. "

"So, we must kill her in one go?"

"But how do we fight? She is not weak. Even if we attack by surprise, we may not win."

"Maybe... we can use her own ability to kill herself? Even she herself can't avoid her sure hit, right?"


The perspective returns to the present, and the last surviving 'Shadow Guard' can't help laughing, "Haha, success... We actually succeeded..."

The success rate of this whole plan is naturally not 100%, in fact it may be only 50%? Or even lower.

But... from the beginning, hasn't the Sakura Country always been gambling? Make all the efforts you can, and then you can only rely on fate.

"Puff! "

However, as soon as the last 'shadow guard' finished speaking, his head exploded like a watermelon. The hunter lay on the ground, tilting his head to look at all the enemies still alive on the battlefield, pulling the trigger again and again.

The shield hero, as well as the few brave teammates who were still lingering in the first wave of attacks, after the magazine was emptied, there was no one alive on the field.

"Ahem..." Blood could not stop flowing from the corner of the hunter's mouth, "This time, I was careless..."

The hunter actually had healing items on him, such as medical spray that could quickly stop bleeding, but... for this kind of injury that was almost cut off in the waist, it was obviously ineffective.

Feeling the rapid loss of vitality, she used her last strength to open the revolver, loaded the last bullet, and raised the muzzle to the sky.

"Sakura Country, since you want to start a war, then start it!"

"Let me fire the first shot of this war! "


After more than ten seconds, a figure descended rapidly. It was Mu Ying. She hovered seven or eight meters in the air, looking around the entire battlefield with a confused expression.

Her current mood can be summed up in one word: ah?

This battle, if counted from the time the hunter attacked the rock turtle until now, has only been less than two minutes!

Right now, the monsters on the rock turtle have not arrived yet and are still on the way. Mu Ying felt that in the blink of an eye, how could all the people below die? No one survived?

However, Mu Ying also understood the general situation at the moment.

Although I don't know why, the Sakura Country has implemented an assassination plan against the White Eagle. Even this dimensional rift at this time should be the product of the Sakura Country itself.

"Pull everyone into a place they are familiar with, and then use the pre-prepared plan to break them one by one...? "Mu Ying said to herself.

She didn't know how many of the eight White Eagles came to the Sakura Kingdom for a meeting, but she could guess that the next target of the Sakura Kingdom would probably be the Mad Lion.

Following the idea of ​​'I don't know what tricks they are playing, but just go against them', Mu Ying set off immediately.

Of course, before leaving, she had to deal with the Four Heavenly Kings 'Rock Turtle' that had just arrived on the battlefield.

The red fire storm went straight to the sky, which was completely opposite to the hunter's situation. Mu Ying was quite good at facing such large enemies.

She started with a [Supernova Overload], but this Rock Turtle was a little more meaty than Mu Ying imagined. She followed up with a Knight Kick to completely kill this guy.

In short, there was nothing worth saying about the whole battle. Then, Mu Ying turned into a red meteor and flew towards the direction of the capital.

Of course, she didn't know the exact location of the Mad Lion now, but it was actually not difficult to guess. Mu Ying knew Dao Kuangshi was looking for the Four Heavenly Kings in the north, and according to that guy's brain, he would probably go straight all the way, so she also set off from the capital and flew north. It would probably not take long for her to see the traces left by that guy on the road.

It didn't take long for Mu Ying to return to the capital of this country, but she couldn't help but widen her eyes when she saw the scene in front of her.

Today is the third day since she entered this dimensional crack, and in just three days, the entire capital has turned into a scene like hell.

Especially since Mu Ying is now in the sky, she can see more clearly. Countless buildings are burning with fire, and corpses are everywhere in the middle of the road. There is a river in the middle of the capital, but this river has been completely dyed red and turned into a bloody river.

Of course, what is more eye-catching is a huge white skeleton walking in this "hell". It is about 20 to 30 meters tall, and its whole body is wrapped in a body full of cracks. It looks like a hell.

