The old man was in trouble.

"Hide here and don't run around. You'll be fine in a few days." Looking at Xiao Yi and his daughter in front of her, Mu Ying conjured up some painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs and put them on the cabinet.

That's all she can do now. After all, she's not a doctor and doesn't know how to treat fractures.

Not to mention that Xiao Yi's family is just one of the tens of millions of families in this city. Even if Mu Ying can help Xiao Yi and his daughter, she can't help everyone.

And the source of all this evil is the 1.5 million Sakura people who appeared out of thin air. Only by solving this source can the disaster of this city be completely ended.

Of course, Mu Ying didn't mean to kill all the 1.5 million people, but to deal with the dimensional rift as soon as possible and let these Sakura people go back to where they came from.

After explaining the effects and usage of the two bottles of medicine to the two, Mu Ying turned around and prepared to leave. At this time, Xiao Yi couldn't help asking, "Big sister, are there many kind weirdos like you?"

Hearing this, Mu Ying couldn't help but be stunned. The other party actually knew her identity as a "weirdo"?

No, this is actually very obvious, just based on her ability to conjure up a bunch of food and water, as well as strange medicines out of thin air, and the bunch of strange questions she asked just now, it is clear that she is not a local.

At this time, Mu Ying suddenly recalled the situation when she and Xiao Yi first met. Didn't she say something like "Aren't you afraid that I am also a weirdo"?

Don't forget that Mu Ying is wearing modern urban-style autumn casual clothes, which are very different from the clothes in this other world. In fact, at that time, Xiao Yi should have known that she was a 'weirdo', and when Xiao Yi was frightened by Mu Ying and retreated, she did not ask questions like 'Big sister, are you really a weirdo?', but 'Big sister, are you a bad person?'

In other words, this child may have known from the beginning that Mu Ying was a 'weirdo who suddenly appeared three days ago', but after hesitating for a few seconds behind the window, she still chose to help Mu Ying.

Mu Ying reached out and touched Xiao Yi's head, and said softly, "There are very few good people, very few, so don't trust others easily, and be sure to protect yourself."

Although Mu Ying answered this way, in fact, whether there are many good people is a difficult question to answer. When these Sakura people who were pulled into the dimensional rift were still in Rope Island, were there more good people or bad people?

Mu Ying remembered that some of the shop owners and passers-by she met were still very friendly.

But after being pulled into the dimensional rift, these people turned into evil spirits in a very short time. Environmental factors (thinking that the people here are all NPCs), food problems (almost starving to death), and the complete indifference of the top leaders (Fujiwara even took advantage of the chaos to attack the palace), this series of factors has led to the current situation.

So, Mu Ying really doesn't know how to answer the question of whether there are many good people.

However, if this question is put on [Xing], that guy will not hesitate for a moment.

There is a widely circulated saying that 'it is not the ordinary people of Sakura who are wrong, but the evil imperialist ideology', but Xing sneers at this statement.

No matter how much you try to brainwash the sheep, the sheep will not turn into a hungry wolf. In Xing's view, no one in Sakura is innocent, they are all young wolves. As long as they are given time to breathe, what they will wait for will never be the gratitude for holding back last time, but the revenge of biting!

Dogs can't change their nature! That's their nature!

After saying goodbye to Xiao Yi and his daughter, Mu Ying was about to find a place to transform, and at this moment, a hazy feeling suddenly came over her, and she couldn't help but widen her eyes.

Mu Ying was very familiar with this feeling, because... this was the precursor to leaving here after "passing the dimensional rift".

She was just about to leave, and before she started, the Four Heavenly Kings were already dead?

In fact, this is normal. Don't forget that the Crazy Lion and Kong Zhiwang, as well as the Dragon Country's "Second Mobile Team", have also been chasing the Four Heavenly Kings.

Just a day ago, Kong Zhiwang was originally looking for the traces of the Four Heavenly Kings, and then he suddenly heard a huge movement nearby. This momentum, no matter how you look at it, it is not something that ordinary monsters can make. Naturally, Kong Zhiwang immediately rushed over.

