The two of them were so busy that they had to wait for the next day.

"Forget it." Hua Huo curled her lips and raised her index finger. The man in front of her took out his mobile phone, pulled out the SIM card, and handed her all the cash on his body.

Then Hua Huo tilted her head slightly and stared at the guy in front of her for a while. In the blink of an eye, the girl just now disappeared, and two guys who looked exactly the same stood in the middle of the street.

Look, how simple it is. In this way, a temporary identity will be obtained, right?

But before leaving, she suddenly thought of something, pointed at the cash in her hand, and returned some to the other party, "Go, help me pay for the zero yuan I just bought for the mobile phone."

She is a good person who abides by the law! I bought it for free just now because I really had no money, but now I have money, so I have to make up for it.

The situation on Huahuo's side is different from that of Liuying at that time. Liuying can use the account of Robin without worrying about any problems, because Liuying is just an ordinary European on the surface. Even if the flow of funds is discovered, there are still ways to explain, but Huahuo is an outsider from the underworld.

However, not long after sending the stalker away, her mobile phone rang. To be more precise, someone called the stalker, and the call prompt was [I owe you a meal].

"A friend of the stalker?" Huahuo said to herself. Her first reaction was to hang up the phone, but then she suddenly thought of the system.

Huahuo's vest target is [Joy], which is easy to understand. The literal meaning should be to let her do more things and have more fun.

After thinking about this, the cute thumb with red nail polish moved away from the hang-up button and clicked to answer the call.

"Hello!" An anxious voice came from the other end of the phone, "Takashi-san, I heard that the dimensional rift in Rope Island has ended? How are you now!?"

This person is so worried, he must have a good relationship with this stalker.

Hanabi thought for a while, and did not use a disguised voice, but used her (Hanabi) real voice, and even slightly added a little, "Well... I'm fine, but... there was a little problem. You know, in the dimensional rift, anything that happens is not strange, right?"

"I just... I don't know why, after I came back, I became a girl..."

"Where are you now? Can you come to see me? I'm a little scared..."

Hanabi, who had been staring at the system page, could clearly see that after she said this, the percentage of joy jumped from [0.01] to [0.02].

Obviously, playing pranks on others definitely meets the definition of joy.

The friend on the other end of the phone: "???"

After a pause, the man continued, "Don't be afraid! Wait, I'll be there soon!"

Emm, I don't know if it's an illusion, why does she feel that the other person's tone is a little excited and hurried?

Then just as she was thinking this, she saw with her own eyes that the percentage of joy jumped again and became [0.03].

At first, her expression was a little confused, and then after figuring out something, it gradually turned into shock, and finally became speechless.

Huh? Isn't it... that this is also possible?

Staring blankly at the hung up phone, that is to say, this is probably not an illusion, this stalker's friend is really a little excited and hurried, and even a little "happy"!

Although I don't quite understand the twisted relationship between the two people, in terms of the result, it seems that this joy is not limited to Hanabi herself, because her behavior, other people feel happy and also increase the value of this joy.

The definition of joy seems to be much broader than she imagined.

After a simple experiment, Hua Huo continued on her way, and as time passed, she gradually saw some passers-by who looked quite embarrassed and hurried.

It seemed that there were still pedestrians in this city. The street where Hua Huo was just now was empty because it was full of electronic products, but now this street was mostly selling food.

She looked at a supermarket on the side of the road. In contrast to the intact digital store before, the doors, windows and glass of this supermarket were all smashed, and there were seven or eight people gathered at the door, and it seemed that there was a dispute.

This is too normal. The social order of this city is on the verge of collapse, and in this case, food is definitely more important than electronic products.

I want more.

"Get out of here!" At the entrance of the supermarket, two tall men pushed away a woman who wanted to go in and shouted, "We were here first, and everything here belongs to us!"

"I have money! I can give you money, just give me some bread and a few bottles of water!" The woman who fell to the ground said hoarsely, "I have a child at home, he is only eight years old, and he hasn't eaten for three days! Please!"

At first glance, this scene is like a very classic scene in a doomsday novel, where the strong bully the weak.

"No, get out!" The two men also refused sternly at the first time.

However, although the two men said so, Hua Huo could see that the expressions of the two men had a moment of hesitation and hesitation. Perhaps, they were also moved, but... In addition to this woman, there were still many other people present.

These two people now rely on their relatively strong bodies and fierce momentum to calm the situation, but once this head is opened, others will probably rush up in a swarm.

"Please... Please..." The woman knelt on the ground, still begging.

Three days ago, she had a happy family, a hard-working husband, and a lovely and obedient son, but everything changed after the dimensional rift.

Their family inexplicably appeared in a strange place, with no money to use, no place to live, and no food.

At first, after the family of three spent the first night in a corner, looking at his increasingly haggard wife and children, the husband gritted his teeth and chose to take risks.

Anyway, he used to watch the news, and these people in the dimensional rift were just a group of NPCs, so it would be okay to snatch some food from these NPCs, right?

However, not long after the husband set out, the entire capital fell into large-scale chaos, and he never came back.

Maybe he died in the hands of those 'NPCs' in the conflict? Maybe he was intercepted by others when he returned after snatching the food, but the final result was the same, leaving only the wife and son.


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