In the very simple and quaint samurai armor, it also raised its arm horizontally, and a man was sitting in its right hand.

The moment Mu Ying saw this skeleton, she remembered the dimensional rift that occurred in Dragon Country not long ago, and the white bone arm summoned by the Sakura Countryman.

She was sure that these two skeletons should be the same guy, the only difference was that only one hand was summoned in the school, and now it was the complete body of this summoned creature.

At this time, the skeleton was walking slowly in the entire capital as if taking a walk. I don’t know if it was an illusion. Mu Ying seemed to see a lot of translucent things floating up to the sky, gathering around this skeleton, and then disappearing.

In contrast, the simple and quaint armor on the skeleton, the huge cracks, were disappearing at a slow speed.

"This guy is using the lives of the civilians in the entire city to become stronger?" Mu Ying frowned, and then she descended rapidly, and even entered the secondary burning state in the process. In just a few seconds, she stopped at the head of the skeleton, blocking its path.

Needless to say, the person sitting on the skeleton's hand was Director Fujiwara of Sakura Country. Looking at the silver mecha that suddenly appeared, he couldn't help but be stunned for a moment, and then quickly reacted, showing a surprised expression, "You are... Sam!? Why are you here?"

However, Mu Ying was too lazy to answer his question, and asked back in a cold mechanical voice, "This city, all this, is it you who did it?"

But what she didn't expect was that Fujiwara actually answered in a second, "Of course not, it has nothing to do with me."

And Fujiwara did not lie, the scene in the capital at this time was really not done by him.

The cause was the 1.5 million civilians who were pulled into the dimensional rift. After the initial excitement of "traveling to another world", before the first day was over, these people began to worry about food.

Some Sakura people tried to find local "NPCs" to accept tasks, but most of them were rejected. After all, these were ordinary civilians, where did they get "tasks"?

Some Sakura people directly asked local "NPCs" for food, and almost all of them failed, because the background of this era meant that civilians would not be too rich. It was difficult for them to eat, so why should they give food to strangers?

Of course, there were other scattered methods, but almost all of them ended in failure. Most of the Sakura people spent the first day hungry.

And on the second day alone, some people lost their minds because of hunger.

Just as the treasure chests in the NPC's home exist for the heroes to open, shouldn't the NPCs in this city serve the players? These players just want to have a meal at this time, why do these NPCs dare to refuse?

As a result, violent conflicts occurred. Some people from the Sakura Country robbed the local natives of their belongings, some people from the Sakura Country seized the houses of the local natives, and even some "players" directly killed several "NPCs".

Because too many people were airdropped, the city's security system had long been paralyzed, and there were no guards to manage and stop these things. Other Sakura people saw that it was not illegal to kill NPCs! So they joined in.

The riots broke out at that time, and then on the third day, it was the scene that Mu Ying saw now. Tens of thousands of people died in various ways, and the blood dyed the river red.

In fact, let alone 1.5 million people, just throw 100,000 players into Los Santos in GTA5. Guess how long it will take for this city to become a ruin?

In the final analysis, these Sakura people did not regard these NPCs as human beings at all.

After explaining all this to Mu Ying kindly, Fujiwara turned and said, "And I just came out for a walk after this tragedy. Anyway, it would be a waste if the souls of the dead were not used, so why not give me a bargain."

Fujiwara's tone was quite frivolous, without the slightest sense of guilt, just like walking a dog without a leash, and the dog bit a passerby to death. As the dog's owner, he not only had no remorse, but also took the passerby's body home and cooked it.

Fujiwara spread his hands and said, "Anyway, this is just a dimensional crack. Does it matter what happens? Sam, you seem to be very keen on solving the dimensional crack? Maybe we can make a deal, as long as..."

However, before he finished speaking, he was greeted by a clean kick.



ps: How

Many of you think the wizard is a girl? No, he is a slightly fat man wearing ten rings. Among the three White Eagles on this trip, only the hunter is a woman.

ps2: Two-in-one

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