Then I found that the movement was indeed not made by monsters, but by the Crazy Lion.

Kong Zhiwang: "Didn't you say you were going to the north?

? Why are you here?"

Crazy Lion: "Ah? Didn't I go straight? Isn't this the north? ? ? "

Kong Zhiwang: "......"

Obviously, it was this guy, the Crazy Lion, who went astray while walking, which made Kong Zhiwang speechless, but the outrageous thing was still to come, because the Crazy Lion made too much noise, and one of the Four Heavenly Kings also mistakenly thought that there were other Four Heavenly Kings here, and appeared in front of the two people following the noise.

Needless to say, the ending was that this poor 'Four Heavenly Kings' had no spare strength to fight back, and was killed by the two people together, which made Kong Zhiwang understand one thing, it was not easy for them to find the Four Heavenly Kings, but they could let the Four Heavenly Kings find them instead!

So, using the body of the dead Four Heavenly King, plus the big noise made by the Crazy Lion, finally, today, they attracted the other two 'Four Heavenly Kings' and killed them .

According to the basic setting of this other world, the last of the Four Heavenly Kings will be promoted to Demon King, but... the premise of the Demon King being powerful is that he has to eat the bodies of the other Four Heavenly Kings. Obviously, the guy who was promoted to Demon King at this time was just a Four Heavenly King with an empty title, and his strength was almost the same as before.

The only change is that this Four Heavenly King was originally a "werewolf". On this basis, the werewolf's fur color became darker, and a purple ring special effect appeared on his head, just like a crown, but this thing is just a special effect.

In short, after a brief haziness, when Mu Ying opened her eyes again and looked around, she found that she had returned to the previous hotel.

"Back now? "Mu Ying's expression was still a bit confused and unreal.

It must be said that the experience of this dimensional rift was very strange. She appeared in this city because of the result of the tarot card divination. She originally thought that she would kill and kill in the dungeon to fill the system target, but as far as the result was concerned, there were three of the Four Heavenly Kings, and she had never even seen them.

In this dimensional rift, the two battles with the Crazy Lion and Director Fujiwara of Sakura Country that contributed the most to the target percentage of [Fierce Battle].

It is worth mentioning that after the battle with Director Fujiwara, the target of fierce battle has been completed.

Mu Ying glanced at the system:

[Beautiful Girl Vest System at Your Service]

[Host: Mu Heng]

[Current Vest: Robin, Firefly]

[Current target: Diva (completed), Fierce Battle (completed)]

[Drawing in progress, please wait...]

Remembering that she had to wait a very long time when she drew the Firefly vest before, so this time she was not in a hurry. Mu Ying looked up and looked out of the hotel window. As far as she could see now, there were several fires burning, and black smoke was billowing up and floating into the sky.

Three days have passed, and the Sakura government has not sent anyone to deal with the disaster caused by the disappearance of all the people in this city?

No, no, no, in fact, someone was sent, and even the Prime Minister of Sakura came in person.

Just a short while ago, the Prime Minister was still live broadcasting:

"Such a big disaster has happened, and we are also heartbroken."

"But I believe in my people, they can definitely survive this unprecedented dimensional rift event! ”

“What we can do now is to restore this rope island to its previous state as quickly as possible and wait for them...”


The prime minister was speaking to the camera with great emotion. The next second, a blood flower appeared in the middle of his forehead, and the prime minister fell to the ground.

This scene stunned everyone, whether it was the citizens of Sakura watching the live broadcast or the staff next to the prime minister.

Especially a female bodyguard wearing high heels and with a curvy figure, she was stunned and at a loss.

“There is an assassin!!!” "This sentence was shouted by the staff holding the camera, and then the scene became chaotic. Some people tried to rescue the prime minister, and some people tried to find the assassin, but they were all doomed to return in vain.

A shot to the head, even gods can't save him, and as for where the assassin fired the gun?

It's not in this world, so of course it's impossible to find it.

