The weather was very bad, but the weather was very bad.

"Firefly IV - Death Star Overload!"

Although the meteorite was blown up by Mu Ying with pure 'energy release', the size of each meteorite fragment was still very large. If it fell, it could still cause a devastating blow to this already miserable city.

The moment Mu Ying realized this, she turned into a stream of light and shuttled between the meteorite fragments in the air.

Of course, although they were fragments, the small ones of these stones were hundreds of meters long, and even the larger ones were close to one kilometer long. If you want them to fall to the ground without causing too much harm, they must be cut into fist-sized pieces of gravel at least.

Mu Ying was highly focused, feeling the increasing pressure on her body. She held on to her breath and swung out countless swords.

For Mu Ying, it seemed like a long time had passed, but in fact only a few seconds had passed. Fujiwara, who was on the ground, looked up at the sky blankly. He could not see Sam at all, but could only see the meteorites that were constantly breaking and powdering.

"No, no... How could I possibly win against an opponent of this level?" Fujiwara's lips trembled slightly, and then he took out a scroll from his body.

"Not this, not this..." He threw these precious magic items aside like garbage, and then finally found a magic for teleportation and tore it apart without hesitation.

But... nothing happened. Fujiwara's eyes widened. At this moment, he could not feel any magic power at all, which means that from now on, he could no longer use any wizard's magic props!

"Bang, bang, bang--"

Fist-sized gravel fell like raindrops, hitting the surroundings, making dense sounds. The next second, the silver mecha landed in front of Fujiwara. However, Sam no longer had the cyan special effects. After chopping the meteorite, Mu Ying directly exited the complete combustion state and returned to the initial state.

In Sam, Mu Ying's forehead was already covered with sweat beads, and the hair on her forehead was stuck together. She couldn't help but gasp for air. She only maintained complete combustion for a short while, chopped a meteorite and its fragments, and she felt that she was about to vomit.

It was like she had just finished a 5,000-meter run in her previous life.

But fortunately, Fujiwara no longer had any will to fight. After seeing Sam land, he panicked and crawled back, and his pants also showed a dark color. Fujiwara's lips trembled slightly, as if he wanted to speak and beg for mercy, but he couldn't say a complete word because of fear.

After seeing this scene, Mu Ying showed a disgusted expression.

She originally wanted to say something, such as a cool line, pretending at the last moment? Or mocking the other party? But she thought about it and gave up. At this moment, no matter what she said, it seemed to be a waste of time.

She waved her hand gently, and a cluster of flames swept around, igniting Fujiwara and burning on him.


The miserable cry resounded throughout the space, but Mu Ying did not have any mercy. The guy who tried to drag the country to destruction and let millions of people be buried with him was not worthy of mercy.

After doing all this, Mu Ying directly exited the Sam state. She immediately wiped the sweat on her forehead that almost flowed into her eyes with the back of her hand, and then reached out to tidy up her wet hair.

"Well-I really want to take a shower..." She now felt that her clothes were sticking to her body and she was very uncomfortable.

She was really tired, but after exiting the state of complete combustion, Mu Ying's physical strength was also recovering rapidly. Now she was much better. She felt more uncomfortable and uneasy.

But in this world, in this environment, where can she find a place to take a shower? She couldn't let the robin summon her directly through the chat group, right?

"Oh, so annoying..."

While talking to herself, Mu Ying took a step and walked in the city that was already a ruin. Looking at the damaged buildings around her, she felt mixed emotions.

Although she knew that this was a dimensional crack and everything here might be fake, she still felt heartbroken after seeing this hellish scene with her own eyes.

Is she probably one of those people with strong empathy? For example, some people may have no reaction to movies with sensational elements, or even say coldly, "It's all fake anyway."

But for

For Mu Ying, in her previous life, when she watched this kind of movie, she was easily drawn into the plot of the movie and was moved by the emotions.

Just as she was thinking about it, at this time, behind a cracked glass in a broken house on the roadside, Mu Ying seemed to see a girl's figure flashing by, and it was not an illusion. The other party seemed to see her, and returned to the glass after a few seconds. Then, the girl waved at her frantically.


Although she was a little confused, Mu Ying still walked over slowly, and then, just after she came to the door of the broken house, the door was suddenly pushed open, and a girl who looked very young, about eleven or twelve years old, grabbed her wrist and dragged her into the house.

While pulling her, she also said, "How dare you walk around outside! Hide quickly! Aren't you afraid of those weird people who suddenly appear?"

Weird people who suddenly appeared? Mu Ying was stunned, and then quickly reacted. It was probably those Sakura people.

However, strictly speaking, Mu Ying is actually one of the 'weirdos' that suddenly appeared, right?

So, she said, "Aren't you afraid that I am also one of those weirdos you mentioned?"

Hearing this, the little girl's body trembled violently. She let go of Mu Ying's hand and quickly stepped back two steps, but soon showed a hesitant expression, "Big sister, are you... a bad person?"

"No, no, no, of course not." Seeing the other party's reaction, Mu Ying immediately waved her hand.

"I told you, don't scare me!" The little girl breathed a sigh of relief. Obviously, just like the Shield Hero thought Mu Ying was a native before, silver hair is still quite common in this different world. This little girl probably thought she was a local because of this.

Then, under the leadership of the little girl, the two walked forward in this damaged house. It is worth mentioning that Mu Ying could see that all the furniture in the living room and bedroom had been knocked down, and various things were scattered all over the floor. This was obviously not caused by the wave of rubble that fell just now, but someone must have entered here and seemed to be searching for something, making this place look like this.

Finally, the two came to a place that seemed to be a warehouse. The little girl pulled aside the dusty carpet, and a wooden secret door appeared in front of Mu Ying.


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