Remember that the hunter fired a shot into the sky at the end? The moment she pulled the trigger, the bullet did not shoot out of the barrel, but disappeared directly out of thin air.

After all, the target is a person outside the dimensional crack. This bullet can't fly out of the dimensional crack anyway, right? So following the inevitable result, this bullet directly skipped this process and reached the end.

As the hunter said at the end, '

The first shot of this war'.

The perspective came to the Robin. In fact, Mu Niao certainly would not have nothing to do to pay attention to the live broadcast of Sakura Country, but the scene of being shot during the live broadcast was really too exciting. It became popular all over the Internet in an instant. Mu Niao saw the corresponding video about ten minutes after the incident.

On the Dragon Country side, almost everyone on the Internet was speculating which gun god or assassin was so fierce, but Mu Niao realized at the first time that the shot was most likely fired by a hunter.

Also aware of this was [Hermit], one of the eight White Eagles. So, after the news that the Prime Minister of Sakura Country was shot, just less than half an hour later, more outrageous and explosive news appeared.

This [Hermit] officially declared war on Sakura Country!

It has to be said that anyone who saw this news must be confused, because... This is too careless. This is a war, not a fight between two children at the door. How can you just fight?

Moreover, this [Hermit] did not give any reasons or excuses for declaring war.

However, Mu Niao noticed some details, for example, it was this [Hermit] who declared war on the Sakura Country, not the entire White Eagle.

Perhaps this person made this decision without consulting the other eight White Eagles, and the reason that prompted the [Hermit] to do so was that his relationship with the Hunter must be very, very good.

However, the strange thing is that Mu Niao searched for the information of this [Hermit], wanting to find out what his relationship with the Hunter was, but found out... except for a code name, there was nothing, especially when the other eight White Eagles had disclosed their abilities, which was even more strange.

Mu Niao naturally had no other way to find out. Back to White Eagle, this country is amazing. Eight people jointly govern in the form of a parliament, but in fact, everyone is no different from the emperor in their own territory. He is a pure dictator. In other words, the other eight White Eagles really can't blame the [Hermit] for making this decision.

Even if the other eight White Eagles did not join the war, the Sakura Country at this time was equivalent to fighting against one-eighth of the White Eagles.

To be honest, even so, Mu Niao felt that the Sakura Country had no chance of winning, because the difference in national strength between the two sides was too great.

It was still unclear how this war would develop, but the point was that Liuying had to leave the Sakura Country as soon as possible.

At the Longcheng Investigation Branch, Lu Heng looked at Mu Niao sitting in a chair in the hall, drinking milk tea, frowning at her phone, and sighing from time to time, and couldn't help saying, "What are you looking at, so sad?"

It is worth mentioning that Mu Niao came to the Investigation Bureau at this time to deliver "feathers". Of course, she didn't come every day, and it seemed that she only came once a week.

"White Eagle seems to have declared war on Sakura Country, just now."

"Oh, I know about this, but it has nothing to do with us, right? Not long ago, the director-general seemed to have returned to Kyoto under the ability of the Second Mobile Team." Lu Heng touched his chin with his hand and looked at the girl in front of him, "And compared to this, I am more concerned about, Robin, have you gained weight?"

Mu Bird, "???"

Lu Heng said, "There is a rumor that you have been ordering double takeout every day recently, and you also buy a lot of snacks when you go to the supermarket. You are even drinking milk tea now. Many people on the Internet suspect that you have bulimia."

Mu Bird, "..."

This rumor is really not wrong, it is all true, but it is difficult to refute it because it is true!

But she really didn't gain weight!


ps: The ability of the hunter is far inferior to the "reverse time attack" in Beng Tieli. Beng Tieli can even cross time, and the power is amazing. One shot kills an extinction army and blows up a civilization.

‘Information level must hit’ is greater than ‘concept level must hit’ and greater than ‘ability level must hit’. Hunter is at the very end. Her ability is only in this main world and has a higher priority.

ps2: The next volume is coming soon

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